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Lavender Ethos Earshot - Printable Version

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RE: Earshot - Iyes - Mar 03, 2017

Ice was melting from her proverbial walls far quicker than it was in the chilly atmosphere that surrounded the two wolves sitting in the field. You don't hold back, do you? The comment was casual, but the sentiment gave her pause. Iyes considered the jestful critique - something that no one had ever said of her before. Then again, she'd never had a friend to tell her anything about herself. But she quickly found that she liked the sound of being a tell-it-like-it-is kind of girl. Which is basically what he'd just said she was. A slightly crooked grin broke across her blackened muzzle. For some time now she had been dragging herself across the world as an empty figure, rarely stopping for conversations like these or letting anyone learn about her. In that way it seemed she also failed to learn about herself - until this conversation. 

Grateful for the self esteem that built from even a flippant observation, Iyes found her demeanor turning far more humorous and returned focus to what he was saying, nodding her chin as if she were seriously considering it. "That makes sense, given that all the plants are underground." She countered. "I mean, even if they were trying to talk to you, wouldn't they just sound all muffled?" She insisted on driving the joke home. "It's like," she blew air into her cheeks and kept her lips tightly closed, and imitated the way she assumed it would sound if lavender tried to yell up though the frosted ground to this white-coated stranger. "Oaay, huh hoo fhuh huh-huh fhuh hooah?" Unable to continue talking through her nose she broke off into a loud giggle, hoping he thought it was as funny as she did. 

RE: Earshot - Emrys - Mar 04, 2017


He hadn't been looking for a conversation when he'd come to the ethos but one has found him. Loners always held a special place inside the healer because he was born one and up until a few months ago he'd remained one.  He had a greater concern for them when he met them because he knew what life was like as a loner.  Her honesty and straightforwardness was something that Emrys liked about her as well as her sense of humor.  Most of all he liked that he could laugh with her, it wasn't often that he found a wolf he could  have a good laugh.  It also wasn't often that he was found in such strange situations either.

He'd gone on to explain what exactly he had been doing and why.  There was also the theory of why what he'd been trying to do hadn't worked and as she spoke he nodded. “Yes, they are still asleep and unlike us they don't wake every day.” At least not in the winter time and he had to laugh at what she said next because while it was a serious question, at least he thought it was rather funny as well. She'd even gone on to do an impression of what it would sound like if the plants were talking from underground. “Yes, I suppose that if they were trying to talk it would be muffled underground.  Though I suppose I could press my ear to the ground,” he said with raised brow, “Maybe then I could hear them.”


RE: Earshot - Iyes - Mar 05, 2017

Well, she didn't quite get the big guffaw she was expecting - but at least her silly imitation of a plant screaming under the earth did make him laugh and didn't drive him off. Iyes deflated her cheeks and listened to his own version of speculation, raising an eyebrow to his suggestion. "Press your ear to the ground, huh?" She repeated after him - then, of course, that was just what Iyes had to do. Allowing her dark forelegs to slide across the snow-coated ground, lowering her chest down until she was laying on her stomach near him. Tilting her head, she pressed the ear furthest from him into the snow so that she could still look at him.

The snow was cold against her face, but totally worth it for the sake of comic. Iyes furrowed her brow, humming along as though there was a conversation occurring below-ground and she was listening attentively. After a couple of seconds her orange eyes sought out the stranger's gaze again. "Yeah, uh, the plants want to know if you are a freelance healer or if you're healing around here for some pack or something?" It was no secret that she was in need of a good meal, but more than that she would need some help at some point. Healing was valuable, probably, she still didn't really understand what it was - but this information could prove more valuable. She stared, waiting for his response, with her cheek and ear still pressed against the ground. 

RE: Earshot - Emrys - Mar 05, 2017


Again the girls sense of humor came to the surface bringing a hearty laugh from the Healer.  As he found her impression of a plant trapped underground rather humorous and he even mused that he might have to put his ear to the ground to hear them.  She being the girl with the sense of humor repeated what he said before actually placing her ear to the snow covered ground, A grin appeared on his features.  “Do you hear anything? Are they saying anything we need to know about?” He asked playing along with her.  He felt it wouldn't be any fun for her if he didn't.

He watched her as she seemed to really be listening, his gaze meeting hers when she looked up at him. Then she asked a question about who he performed healing for, “They didn't really ask that did they,” he asked jovially as he rose from his haunches and put his ear to the ground. Then his tone took on a more serious tone, “I belong to a pack but I used to be a free lance Healer as you put it,” he explained as he looked into her eyes.  “We must be a right sight,” he said with a laugh.


RE: Earshot - Iyes - Mar 10, 2017

"Did too," Iyes retorted playfully, advocating for the underground plants that were definitely interrogating her nameless friend. Of course, he didn't just take her word for it - he had to see for himself, rising slowly to press his pale ear into the ground. Her blackened tail thumped against the ground with the amusement of their interaction, quite pleased that he had the heart to play along with whatever whackadoo thing she was trying out at the moment.

Her cheek, rested against a blanket of snow, began to grow numb while she considered his words, her expression neutral except for a brief moment where she chuckled in agreement to his comment that they were a right sight. Iyes would be surprised if there was someone else out here to stumble upon them, although if there was - then yes, they sure did look like a pair of weirdos. But her curiosity was circling back to what he'd said before, letting her orange eyes wander away from his face. "The pack you belong to - what pack is that?"

She was far away from any commitments, but the knowledge seemed to be the kind that would be good to have under her paw, for perhaps a rainy or more desperate day. Maybe by that time she might have some sort of skill - perhaps not healing, but something else that would prove her to be as useful as she wanted to be one day. She didn't say anything more, just listened quietly to the plants beneath the ground and the pale stranger-friend beside her.

RE: Earshot - Emrys - Mar 11, 2017


He chuckled when she stated the plants that were under the ground had said that.  What they had said didn't matter as it was just a game he'd joined into with her, “I want to hear it for myself,” he stated before he too was pressing his ear to the ground. “Oh yes, I can hear it very clearly the did say that,” he stated a grin crossing his face as he played along with her.

Silence fell between them before she asked a more serious question to which he'd answered truthfully.  He looked into her eyes as they both lay there their cheeks against the cold snow while he waited for what might come next.  “White Fir Notch,” he stated when she'd finally spoken asking what pack he was in.

What the healer didn't understand was why this girl hadn't yet found a home, he felt she would fit in well.  She was playful with a good sense of humor and he felt she would work hard in a pack. She'd made it this far through the winter which he didn't consider to be an easy task.  The weather has been harsh on all of them and she'd made it through on her own. Even more she didn't look any the worse for wear so she had to be doing a pretty good job. "Are you looking for a pack?"


RE: Earshot - Iyes - Mar 16, 2017

"White Fir Notch," she echoed after him, hoping to sear the name of his pack into her brain. There was a certain amount of hesitation mounting into her expression, little lines of worry forming as she just barely furrowed her brow, just barely frowned. She wasn't sure why she was asking. She wasn't sure why she wanted to know. There was just something in her head that told her to ask, to figure it out, to hold on to this information for... what?

Are you looking for a pack? She sat up quickly, like the question offended her. "No," Iyes blurted, her voice soft but strong. Half-melted clumps of snow fell off her black-furred cheek without any grace. She parted her jaws, closed them, and opened them again, appending, "I don't know." Her voice was less certain that time. The yearling stilled while a familiar feeling of pain blossomed from her chest, cold and heavy in her veins. Her cimmerian gaze fell. Why would she want to be part of someone's smelly pack anyway? Her family approached a pack in a time of need, begged to stay, and was attacked by the leaders. Her mother died. What good was a pack.

Iyes wasn't savvy enough to embrace the instinct to have a family - a pack - that was engrained within the very thing that made them wolf. Instead she vehemently denied it. But she felt bad for her weird outburst, lifting a dark paw to rub away the remaining snow from her face before placing it very delicately back on the ground. A slow sigh escaped from between her barely parted jaws. "I- I can't, It's just that I..." She couldn't finish the attempted apology. She didn't know what to tell him about the way that she felt. So she tilted her head toward the sky and changed the subject. "Where is White Fir Notch? In case I want to come see you again you maybe."

RE: Earshot - Emrys - Mar 16, 2017


He'd given her the name of his pack which she repeated he thought to commit it to memory in case she ever needed it in the future.  While he thought she would make a nice addition to the pack he also knew the decision to join a pack could not be forced.  When it has come to be his time to decide he'd taken plenty of time to make sure it was exactly what he wanted. Emrys had a lot of things to consider before he had told Gent he was joining. He didn't know what her reasons might be but at least she knew where to go if she decided a pack was what she wanted.

He did however ask her out right just in case she was at that moment trying to decide on what pack. Her answer was quick and in the negative so Emrys let it go.  However, she soon amended her previous answer which earned her a nod. “That's okay, it's not an easy choice to make, it took me a long time before I chose to join White Fir Notch. If you've been on your own for awhile it can be even harder, it was for me.” He wasn't sure how long she'd been on her own but he did want her to know he understood where she might be coming from.

His head tilted to the side a little as she stuttered with her words bringing the healer some confusion about what she was trying to say.  “It's okay you don't have to but if you do want to talk about anything I am a good listener.  You can ask my friend I am sure she will tell you the same thing.  If you don't want to though that's okay to,” he said giving her cheek a light nudge to try and cheer her up.  He did smile when she asked where his pack was located, “Near a place called Secluded Spring you should be able to smell the markers and there you will find the border.  If you want to see me again or if you need anything just call for me and I will come.” He couldn't give her the exact location but the general area where she would be able to scent the markers was okay. “It doesn't matter what it is please come call for me.”


RE: Earshot - Iyes - Mar 18, 2017

hnng Iyes wuvs Em.

The white wolf's gentle reassurances after her sharp dismissal of his question worked effectively to quiet the anxiety that manifested in her hackles. The dark fur along her neck and spine slowly reduced themselves, her dark head nodding subtly. Somehow it seemed as though he genuinely understood her hesitations, though Iyes hadn't made anything easy or forthcoming for him, and her appreciation toward him filled the atmosphere with warmth.

He offered her a friend-verified listening ear when she needed it, and she responded with a high-pitched but soft whine of gratitude as he pressed his nose against her cheek. Closing her bright eyes for a moment, she wished that it were a more simple thing. It was pleasant to be around the white wolf, it would be pleasant to be around him in the future. But she wasn't ready to present herself belly-up at the borders, to be judged by someone else. But he made a simple promise, one which Iyes would hold on to tightly. Call for me and I will come. Near Secluded Springs. Gently her dark head bobbed up and down. "I will," she said, seeking his gaze with her own to show him that she meant it.

Then Iyes turned her head towards the open field, looking at the snowy horizon. Her dark ears slicked back against her skull. "I should get going," she mused quietly, letting her thoughts roll over her brain like the tide on the beach. She rose from her seat and turned, loping away a couple of steps before she planted her dark legs in the snowy field and stopped. Iyes turned her head over her shoulder, a sheepish smile woven into her expression. Just one thing they needed to take care of, before she went on her way -- "I'm Iyes, by the way."

RE: Earshot - Emrys - Mar 18, 2017

He wuvs her too.  Also if you want to fade in your next post go for it. We can have another thread with them if you like.


When she asked about his pack he thought she might be interested in joining or at least considering her options.  He soon found out that wasn't the case at all when she became adamant that she wasn't interested in joining a pack. Instead of giving her reasons why she should be chose to go a different route.  Emrys told her it was okay that she didn't and told her about how long it had taken him.  He hoped that this might help her to see he understood and that he wouldn't force her into a decision about it.  He didn't know if she would think about it or not but if she did he would be happy to have her in the Notch.

More important than letting her know he understood her hesitation was letting her know she could consider him a friend. That if she needed to talk he would be there to listen.  His touch received a whine from her which told him she was grateful for what he'd tried to do for her. A smile crossed his pale features glad that he had been able to offer her some kind of help.  He really liked her and wouldn't mind having her friendship but it had to he her choice. He didn't stop there, instead going on to tell her if she needed anything he would be there.  He met her gaze as she told him she would, “I hope to hear from you in the future then,” he said offering her another smile.When she announced that she needed to get going Emrys took notice of how late it was, “I do as well.” He needed to get back to the notch not wanting Jynx to worry about him, it was the last thing she needed. When she rose to leave Emrys followed suit but she'd already started to lope away.  He was surprised when she stopped and told him her name, “And I'm Emrys, take care of yourself Lyes.” He hoped that he would see her again but even more so that she would join the notch.  He thought she would fit in well once she became accustomed to pack life and maybe she could even become his apprentice if healing was what she was interested in.
