@Hrun but if you wanna join ping one of us in discord.
"I think we're there, man."
There wasn't a place that they had been particularly looking for. Maugrim had no idea where he was right now, in fact. It just... felt like what he had imagined one would feel like if they happened upon a place that they might settle. Instinct, he assumed, expanded to many different kinds of feeling. This thick woods looked, truthfully, no different than the thick forests they had come through. The only remarkable thing about it was the fact that, 5 minutes ago Maugrim wasn't thinking these thoughts. Surely, this was sign enough.
They'd left their home for bigger and better things. And they would be here. While in Mosquito Bay there were a lot of things going on, none of them were Maugrim's thing. Not Hrun's thing either. Now that they were basically just granted their adulthood pass, the reasons for staying in such an irrelevant place just faded away like the buzzing skeeters behind them. They didn't look back—Maugrim didn't look back.
Vines reached out for his paws and barbed branches raked through his fur as he pressed through a narrow, hopeful seeming break in the underbrush. They appeared in a bit of a clearing, though the space was almost cramped and dark with the bundle of tight knit canopy above them. It was like being inside a little moss ball. Not incredibly unpleasant, he thought as he planted his worn pads confidently down onto a thorn.
His shout was much more boyish than he normally cared to appear.