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An different howl — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Star who has 3 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oakly Luipis
Oakly sat on the forests floor, her paws outstreched infront of her, she yawned and showed her sharp canines before flexing the little muscle she had and stood up.

Her ears twitched, she could sense the presance of another animal, raising her muzzel high she began sniffing the air. Her tail wagged playfully as she thought of the many possibilites of animal that was near her, the exicetment buzzed inside her as she turned slowly round to see what could be near her. Infront of her muzzel, perched on a tree was a small bird she took one step towards the creature and it flew away.

Her stomach growled, being a lone wolf was not easy. All former happiness flushed from her body she wondered when she would next eat. Oakly threw back her head and howled, there was no thought behind the action, just pain and a longing to see another wolf.
Played by Kiva who has 36 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atiris Heavenstar
<blockquote>It had been some time since Atiris had spent any amount of days or nights in one particular place. She had lived in a pack for an entire year of her life, but had spent close to two years since then traveling with a small band of friends and family. Thus, when she came to join a pack simply on a whim, she found it difficult to tie herself to one place and left the pack land early in the morning, to satisfy the need to feel freedom again. She would return to the mountain when the day was over and when her wanderlust was satisfied, but until then she felt eager to explore the valley and the lands that lay in the shadow of the mountain.

She followed along the edge of the water first, making sure to skirt the boundaries of the Swift River pack. She had no dealings with them as of yet and wanted to learn about them before she actually approached. To the West she went, and slightly South until she found the edge of a very large, vast forest. Here, she thought, she would be able to hunt and possibly find something small for herself to eat. The trees were leafless but there was enough cover and shubbery for small prey animals to hide in in the winter.

But she was not alone, and the voice of another wolf caught her attention. Atiris' ears perked at the sound, which was a summon for any other wolf. Lonliness. She knew the feeling and licked her lips, deciding that the meal could wait. She ventured forward, stalking through the woodlands in search of this other wolf until she caught the female's scent which led her straight to the one who had howled earlier. Atiris stopped and gazed in the female's direction for a moment, trying to gauge whether she looked hostile or not- Atiris felt shameless basing this opinion simply on the female's appearance, but she walked quietly, her limbs were relaxed and she certainly did not appear angry or agitated. She was still a good distance away so Atiris called out to her with a howl and waited patiently to see if she was what the female was looking for.</blockquote>
Played by Star who has 3 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oakly Luipis
Oakly hadn't thought anything would come of her howl, but then she heard a reply. She let her tail point straight down, a sign she was relexed.

<b>I'm not a threat, please I just want to talk to someone...</b> She said in merely a whisper, was there even a wolf here or had so much time away from others made her mad? Oakly whimpered, sat down and hoped a wolf would approach. Why wouldn't it? She was small and anyway wolf could tell she would loose in a fight,

She made a sharp intake of breath as a thought struck her. <b>What if this is pack territory?</b> She muttered. Although she had never seen a pack, her mother would often tell her to stay well away from any place that smelt of others. Oakly spung up and began sniffing around, she then began to sense something, she couldn't quite make out the smell but knew something was watching her.

Oakly bounded through a small bush and bumped noses with another wolf.

<b>..Sorry</b> she barked quickly before rolling over submissivly praying the wolf wasn't aggressive.
Played by Star who has 3 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oakly Luipis
Oakly glanced up at the wolf, but it gave no response, she slid out of her sumbmissive position and quickly trotted away. Out into the open, ready to take whatever the world threw at her. She wouldn't be scared, she would hold her head high.

She triped over a stone, grazing her leg.<b>Ouch!</b> She barked and sat down to lick the wound, it wasn't deep so she carried on running, her flanks moving slowling in and out she ran through the forest, <i>I'm gonna find a pack, and join, or make my own, or or meet more wolves</i> She thought to herself.

As she ran she howled, not calling for anyone just howling...because it was fun.
Played by Kiva who has 36 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atiris Heavenstar
<i>sorry for the wait! <3</i>

The bumbling female she'd heard earlier approached a bit too quickly to stop before a near collision and Atiris leaned back onto her heels to avoid having her nose bonked too hard. She raised one eyebrow and her hackles lifted slightly, but the female was quick to flop over onto her back and submit- quite an extensive submission if anything- and apologize. Somewhat weirded out by the entire encounter, Atiris took a few steps back, her tail twitching, and she shrugged. "No biggie," She responded quietly, watching as the female trotted away.

She heard another exclamation- one of mild pain, and she shook her head. She continued on her way, pausing when she heard the female howling. Before the howl had been a summon, but now the female was letting her voice roam free as wolves did, simply when they were filled with a good feeling. Shrugging off the weirdness of their earlier encounter, Atiris continued to walk, pausing now and again to mix her voice in with the female's.