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it makes no sense — The Wildwood 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
The frondescence of autumn, those brilliant shades of fiery red and warm orange and crisp yellow, had mostly fallen off, becoming a molding brown carpet underfoot. They were soft and silent, cushioning each step, smelling richly of life and earth - a strange thing, perhaps, but decomposition has a beauty of its own. Decomposition is the rebirth of life. Even so, a shower or two of snow had turned the world crisp and powdered the brilliance of autumn. A shroud of cold crystal snow covered the world.

Ice walked with ease across the cool ground, pads and claws leaving indents in the thin cover. In his wake, the snow had shuffled over, revealing the decaying carpet of leaves. Some trees still clung to their colors, but most of them were bare; naked. Somewhere high above, above the gray clouds that wrapped the sky in a dull blanket, the sun shone. Somewhere high above, there was light and glory and warmth.

Not down here.

Ice sighed, smoky breath curling from his mouth. Silver eyes stared vacantly ahead, body and tail swaying gently with the rhythm of his movements; the meeting with Indru Tainn had been..interested, to say the least. And how had he ended up like this? So far from where home used to be. Restless, vaguely disturbed yet not feeling up to the task of pondering it, Ice strayed deeper into the Heart, deeper into the Wildwood. Scents and sounds and sights passed him by but he did not care. Time passed and so he kept pawing, leaving his tale across the face of the world. A tale he did not know where it would end, just as he did not know where his journey today would end. Pausing, if but for a moment, Ice's large head swung around towards the east. There, hidden in the cover of clouds, loomed the Serpent's Pass. Naked birch branches stood in way of his longing gaze, and with a shake of his head, Ice turned away and kept walking southwest. Strange, so strange, all of it...

Eventually, he ended up in a small clearing. Without thinking, his movements ceased and he stood rigid and quiet. Only the heaving of his sides and the white breath escaping him told the tale of life. Then, he blinked, frowned for a moment, and sat down. Snow dusted up around him when he came down, and the male sighed. The world was a curious place. He did not like rivers. Swift rivers least of all. And yet, here he was... He scowled, stared at his paws. The only good thing about everything was the snow. Oh, yes.

"When the world is white and light, it takes the worries from even the darkest night..." he whispered reverently to the silent wood.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
<3 Just realized this is my 5th or 6th thread in the Wildwood. Cori needs to get out more haha

Gone Tomorrow

It seemed she was living a life of continuously retracing her steps. How many times had she pushed her way through the boscage to leave the Swift River territory to come to the Wildwood? But today, the freshly fallen snow caught her eye, and rather than continue on her usual route to the Hidden Tree Den, she deviated from her normal, and the Swift River leader plunged into unexplored territory. At least, it was for her. Corinna's original purpose that day had been to merely mark the Swift River borders. But she had grown weary of the constant urination on bushes and tree trunks. After all, Indru saw to it that intruders kept well away from the borders, though she had noted with interest the increasing growth of newcomers to the pack, wolves she had never met before. Though she had yet to come across any of them, which said something about her as a leader. What it was exactly, the gray she-wolf was not entirely certain. But perhaps she too should venture beyond the borders of what was comfortable?

Not too far though. The route she took now, tan paws crunching the frozen leaves that had fallen beneath the first powders of winter. It would start to come in abundance, the snow. And with some delight, she looked forward to the first snowfall with her growing children, to see their reactions when the rain changed to a softer substance. The snow would be fun for a while, but sooner or later it would start to become dreary, and as the drifts piled higher, the traveling would become more difficult.

That last thought made Cori pause in her step, one paw hanging in the air, unwilling to be placed down. She was running out of time. So she ran. Paw hit the frozen ground with purpose, and within a few moments she found her stride, powerful body pushing her forward quickly. The forest had died in autumn, and she found the going much easier than she would have during the spring and summer months. Before long, she was miles from the original fork in the path. But not alone. She picked up the scent of a male wolf who had passed by here not too long before her. And with some curiosity, noted that there was a lingering scent of her mate attached. Curiosity getting the best of her, Corinna altered her route once more, this time following more closely the scent of the stranger. Who was he and why had he come into contact with Indru?

Lithe legs carried her with relative ease, but as the scent grew stronger, her speed decreased until eventually she had once again returned to a walking pace. Tongue rolling out of her mouth, she-wolf panted, releasing the excess heat she had built up during her run. After a moment of catching her breath, she started forward again, wondering how long until she came face to face with the unknown male who had piqued her curiosity and inspired her run through the woods.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He sat there, under bough and branch lacking in leaf, and stared at the overcast sky with longing eyes. He longed for winter, for snow, for cold; for stars and for night, for moon and northern light. He was absorbed in his longing, in his thoughts wallowing around like ducks in shallow, pleasant water; he forgot to listen, forgot to see, forgot everything but himself and the sky and what was not. Even though the faintest sound of paws, the smell of female and Indru combined, could not reach his mind. High winds moved the drab gray veil across the heavens, its color shifting ever so slightly but always brightening around where the sun hid. Ice watched it in fascinated silence, his mouth hanging half-open, pink tongue hanging out ever so slightly between his worn teeth. He was lost in himself, lost in his own world, a statue cast down from some heavenly temple to rest on the mortal earth: so still, with such a reverent expression painted across his face. His eyes almost seemed glazed over as he gazed, unblinking, at the masses of gray drifting along high above.

But then - he spoke, another whisper so soft and full of longing, still unaware of the approaching female. Perhaps she would be in range to hear; perhaps she would not. It didn't matter. She did not exist in his world at that moment, when the innocent words of a child slipped from the mouth of a man. "Star light, star bright..." So hopeful, so young; quivering with excitement, picturing the bright night sky. ".. but stars only shine at night," he finished with a sigh. With those few words, the hope was dashed, shattered to pieces like glass against jagged rocks. What use is dreaming when dreams never come true, when it does not speed up time and strand you in an eternal paradise? The large male's shoulders slumped and some of his focus returned. There were no stars here now. They were up there, above the veil of grey.

A sound caught his attention and his ears flipped backwards, listening, drinking in, while his lungs sped up to pull scents in through his nose. His mind analyzed, sorting through them, picking them apart and searching for what he needed. His heart began to beat faster, readiness coming to him. Was it a threat? This was unclaimed territory. Was it even a wolf or something else? Ice lurched to his feet, awkward from sitting still so long in the cold air. Stiff muscles groaned as he heaved himself to his feet, but yet he did not turn; he was simply ready, even though he did not look. He just kept listening, breathing, scenting; living.
.ice aesir

<3 I kind of left it up to you how close you wanted to be when he began to speak and such. ^^
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The situation was romantic, in the sense that Corinna could feel her body becoming one with the free night air. They sky was somewhat cloudy overhead, but every once in a while, as she ran, the she-wolf could make out the glowing brightness of the stars. She had never been one for star-gazing routinely, but every now in then, she felt herself put at peace by looking up at the lights that were there night after night. Despite her rather secure position now, she had felt the moments of insecurity and instability far too often to take for granted the rather stable nature of the starlight above. Even if they could not be immediately seen, they always reappeared.

His nearly solid gray form came into view not very long after she stopped her run. She paused next to a tree, watching him, not wanting to go closer and disturb him. He seemed fully at peace, head lifted to the sky. He seemed oblivious to her presence, and although she could not hear the words, she heard the soft murmur of his voice. The sudden slump of his shoulders though, that was different, and her heart went out to him. What was it that had broken this male's spirit so that he was alone at night looking at the sky and not finding any comfort at all? Or maybe that wasn't what he was feeling at all, but her curiosity was inspired again, and as he rose to his feet she took a step forward, wanting to bring attention to herself.

The single step forward brought with it a relatively loud crunch of frosted leaves, breaking the silence. Corinna's body was kept at a neutral level, and her ears were perked forward - openly displaying her curiosity about the stranger. Coming into view, not wanting to remain hidden, the leader approached, though leaving plenty of space between herself and the male. Inclining her head in a greeting, the tip of her tail wagged ever so slightly. "Hello," it was an easy greeting, but nothing more needed to be said, at least at the moment.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Someone was definitely there, but for a moment longer, Ice held his position, back low and head even lower as his ears fell back, listening. Frosty leaves crunched under someone's foot, and finally, Ice convinced himself to turn around. As he did, finding his large paws and bringing himself around, he changed his stance too. His head came up from its lowered position, ears flitting forward and his tail hung down, somewhat relaxed, and he straightened out his legs. What greeted him when his silvery eyes found the source of the disturbance, was a female wolf with startling green eyes. Somehow, he found himself surprised by this, and it flew across his face before disappearing somewhere else. Her voice, it was pleasant, relaxed even, and he found his own tail mirroring hers. She seemed nice. He knew it was stupid of him to assume she was simply because she seemed it, but for a moment longer he'd like to be a naive little boy. "Good evening, m'lady," he replied, lowering his gaze ever so slightly out of respect. He hadn't yet come close enough to scent her properly, but even so it was oddly fitting that he unknowingly called the pack leader m'lady without knowing that he did it.

Social interaction was still a little bit of a mess to poor Ice, since he often said things without thinking, and played little games with himself that landed him in all sorts of strange situations. However, there was a certain thing called instinct, which sometimes served to help him, and at other times just made one great mess out of what his body said and what his tongue said. Quite often, his words differed from his posture, simply because he blabbered nonsense while he physically showed his harmless intention and desire to not get into a fight. When it came to himself, Ice didn't have that much of a backbone - he found it a lot easier to stand up for someone else then his own pitiful self. If he could worm his way out of a situation, why not do it? As long as he had been a lone wolf, it didn't matter. But now... What was he to do? Swift rivers eat wolves, he thought, studying Corinna's face through his eyelashes, and carefully avoiding making eye contact. They were out in the Wildwood, where no laws but the laws of nature applied. Except.. Ice frowned, his nose twitching as he drank in the scents of the night. Oh gods. She smelled of Indru, and of all the other things Indru had smelled of. Was she - part of the pack? He blinked, slowly, and his ears strained as if he could somehow hear the truth of it without her talking. Was this a part of the Swift River, then?

He felt like biting the tip of his tongue to keep himself from talking, because it somehow felt as if blurting out are you of the Swift River? would be incredibly foolish, except he had no logic to back it up with. Just that.. he still wasn't certain how he felt about the whole thing. Of course, it'd be great to not be left out all alone when winter came with its savage storms and hungry teeth and ripped life from the weak and lonely, but rivers. Rivers! Rivers were the bane of all things living, at least if you asked him. And now.. Swift rivers. The fact that Indru had turned out to not be a wolf-eating cave-wolf with eyes of fire and claws of steel had been very relieving, but that he led.. a pack... swift river... He'd gotten stuck on that part of the whole thing ever since, even though his practical mind and instincts had taken over and said please take me in! I promise I'm just as insane as I sound! and here he was. He blinked again, realizing his mind had strayed, and made him...careless, perhaps. "You smell like Indru, m'lady," he said in a quiet voice, carefully watching her face and body for hints of how she felt. He kept his relaxed pose, although his head was a fraction lower then hers, and his gaze too. So anyone being of the Swift River will have you rolling over on your back? Great, Ice, great. He really needed to get a grip on himself, but he was too out of sorts right now to deal with it. "Are you a part of his pack?"
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

It took a moment, maybe two, before the male finally turned around to look at her. The leader didn't move from her neutral position, waiting patiently as he made the half turn so they were facing one another. He was a large creature, a rather handsome mixture of grays and silvers. He hardly seemed felonious, at least, a friendly attitude was indicated by the gentle waving of his tail behind him, mimicking her own. Breathing in, she took in his scent, green eyes registering the familiar scent of her mate among the tell-tale scents of a recently packless wolf. But was he still packless? Just because he had met Indru did not mean he was automatically a part of her pack now. Her mate brought home a lot of lone wolves to take refuge in Swift River, but Corinna hardly assumed that every wolf Indru had ever met had decided to come home with him, regardless of how charismatic her fellow leader was.

Head lowered for a moment in greeting, and she smiled serenely at him. What was he doing out here at this time of night, if he was a part of Swift River? What possessed a creature to stare at the sky so intently, and to talk to themselves to the point of potential despair? Corinna Tainn didn't know, but she was curious to find out. But before she could ask him, he spoke up again, this time not a polite greeting but a steady statement of fact.

The smile remained on her lips and she nodded her head in agreement with his conclusion. With any luck, perhaps the male before her would recognize her own scent from when he had encountered Indru. Such was the nature of being mated leaders; they had a distinctive joint scent almost more than they had individual ones. "I would hope so," she chuckled in response to his statement, though her laughter died quickly as he went on to pose this time a question. Whether newly accepted or still a lone wolf, this brute was a stranger to Relic Lore. He did not know of the history of the pack; and how at one point in time, it had been her pack and her responsibility to keep it going. Such was the manner of things in the pack now though. Her importance had been gradually diminished since her mate's return; who was she to expect any less? "I'm Corinna Donata," she spoke up, the laughter gone from her voice. "I'm one of the leaders of Swift River." His use of "m'lady", while unexpected by the green-eyed she-wolf, had not been inappropriate. "Indru is my mate." There was no resentment in her voice for his automatic association of the pack to the tawny haired lead male, but rather a undercurrent of her own possession of the pack. "You met him recently." It wasn't a question; the scents surrounding him gave him away, but there was an implied question that she was hoping he would answer. Along with a name, she wanted to know if he was now a part of them.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
It seemed he was out of luck tonight, although he certainly didn't think so the moment she laughed a little. It was a pleasant and happy sound, and he found himself warming to it...only to break it. His face fell, his tail dropping down and stilling. Something liquid and sorrowlike swam in his silver eyes as he beheld her. Regret tainted his every breath now, regret that he ever opened his large, stupid mouth to ruin the easy, friendly atmosphere and that he had erased her beautiful laugh. When she spoke again, her voice lacked the melody, the joy and light feelings, and instead was just another voice of winter. It made him want to slam his ears to his skull and keen to drown out the sound - not that her voice was unpleasant or cold in any way, but if he did not hear it without laughter, he could forget that he had done it to her. "I'm sorry," he said quietly, though there was something eager under the topmost layers of it, as if he wanted to.. well, somehow take back what he had said. "I didn't mean to make you unhappy."

He was sincere with that; he couldn't really help that he was socially awkward and floundering around in the dark called "interaction", but even so, he was not an evil creature. Ice was harmless, caring, and sometimes, completely stupid. He seemed to lope through life without stopping to think, and once more, that particular flaw of his had caused misery. Most likely, he took it harder then she did, but such was his nature. "I'm Ice, m'lady," he said somewhat unhappily. So, this was Indru's mate, and for a moment he took the time to visualize the large, rugged male and his golden eyes beside her with her peculiar green ones. Well - she did smell an awful lot like him, come to think of it, so it ought to be true. For a moment longer he stood where he was, still crestfallen, until he realized that which she had said some time ago - she's the other leader of the Swift River, you fool. A look of surprise registered on his face before he dropped to his belly, onto the thin carpet of snow. "That I did, m'lady," he said, the rushed, whimsical tone of his voice betraying that he was starting to ramble again. His eyes fell to her paws; smaller, daintier, but no less worn. Fine paws, those too. "I met him in a cave, behind a waterfall, he's kind of large and scary at first sight but he-" does not eat wolves .. really, Ice? It was the briefest of pauses as he rearranged the words, wrenching them from their original shape and turning them to something else. "- seems to be quite awesome, m'ladysirCorinna," he finished lamely in a jumble, not daring to look up.

Unluckily for her, Ice was too stupid to catch the question nestled in her statement, and instead he just rambled, as he had a way of doing when not certain of what to do - instead of shutting up, he seemed to give his tongue almost free reign as he said all sorts of nonsense. The fact that he'd left out the part about Indru not eating wolves was a small miracle in itself, since usually the words came out long before his mind had finished to process them. But now, his jumbled thoughts had come out in a rush of words and he forced his mouth shut with a click of teeth. As if to prove his point, he shoved his muzzle into the mix of snow and frozen leaves, and placed both of his large paws across the tip of his nose. It was uncomfortable, as he had to crane his neck and hold his paws there with force; he couldn't relax in such a state, and with a kind of stubborn and morose expression did he stare at a point just in front of his grounded nose. Woe, he thought. That it always becomes such a mess.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

It seemed she had let her feelings get away, more than she had wanted to. Corinna was not one to wear her heart on her sleeve, but for whatever reason, she had let the tone of her voice betray her to a stranger. His body posture immediately reflected it to, gray fur seeming to deflate as he retreated within himself. His apology came and instantly Corinna batted it away. He had done nothing wrong, absolutely nothing. And she told him so. "You're fine," she told him, warmth returning to her voice. "Didn't do anything wrong."

What followed next was a rather...odd turn of events. He spoke up again, this time in a rather rambling manner and she had to follow what he was saying closely to make sense of it. She did pick out his name - Ice. It suited him, not because he was cold-hearted, but the hues of coat rather reminded her of the color of frozen water. It wasn't cold enough yet for the river that her pack took its namesake from to freeze, but very soon they would be able to cross it with ease atop the thick layer of ice.

Tilting her head to the side in her trademark quizzical manner, Corinna's green eyes widened as Ice dropped to the ground, nose shoved into the ground. What in the world? The confusion was clear on her face, and she took a hesitant step backwards, watching him somewhat warily. He hadn't answered her implied question, so perhaps she needed to be more direct. "Indru is quite awesome," she confirmed, her voice hesitant. But she took a step forward anyways - despite the somewhat...interesting rambling he was doing, she thought he was quite harmless. "And it's Corinna, Ice. Or Cori, if you prefer." It was good that he showed her respect with his proper titles, but she didn't need all that. Settling down to her haunches, she wrapped her tail around her hindleg, looking down at him. "Are you a part of Swift River, Ice?" Perhaps direct was the better way to go with this.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
sorry for the very long wait. :/ my life hated me for a bit.

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
And as quickly as the first time, it happened again; everything shifted, from what he perceived as unhappiness in her to her being alright, to stepping back and then forth again... His eyes watched her paws, the frosty cover of leaves on which she trod, the soft crunch of them. It seemed like his odd way of rambling and beating himself up for it had caught her unawares, and desperately he wanted to slap himself for messing everything up all. the. time. .. well that was a lie, Indru had accepted him. Ice keened softly under his breath as she regained her posture, her words somewhat less certain then before. Was fate so cruel that he had been accepted, only to be kicked out by Indru's mate? Though... if that was the case, she would be angry, right? And not just hesitant? She hadn't run away or struck him, she was sitting there, watching him with an unreadable expression. Slowly, Ice's large paws slid off his muzzle and thumped onto the cold ground, and he lifted his head a fraction. "And it's Corinna, Ice. Or Cori, if you prefer." He swallowed the words rushing into his throat, memories of Vlarindara coming back. "But I like being courteous.", he'd told her in that stubborn, childish voice of his.

"Corinna," he breathed, fighting to hold the title out of her name. She was a lady, perhaps not his lady, so why not just say "lady Corinna" then? But, it was the lady's wish that he didn't, and he'd honor that. She was staring down at him, quite regal in her posture, and he felt his tail wiggle even closer to his hind leg. Sometimes, that tail had a life of its own, and right now it was desperately trying to worm its way underneath him. For a moment, he dared to look up on her face, but she was staring down at him and quickly he let his gaze drop down to her paws. Paws. Pawspawspawspawspaws. He drew a breath that was steadier then he felt, and spoke, trying to not rush the words out - the result was somewhat overly articulated speech, but perhaps it was better then a spring flood of jumbled words. "That I am, m'la..Corinna," he began. The tip of his tail gave a twitch of irritation as his treacherous tongue tried to stick the honorary prefix onto her name. "I swore to protect to Indru, and he took me in." And I bounced around him like a puppy in its first spring. "I.. think I got sidetracked and a bit scared of the prospect, not doubtful or having second thoughts, no no, I am very thankful but it is, uhm, foreign to me? That's why I'm out here, I mean, and not there. Where I should be." He frowned a little. "Home, I mean." Was she going to eat his face off now? He wished he could just shut up. "I. Uhm. Maybe we should go." He wanted to rise but dared not. "I mean. To home." Somewhere at this point, Ice gave up. His muzzle fell back to his paws and he sighed, a rather heartbroken sigh. He was just going to mess everything up, was he...? A pack was nothing dangerous, he'd finally got one, and the first thing he does is wander off into the nearby forest to stare at the sky and ramble and confess how confused he was to one of the leaders... He was afraid, afraid that all his honest ramblings would make her turn him away, take the home he had so recently gained from him. I swore my life, he thought, stubbornly clinging to the hope of that thought, the hope that Indru would save him.

And I meant it.
.ice aesir
(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2012, 03:24 PM by Ice.)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
<3 I think we can end it here? We'll hopefully be having a pack event soon.

Gone Tomorrow

The honest truth of it was Corinna was not particularly hard to conciliate. Any anger or ill-feeling she had towards Ice had disappeared fairly quickly. He had clearly not meant any harm in his words, and having just come to the region, she doubted very much if she knew of the story of Swift River and its troubled leaders. Though, eventually he might hear of it, depending on when some of her members chose to open their mouths. He was, as she suspected, now a part of her pack - wolves who met Indru rarely said no to his invitation to join his band of followers. And she could relate to his need to wander. It wasn't an easy transition, going from a lone wolf to a pack wolf. It had certainly not been easy for her. Granted, this was about as far as she had wandered in a very long time. Smiling at him, she tried to look comforting. "It's alright. You're certainly not limited to our borders. Relic Lore is a big place, and I know the urge to explore is very strong. I'm not sure where you met Indru, but I bet it probably wasn't anywhere near Swift River." The chuckle that followed was real, but her mind was racing. Indru liked to explore, sometimes too much.

At his suggestion, her green eyes lit up. This was a first, not many of the newer wolves to their pack had much interest in home. Home was a temporary place to them - certainly not the place where Corinna had lain in labor for hours on end, and then many more when her pack had fallen apart. But she was quite content with leading Ice back to the den. It was probably time he met the rest of his packmates anyway. Nodding her head, she rose to her feet, waiting for him to do the same. "Ready?" She asked over her shoulder as she turned away, headed in the direction of home.