There was danger afoot. Rook could not have picked a worse time to depart for his familial home at Renegade’s Reach – but what was he going to do, tell his mate that he was not allowed to return with Trisden and Hocus to visit with those he had not seen in some time? They were mates, but Veho did not own the young Lyall man – even if he disagreed with the decision, even if he thought the children would struggle to understand why their Papa had to be away for some time, it was not his choice to make. Withholding his blessing would do nothing but further guilt his mate and little else. Veho was not a vindictive man.
Veho was not a vindictive man, but he did agree in a certain amount of justice.
A strange wolf had attacked Belladonna’s son – and his own packmate @Nineva had become the next victim. While he could be thankful it was not his own child, she was someone’s child – and she was still just that, barely beyond her first year. That she be injured whilst under his eye was unthinkable. This creature had to be stopped before anyone else got hurt. He was travelling to Secret Woodlands with this in mind – he was still uncertain whether he wished to speak with Belladonna and her son or meet with Aideen and her mate, but it was a shared problem now. Two packs would be much better than one.