Ruins of Wildwood
The Wildwood it makes no sense - Printable Version

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it makes no sense - Ice - Jan 29, 2012

you do not know who is your friend

or who is your enemy

until the   ICE breaks.
Certainly - certainly not limited to the borders? Something in Ice lit up at that, a sort of gleam in his eyes that nearly had him bouncing to his feet. This, this was like permission to explore? Right? Right! .. at least, he thought so. For a second a frown flashed across his face, but then he waved it aside and nodded vigorously. "No, no, nowhere near," he mumbled, watching her paws thoughtfully. Home wasn't so much a physical place to him, as a setting, an atmosphere; where that atmosphere, the pack, moved, so did home. As he chewed thoughtfully on his own teeth, she rose, and it took him a moment to realize that- though when he did, he shot up, ears perked. Home, homehomehome! He nodded again and bounded forward a couple of steps, and then proceeded to follow her - in the beginning, he bounded about like an unfocused puppy, but once his excitement cooled off, he trailed after her in somewhat
.ice aesir

the end! <3
I'll be making a post for him in the Swift River territory, but you don't have to swing by unless you want to :)