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Blackbird — Clearwater Tarn 
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Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
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Cyril Kael-Santoro
not an exit post - he's just going to do a big ol' lap around lenny's den area

He did not care if the others felt as though he shouldn’t speak to them in the way he had. He didn’t care if he wasn’t the father of Lenae’s cubs, or that he was the youngest member of the pack. He didn’t really care about anything. Cyril just knew that the new mother wouldn’t want a haggle of wolves bickering outside her den while she was trying to give birth or nurse her cubs.

And that his mother wouldn’t tolerate such nonsense from her subordinates.

However, when she approached, her instinctively took a step to the side to give her space. His ears swept to the side as his yellow gaze remained fixated on the trio of wolves gathered outside of Lenae’s den, his tail sweeping from side to side. He did not know if it had been his place to tell the others to piss off, but he had been too angry to just ignore them. But, as his mother began to speak, a wave of relief washed over him. It appeared she was on his side, or at least supporting what he had said, just as he had expected. He remained quiet, his wrinkled expression mirroring his mother’s words. If they wouldn’t depart as instructed Cyril would force them away from the den. He was, however, surprised to see the pale girl make the first move—toward the medical den. His tail twitched in frustration but he bit his tongue, his gaze sweeping over to Odin as he planted himself at the den’s entrance. While he’d always sort of liked the one-eyed male, he was part of the problem. His stupid drama with the blonde brat. He couldn’t be bothered to remember her name. Mostly because she talked too much and Cyril wasn’t interested in listening.

Cheedo, as expected, seemed offended by both his and Piety’s words and retreated without a word. He mentally shrugged at her departure. Piety would likely apologize to the tawny woman. While Cyril knew that her intentions had been good, they weren’t needed. Not here. All Lenae needed was peace and quiet. Support. Which Cheedo had tried to offer, but she had still been part of the problem.

His ears twitched as his mother spoke, his head turning in her direction as his expression began to suffer. He nodded at her words, and padded away from the scene as he began to circle around the den to ensure nothing was lurking nearby.

Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
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Piety Santoro

Piety respected the words that fell from Lenae's lips. In a submissive manner she lowered her posture (ears, tail, etc.) all for the comfort of her friend. I just want to make sure that everything is okay. Her words a soft hush so she wouldn't bother the lives within the den. The Santoro wasn't here to be malicious or ill. She had promised Lenae and her unborn children safety in the pack the moment it became obvious there would be little Lenny's. There was no reason to go back on that wish now.

She briefly pulled her head away as she looked over her shoulder, past Odin's form and into the territory of the Tarn. Where was @Lorcan? Piety had learned enough from him to get by but that didn't mean she wanted to start being the local medic of this place. She supposed she could only hope for good things.

[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn
Lenae Selwyn
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly

No one would take her small. Lenae wasn't in much of a state of fight, nor was she ever but...Apparently she had gotten all worked up over nothing. Lenae's nose twitched as a familiar scent settled at the mouth of her den. The alpha did not enter-would have mostly likely received another shaky scolding if she tried- but the fact she wanted to see if everything was all right. Well, even then Lenae wouldn't turn down a show of kindness. This was her first-and likely only- litter, it made sense that the pack's matriarch was worried.

Her daughter, such a bold and squirmy thing she was, squeaked against her stomach as she wriggled and pawed at the soft pink of her mother's belly. Leane couldn't help but watch in awe, was this what it was supposed to be like? So breathtaking and good? Lenae, despite still being in a fair bit of pain and discomfort decided that everything was indeed okay.

I- yes. We're all right. She swallowed thickly, as her emotions swelled at her next words.Just the one. A daughter. She's wriggling a lot, making noise...Is that good?

It seemed to be but the new mother couldn't help but worry. This was the sort of mother she was going to be, a fuss pot.

(This post was last modified: May 28, 2018, 03:41 PM by Lenae.)
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Played by Van who has 131 posts.
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Mavis Kipley
The sweetgrass and lavender were easy enough to find, and she supposed that the lavender invading her senses calmed her temper down and eased her off into something more akin to sadness. Sadness that she really had tried. That she really had wanted this to work.

A shaky sigh fell from her maw as she brought the herbs back up to the den and placed them down on the ground behind Piety’s hind leg. Kip said nothing as she backed off away from the den, not looking at any of the other wolves in the vicinity, and turned to leave.

She wouldn’t be needed again. These wolves didn’t care for her. And, if she were being honest, she didn’t have an emotional connection to any of them either. But holy shit, she had wanted this to work so badly. She just had no idea what she had done to warrant all of... this. Kip understood that a lot of it had been just because this was a stressful situation, but she’d done nothing to make anyone think she would hurt any wolf in this pack, or even to think that she would be causing a scene outside of Lenae’s den. That hadn’t been her fault.

But did anyone give a shit? No. They just rushed in with their primitive assumptions and grunts and growls like a bunch of pissed off badgers. It was a little shocking, a lot sad, and Kip might have laughed at their complete idiocy had she not been so hurt by it.

Posture was kept neutral as Kip stood back up and turned to leave them.


(( Kip’s exit unless stopped ))
Played by becuffin who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Odin Archer
Odin fade unless anything drastic kicks off.
had a one way ticket to the place where all the demons go
Odin Archer

A large ear caught the words that were spoken to Piety and he hid his smile between his paws. Shit, his mother was going to kill him, but it would be worth it. He had a daughter, a little princess of his own to shower with gifts and attention (if her mother would allow it) and would make sure she was always safe and loved. No matter what.

He had never felt this fiercely protective over anything, it even eclipsed any loyalty he had ever held towards his sister, and he was in awe of the magic that had been weaved over the mountain in the last few minutes alone.

He lifted his head to try and catch Kip's eye but she was having none of it, understandibly. He would have to track her down and apologise once they all had a chance to settle down and he made sure that Lenae had everything she needed. Craning his head towards Piety he waited to see if she had any directions for him, or if Lenae had any requests he could fulfill for her.

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Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

He was still reeling about what had happened. How the other Tarn wolves had made a big fuss outside of the new mother’s den. Couldn’t they just leave her be? Odin had a reason to be there—Cyril knew that—but Lenae didn’t need to deal with all of this… this bullshit. Not when she had a newborn to worry about. It should have just been his mother and Odin … and Cyril from afar. They were all closest with the new mother. They had every right to be there.

As he finished his extended lap around Lenae’s den his breathing had begun to return to normal and his posture had become less defensive. He was still on edge, mostly because he was worried about Lenae and her newborn, but he was far more relaxed than he had been before. He was pleased to see that the ivory female had disappeared as he returned to the small gathering, his expression neutral. His yellow gaze drifted to his pale mother before he silently dismissed himself once more—this time for good. He would seek out his mother later to get an update on Lenae. For now he was just another unnecessary body making Lenae’s birthing even more difficult than it needed to be. He could check up on her, too, once the crowd had disappeared.

Cyril’s exit.

Played by Alice who has 260 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lenae Selwyn
I'm just gonna fade this as it's getting old and lenny is leaving
Lenae Selwyn
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly

Lenae was awfully tired, her eyes felt droopy as she curled around her little one. As much as she adored the others she wanted to be left alone, she would introduce her daughter to the outside world soon enough, but now all she needed was her mother's love and comfort. Which was surprisingly easy for the Selwyn to provide. The other's could argue and bicker but it didn't matter, it was almost as though their words didn't reach Lenae's ears.

Allowing her eyes to flit closed, Lenae flicked her tail over to cover her side and her little one. She'd deal with the outside world later, for now it was just the two of them, mother and daughter.


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