His words earned no verbal impudence from the ivory coated woman this round, instead, his reward was just the sound of her rump plopping pointedly into the snow in stoic hardiness. They seemed to have some overlapping similarities which made the dark-hued kid interested in more, but this old hag wasn't having it. Well, that was just plain boring to Sunder and swiftly deflated any inclination to keep this entertaining encounter going. Inwardly he groaned as his only source of entertainment basically surrendered in his opinion.
Not a word was spilled from the young buck's silvered tongue as he gave his pelt a good shake, deeming any further conversation now mute. It was time he moved on anyways, he had bigger and better things to do. Tan tipped paws shifted to point his sturdy frame in the next direction he would be traveling, ensuring to put some distance between himself and those that dwelled deeper in the red-painted forest before sauntering off for the next adventure.
Only once did Sunder pause to steal a glance over his shoulder at the woman still firm in her seated position to offer a parting wink and words in hopes of earning one final irk.
"Catch ya later, gorgeous." The hint of a wry smirk touched his lips before his dark silhouette faded into the distance.