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Life Points — Official 
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Posted by Spirit of Wildwood who has 4,812 posts.

Life Points.

Life Points are a numerical way to mark in character development. Every time your character interacts with another wolf or their environment, they are developing in some way. This is why we all love our characters to the extent that we do, because we have put so much time into creating a realistic and complex creature, as opposed to a very shallow and two-dimensional one.

Additionally, Life Points are a way to increase your character's skill level. The more you interact with others in-game, the more you contribute toward your next skill bonus. To learn how Life Points contribute to your skills, please refer to the Fighting System Guide.

(This post was last modified: Nov 02, 2023, 09:18 PM by Viorel. Edit Reason: updated TOC )
Posted by Spirit of Wildwood who has 4,812 posts.

Earning Life Points.

Life points can be used in a variety of ways, and new ones are being added all the time. If you have any ideas on how characters can earn LP, please let the Staff know and we will take it into consideration.

Keep in mind that in order to claim any points at all, the thread must have at least 10 replies, be completed (and archived) and the character claiming points must have participated for the majority (50% or more) of 'rounds' in the thread. Some points do however have a different requirement, such as demonstrating or practicing a pack role.


Create a Pack.
Created an official pack in Relic Lore that was approved by staff.
Discover a Subterritory.
Have a thread "discovering" the new subterritory and then submit it to this thread. Points can be collected after Staff Approval.
Gain a Mate.
Completed at least 5 private threads with your character's mate and established a relationship. (To be eligible for these points, both parties must also have the relationship stated on their character profiles)
Have Pups.
Your character has had pups on Relic Lore.
Participate in a Pack Activity.
These threads must be marked by a "Pack" thread icon and include 3 or more wolves belonging to one pack. This can include pack meetings, pack hunts, play sessions, etc.
Complete a Random Event.
Completed a thread themed around a "Random Event". The list of current Random Events can be found here. Threads must be completed in order to claim points.
Complete a Random Event in a Tagged Area.
Completed a thread themed around a "Random Event" in the area described in the prompt (ie. the prompt mentions Whisper Marsh and the thread is located in Whisper Marsh or one of its sub territories). The list of current Random Events can be found here. Threads must be completed in order to claim points.
Participating in a Rank Challenge.
If your character participates in a rank challenge, they are eligible to claim these points, regardless of whether they gain or lose their rank. Rank challenges between pack members do not typically turn to aggressive violence, as the point is merely to assert one's dominance over the other and not to cause bodily harm. Spectators of a rank challenge are not eligible for these points.
Become Leader of a Pack.
These points are awarded when your character has become Leader of an established pack.
Gain a Role in a Pack.
These points are awarded when your character has received one of the basic pack roles. How to gain a role varies from pack to pack, so please ask your pack leaders their specific requirements!
Character Ages a Year.
Character has aged a year while played on RoW. (Characters must have been on RoW for at least 6 months to be eligible)
Completed a thread with a New Wolf.
Completed a thread with one or more character/s you've not threaded with before.
Join a Pack.
If your character is accepted into a pack, they are eligible to claim these points.
Completed a Thread.
Threads must be completed in order to count.

Collecting Life Points.

To collect the Life Points that you've earned, please fill out the Life Points Request Form in full. The staff will take care of everything else. Once your Life Points have been awarded, you'll be able to view them in your character's profile, along with a log of why and when they were awarded. If there are issues with your claim, you will be contacted by a staff member. When requesting life points, it is important to keep in mind that a single thread can only claim one set of life points. Ie. a single thread cannot get you +15 for completing a random event and +10 for meeting a new wolf, you must chose one or the other.

Using Life Points.

Characters can 'level up' every 500 LP earned, up to 2,500 LP.  Each level up earns your character a +1 to any stat category of your choosing. After earning the maximum amount of stat points, points may be shifted every 500 LP earned. Limits do exist, and are determined by the character's Physique. To apply for a level up, simply post to the Maintenance thread. For more details about how LP affects your character's stats, please refer to the Fighting System Guide.

(This post was last modified: Oct 22, 2023, 09:15 PM by Viorel. Edit Reason: Using LP section re-added )
Posted by Spirit of Wildwood who has 4,812 posts.

Frequently Asked Questions.

As the Life Points system has grown and developed, points of confusion have been found. Below is an updated list of questions and answers in regards to Life Points.

Do you get points for the same thread for both threading with a new wolf and completing a thread?
No, you can only claim one set of LP in every category per one thread. You will be awarded the higher of the two amounts.

Can I claim points twice for the same Random Event?
No, as you have already taken part in the Random Event. You can of course play it again against someone else, but you cannot claim the LP for participating in it twice.

If I participate in a Random Event with a new wolf, can I later thread with them again and claim +10 for meeting a new wolf?
No, you cannot, as you have already met them but chose to claim for a higher set of points, so the next time you thread with them you can only claim +5 for completing a thread.

Do I get multiple points for meeting multiple new wolves in the same thread?
No. The +10 will only apply once.

My thread had 10 posts in it, but I didn't receive my LP. What gives?
This can happen for a couple of reasons, which will be addressed in a pm sent by staff to address what the problem was. But the most common reason that this happens is because the posts in the thread were below the 100 word minimum. One or two posts is fine, but if the majority of the 10 posts are significantly below 100 words, the staff will ask you to add additional posts before you can claim LP.

My thread has been marked Dead a couple times and/or there is currently a two (2) month gap in-between now and the most recent post. Could I still claim LP for it if my partner and I continue and archive it?
If your thread has a gap of 2+ months in it (where there were no posts), there needs to be at least 3 additional posts in order to claim LP for it.

I found an old thread that I forgot to claim LP for. Can I?
Only if it's been archived for less than six months. Threads that are revived to have an ending tagged on after two months of no replies will not count toward LP.

What if some character in a pack switches to a different role? Or if they go to a new pack and get the same/a different role again?
Pack roles are not transferable between packs, so if Bob were to leave Pack A and go to Pack B, he would start out as a subordinate and have to go through the process again based on the new pack's requirements.

How many times can I claim "Gain a Role in a Pack."?
You may only claim the +15 skill points once for each role. If you have a role, leave a pack, and get the role back in your new pack, you cannot claim the +15 again. However, if you obtain a different role, you may claim +15 skill points for that one.

My character helped create a pack, what points can I claim?
After completing a claiming thread, all founding members can claim +50 for creating a pack.

My character is a yearling, can they obtain a role?
Yes, they can become any one of the six basic roles and advanced roles if they meet the thread requirements set forth by their pack. Yearlings may only become leaders if there is no other eligible adult for leadership.

Why did my character lose LP to a loner dock??
During the winter months characters who are loners will lose 5LP every two weeks. This is used to reflect how harsh it is for wolves to survive the winter months on their own without a pack to help support them. Characters who reach -10LP will be considered deceased, succumbed to the winter environment. The official dates of loner docks vary from year to year but typically run November 1st-Mid March


01/13/2023 — Clarified definition of 'majority of rounds in the thread' and the LP collection process.
(This post was last modified: Oct 21, 2023, 06:58 PM by Finley. Edit Reason: Changelog added )