Gradually her paw slide down to brush along the length of his ebony muzzle before planting itself on the ground where it originally started, the subtly shift in Scully's demeanor not going amiss. A certain level of happiness remained intact, but she couldn't ignore the softening of his smile that once flashed pearly whites after her banter.
I'm definitely no saint, he started out softly in a sober tone unfamiliar to the young female who had only strictly known the smooth-tongued side to the silvered man. It was this change in tone that caused her own facial expression to fall a little more on the serious side to show how intently she was drinking in what he had to offer.
but I can promise to always tell you the truth. Not once since the duo had met had the idea of him lying to her crossed her mind, but she
was smart enough to know it was a plausible thing. She was
young, but not a
"Who in this world truly is a saint?" She spoke softly in an attempt to soothe any worries that may be plaguing his mind at that moment, leaning close enough to allow the edge of her snout to nudge the apple of his cheek.
What possible lines she didn't want to be crossed she couldn't speak upon at that moment for this was a whole new experience for Kaeruka. It took two to tango after all but she felt confident in her dance partner, willing to learn along the way.
"So long as you're honest with me I will be honest with you and can't ask for much more." She purred on bated breath.