All welcome!
Disgusting, absolutely disgusting.
Askan scrambled along with watery eyes as he held his breath, he had to do something, anything to get this damn, horrific smell off his coat! It was like...bleh. As though he'd rolled in a rotting skunk, that had also somehow managed to spray him from beyond the grave. Yeah, it was that bad. And you know what had gotten him in this damn mess in the first place? A plant, a bloody plant!
Nature was evil. It had to be, because if not then why oh why would it have something so disgusting, so stomach curdling disguised as the mundane? Who would suspect a bush of sensory assault? Not Askan, that's for sure! He'd only just walked past it, how was he supposed to know that it would end up like this? He was innocent, no one could convince him otherwise.
What was he to do? He couldn't return to Reyes like this,which wasn't to say he'd ran up to him smelling of gross things before, but that was aside the point. The point was...It was just awful, he wouldn't make anyone have to deal with this shit unless he had to. This was a mess he'd have to fix himself. But how?
He'd headed further south than usual, the ferns were teaming with life and so were the perfect location for a bit of hunting. He'd passed through this area once before, when he'd visited the Bend, but other than that? This place was new to him, just as Secret Falls had been all those days ago.
Still, he couldn't wander about hoping he'd find something to fix his problem. The sooner he sorted this shit out the better, so without further ado he dropped to the floor and started rolling about like a maniac, tossing his legs this way and that as he tried to rub the scent away.
Decorum be damned, the situation was that dire.