April 27th Katna is now showing signs of infection, her symptoms will be vomiting, dangerously high fever, uncontrollable chills/shivering.
just a heads up that this post contains all of that so, if sickness isn't your jam, read at your own discretion!
The eldest Valle had fallen ill.
It had started slow, crept in like a stranger stealing from a cache. Left behind a fever to start with. One that seemed to skyrocket even if she felt chilled. Enough to shiver in her own coat despite the fact that spring temperatures seemed to rise steadily.
Naturally she had taken initiative to quarantine herself. Not that she was entirely aware that she had perhaps done what was best for others, but this was about her. She could not be seen like this. It would ruin her reputation. She would be dethroned and they would all fall weak. Her empire lost to illness.
All of this thought of while she laid nestled at the base of a sycamore tree. Shivering in a way that nearly chattered her stained teeth. Nearly, because her final symptom to herald the arrival of her sickness had finally shown. She stood perhaps as fast as she ever had in the last few years.
Then opened her jaws.
Within a moment, there was an awful hacking sound and the garbled contents of the last meal she had managed to eat met the ground in a splat. She couldn't even make it out as she stared at the pile. All she felt was deep rooted shame.
as such, she might be unreliable or confused