Pip was dragging her paws through the snow, her eyes mostly closed against the glare of the sun against the stark white. She was maintained her weight now, at least. Still thin, but the little female was no longer dropping it in startling amounts. The mute had caught a few small prey prior to climbing the mountain again and she trudged slowly up to the top of the rise. The temperature change was apparent even a few steps onto the leeward side of the mountain. Where the west had high winds and air thick with moisture, the eastern range tasted warmer and drier. It was an odd combination with snow still under her paws.
Mountain weather was a complete mystery to the sea wolf. While she welcomed the warmer temperature, the drier air didn't sit well with her. It left her nose feeling itchy and she lifted a paw to swipe at it several times. As the mute descended, she watched with amusement as the spray of snow she kicked down rolled into miniature snow-slides. It was easier to feel happy and amused by such small things now that she'd put distance between herself and that rude pack!
Marching on, the female's black-dipped tail began to wag of its own accord for the first time in several days. She was getting the hang of this mountain climbing thing! That alone was worth celebrating. And she'd found a meal to scavenge from that had mostly been picked clean, but provided a few morsels she'd so desperately needed.
A tickling of her nose again left Pip sneezing violently to the point that her muzzle initially dipped down into the snow until she yanked it back out and shook her head. The shift underneath her felt strange, but it didn't alarm her immediately. Certainly not in time to avoid what came next. As one, the shelf of snow and ice she stood on broke free from the mountain side and slid down similarly to the flakes she'd sent down earlier. Readjusting her stance, Pip figured she'd simply have to find another path down. However, the mountain made the decision for her and what had started as a shift became an avalanche.
Terror gripped her immediately and Pip turned to sprint at dangerous speeds down the steep cliffs. The light-framed female was only just able to keep on top of the rolling waves of snow. Below, the forest approached quickly. The little mute was barely able to avoid being skewed by a branch as snow blasted against the trees and came to a stop. Pip stumbled and slammed face-first into the forest floor, a layer of snow covering her snout. Slowly, carefully, she stood.
Not...one of her more graceful landings.