Random Event: Your Treat bag Reveals: You find a pile of bones abandoned. They're huge.
It had been some time now since the traveling duo had departed from the shores of the Scowle and its plethora of crevices that made both excellent hiding spots for the developing pup and served as a rendezvous point. Their once waterfront property Claw had actually grown quite fond of had now been exchanged for the likeness of depressed-looking trees to one side and wispy, gnarled ones on the other that didn't bode well but were more tempting to explore than sad-looking ones.
Already having explored what lay somewhat beyond the more spooky-looking trees and finding an interesting Valle within, the marbled pup had decided it was the depressed-looking side's turn to show him what it had. He wondered if there were others his age on that side like there had been on the other. If so, did they know of any fun games to play? A heavy yawn split his maw apart as the first rays of sun managed to break through the sparse canopy above and filter down below.
A certain glint in the retreating darkness caught Claw's eye. Bones.
Ever curious, Claw trudged closer and closer until his eyes grew as wide as the pile of bones he stumbled upon. "WHOA!" He exclaimed, clambering without care towards the top of the pile, various bones that sat on the more fragile side chipping and breaking free under the weight of his paws. Now, this was fun.