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Mountain of Dire Something greater - Printable Version

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RE: Something greater - Lorcan - Mar 30, 2018

Lorcan was relieved, though not entirely surprised, when the yearling simply accepted his conditions without arguing back. Instead he thank him for the opportunity. The agouti male gave a few sweeps of his black-tipped tail behind him as he smiled across to @Daesamar, giving a small nod of his in acknowledgement. Lowering his tail, he remained still as dark male began to back away, off in search of his friend now that he had a proposition to make her. 

"I look forward to seeing you, and maybe your friend as well, next time." He said warmly. He was certainly curious to see the quiet female for himself if she decided to show up. Lorcan was also curious to see what Daesamar would bring back to him as a show of the skills he possessed.

~ Fade ~