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Amongst The Ravens [M] — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Sunshine who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sunder indeed had his own venom that flicked off his tongue as his level of annoyance reared its ugly head only to be shoved back down for the time being hearing the woman snort in disbelief before resuming the art of throwing stones. At this he couldn't help but roll those pale green eyes of his as hard as he could, a wry smirk adorning his inky lips. So is that what she thought?

Now it was his turn to throw a stone, possibly one hard enough to break the thin ice beneath them both.

"I hope ya feel reassured that if you are an example of the women to be found in this pack I wouldn't want to touch any of them with a ten-foot tree trunk." He nearly howled in laughter at the thought, boldly locking his gaze on hers. "And I definitely wouldn't want to go shoving my precious pecker into someone so old."
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
He was being funny again. Woya had to put in some real willpower to keep herself from laughing once more, and was thankfully successful. What did go unabated was her smile, twisting and snaking with wicked mirth. Her long teeth slipped past her lips, adding to the intended menace.

"I c'n promise ya, we're all ancient," she replied with clear amusement in her voice, even as her tail continued to curl threateningly higher above her back.

"Yer exactly right, fuck one'a us and yer useless lil' prick'll shrivel up so far you'll never see it again. Sounds fuckin' risky, don't it?"
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Sunshine who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sunder couldn't quite tell at first whether his words quelled to some degree the ire within the woman or just fueled it more. That wicked smile that adorned her face paired with an aggressively curled tail didn't help either. Their banter about his bits downstairs continued and oddly enough the negative connotation had the opposite effect. He knew by this point she was trying to rid their territory of this pest, but how much longer could he distract her?

His body shuddered in mock fear of such a fate befalling his loyal partner, knowing well enough these women would be half so lucky to have him fill the empty spaces in their dens at night. Even though in all honesty he wouldn't even know what to do with himself, she didn't need to know that bit. "Oh, look. You've got me shaking in my paws! But I'm nothing if not a risk-taker." With that he winked with a click of his tongue against the roof of his mouth, that wry smirk once more appearing to accompany his boyish charm.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
They were both unpredictable geysers, it appeared. Quelled one moment, bursting and scalding the next. If he really was so much like her, Woya couldn't help but have the thought pass through her head that he was in for a rough life. It certainly hadn't served her well, being the way she was.

Regardless of similarities or differences, it was clear they were at an impasse when it came to words. Woya wasn't the type to give in first, however, and she regarded his renewed attempt at banter coolly while lowering her haunches pointedly into the snow. She wasn't leaving. He was going to be the one to go, even if it meant sitting right here and staring at his smarmy mug for hours.
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Sunshine who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
His words earned no verbal impudence from the ivory coated woman this round, instead, his reward was just the sound of her rump plopping pointedly into the snow in stoic hardiness. They seemed to have some overlapping similarities which made the dark-hued kid interested in more, but this old hag wasn't having it. Well, that was just plain boring to Sunder and swiftly deflated any inclination to keep this entertaining encounter going. Inwardly he groaned as his only source of entertainment basically surrendered in his opinion.

Not a word was spilled from the young buck's silvered tongue as he gave his pelt a good shake, deeming any further conversation now mute. It was time he moved on anyways, he had bigger and better things to do. Tan tipped paws shifted to point his sturdy frame in the next direction he would be traveling, ensuring to put some distance between himself and those that dwelled deeper in the red-painted forest before sauntering off for the next adventure.

Only once did Sunder pause to steal a glance over his shoulder at the woman still firm in her seated position to offer a parting wink and words in hopes of earning one final irk. "Catch ya later, gorgeous." The hint of a wry smirk touched his lips before his dark silhouette faded into the distance.