Liberties taken based on my assumptions of how things have gone down thus far. If I get something wrong, please let me know and I'll correct it. (:
Nineva felt confident now that she knew all of the wolves in the world, for they each had either come to visit her or, in the case of one, passed her by, and no others had appeared in quite some time. All of them varied in color, and thus she knew this now as natural and nothing significant, even if some hues were more pleasing than others. She even was learning their names. There was mother and father, who sometimes called each other Nari and Ash respectively. There was also Deacon who was slightly smaller than the rest, but still something of a giant in the little girl's eyes. Nearly last was a woman who's name was rather long, and she could only recall the first part of it. Alesh, or Alicks? Something to that effect. Finally, was the man who had not truly come to visit her, but had been witnessed a scattered amount of times. His name had only been spoken once, and now, as the gray girl sought him out amongst the shadows of the caverns, she racked her brain to try and recall it. "Ka..." she murmured, as that single syllable was strongly present in her memory, but there was something before it, wasn't there? Her brows scrunched up upon her tiny forehead as she tried her hardest to remember. Her mismatched eyes focused on her feet as her focus was not on her surroundings but rather inside her head. What was most memorable about him, was his face. He was the only one to have such a distinct face, and not in the normal change of slopes and angles that separated the other adults from one another. His face, on one side, was cut into ribbons of bristled fur by long, white scarred skin. Nineva could not recognize this as a scar, or much less know that he had not been born that way. She also could not anticipate that some would consider him ugly due to it, nor that he might be shamed by the disfigurement. Instead, she found it positively intriguing. What made him so special to be so different? It was the main reason she sought him out today, her big brother though she did not see him as such. As far as she knew, her only siblings were behind her in their natal den, left to their own devices while she pioneered forth. "OOka?" was her final attempt, and Nineva was pretty positive that she had gotten it right. "Where OOka?" |