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in winter's eyes. — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Imogen who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nuka Ekreon
Restlessness was not something Nuka experienced often, but it seemed to be plaguing him as of late. He was an amicable wolf with a laidback disposition by nature, and thus did not mind whatever came his way as long as it could be dealt with accordingly, but skulking around the edges of Indru’s territory, despite their strong connection and solid past, did not sit well with him. There was something about lurking and waiting for the right time that made him uneasy, and as much as Tala insisted that they just go and introduce themselves, Nuka’s sense of decorum told him that such a move would not be the best decision to make. For all they knew, Indru was wrapped up in pack affairs, or it would not be him who greeted them, and thus they hung back, searching for a moment when they could descend upon their friend with the eagerness and friendship they felt entitled to show him. Besides, Nuka reasoned that being an alpha may very well have changed him, and what with the change being so entirely new and recent, did not want to add any other unexpected surprises to what he could only assume was already a very full plate.

So here he was, though where here was, he was not quite sure. All he truly knew was that he was following the scent of water, and that he was to stay within howling distance of Tala, though this was an unspoken and mutually acknowledged habit between the two of them rather than any sort of punishable rule. Wandering slowly through the thick expanse of forest, he inhaled and exhaled a vast amount of scents with every breath and step he took, each one of them as different intriguing as the last one. Being somewhere new also allowed Nuka’s cautious side to rear its head, and thus he traversed with neutral body language, head occasionally glancing left and right whenever the need to do so arose. For the most part, however, he looked straight ahead, intent on finding the water he was seeking for no other real reason than a desire to drink and, perhaps, paddle and cool himself down, to distract himself from other things. The overcast weather meant little to him, though he logically knew that paddling was not necessary if it chose to rain; it didn’t matter—he just wanted something to do in order to soothe the wanderlust that appeared to be haunting him.

Emerging from the trees, the wolf’s eyes stumbled upon the fast-flowing river, gaze travelling upwards to observe the waterfall. For a moment, he was spellbound, only ever having encountered streams at Red Oak, but then shook himself out of his reverie and approached the bank, head dipping to allow himself to take a drink. The water was cool against his tongue, and he drank with eagerness, lapping up as much as he could physically stand, and once he had taken his fill, he stepped back for a moment to shake himself down. Glancing behind him for a moment, Nuka inhaled again, tongue lolling from his mouth with ease, his posture the epitome of a relaxed wolf, and then headed straight into the stream, allowing the water to wash over his paws and up his legs. A few fish swam around where he stepped, and then darted nervously away, but he made no attempt to catch them, merely standing there in the shallows for a moment or two before wading deeper and letting the water distract him for a few moments.

A noise drew Nuka’s attention away from gazing at the waterfall, and his ears flickered warily as his head jerked towards the bank. There, quite suddenly, stood another wolf, and he chastised himself for not paying enough attention—the roar of the falls must have drowned out her approach, but he should have scented her. He huffed inwardly, disappointed in himself, yet outwardly remained composed, and a pleasant smile crossed his features as he tilted his head, unable to contain his curiosity at seeing another wolf who was not his sister. “Good day,” Nuka called, wading closer to the bank to ensure he could be heard, “are you here for a swim as well?” There was a pause as he studied her physique, assessing whether or not she was a threat—which was rather improbable as she had yet to make a move, though he could never be too sure—and then remembered his manners, smile manifesting into a grin. “Where are my manners? I’m Nuka.”

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
this took an ungodly amount of time. i'm sorry.

It had been so long since she'd seen the falls. There were a sight for sore eyes and a troubled mind. She had very recently found her place back in Swift River, but it still didn't feel like it used to. She wanted to fix things with Corinna, but it would be a slow and arduous process that she wasn't sure she felt like dealing with right now. So she shrugged off the leafy green confines of the forest, and found herself in open land here, near the mountain base. It was refreshing. She made a note to catch something before she returned though. It wasn't much, but it would be something.

A wolf was sitting comfortably in the water, and Borlla's nose twitched. Perhaps it wouldn't be as peaceful as she wanted, but the point was getting away. She didn't recognize this wolf anyway, so she could even make a new friend. Hm. Friend. That word was funny to her now. Borlla had never actually had a friend. Not one that had stuck around anyway. Gritting her teeth, she took a step forward, but the wolf had already noticed her and she drew closer, ears pressed forward, tail slowly curly over her back. He seemed kind from his innocent questions and grin. Borlla merely blinked, unsure of how to handle it. But he had asked a question and she nodded slowly, registering what he said.

<b style="color:#32527a">"Oh, I mean...No," Realizing that he could have mistaken her nod for his answer to swimming. <b style="color:#32527a">"The sound of the falls is my purpose for coming here. Though I didn't even think of swimming." She cocked an ear, definitely considering this now, though, it seemed a bit intimate, and she began to wonder if she should just save the swim for later. <b style="color:#32527a">"I'm Borlla. Do you...Live here?" She asked, wondering if the falls were his home. It wasn't like he could really claim the falls, but if this Nuka did live here, she didn't want to run into him every time she wandered around here. At least right now she didn't want to.

<b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

(This post was last modified: Sep 15, 2011, 11:28 PM by Borlla.)
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention