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Wild Cherry Orchard Ghost of my past, come to haunt me? - Printable Version

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Ghost of my past, come to haunt me? - Rolu - Feb 13, 2012

Rolu ran at the female and then tripped over the female. He toppled over and laid on the ground, disoriented. He stayed there and watched the she-wolf with a silly grin."Well, well. I think we have a winner. I think I'm exhausted. I think its more from running here though,"he said. He looked up at her and grinned. He felt that nag in his chest, and got up.

Rolu looked around and then gave a glance at her,"Lets take a break from that."Rolu had gained control back and was happy to see he had not wounded her. Something felt off and looked around."Do you belong to a pack?"he asked. For some reason he felt like he was being watched.

Ghost of my past, come to haunt me? - Rebecca - Feb 14, 2012

Rebcca giggled as Rolu tripped on her and then spoke out her victory. This had been odd game indeed, but it wasn't strange in bad way, so the black girl didn't pay much attention to it. Smiling she sat in front of him, tilting her head with friendly gestures. "Yeah, I recently joined in one." was her reply. Loner life was now past, she had a family and home in Copper Rock Creek.

"What about you? At least you don't smell like pack" she then inquired. Reba was pretty sure Rolu was loner, but asking didn't hurt.

Ghost of my past, come to haunt me? - Rolu - Feb 14, 2012

this is before he joins Copper Rock Creek pack-

Rolu laid on his back watching her. Then, rolled over to get up,"I told you I'm a loner right now!"he said luaghing. He jumped tring to make her fall on her back. He chuckled as he looked at her again. He looked over her again and asked,"So where you born in relic lore or did you migrate here?"he asked still looking at her.

Rolu looked at her eyes and froze,"You have almost the same color eyes as my dad, and Silver,"he said kinda distancily. He got up and walked of a bit and turned around."So um you haven't met anyone with the last name Whitetree have you, whell exept me of course?" he asked nervously. Rolu wanted to know if his brothers or sisters where here. He felt like something was downing on him. Like there was a shadow clinging above his head.

Ghost of my past, come to haunt me? - Rebecca - Feb 15, 2012

OOC: Aye.

He had? Why she had forgotten it? But when then Reba now digged into her memory, she did found that piece of information. Maybe she should pay closer attention or something? This wasn't the first time she had forgotten something. Shaking her head, smiling, but looking little confused before getting rid of that feeling. And laying on her back, not really even paying attention to Rolu as he ahd simply flipped her over. Yes, Rebecca, you should pay more attention.

"I came from somewhere else. Couldn't handle the situation back there anymore" was her answer, now with happy face again, tail wagging and real smile spreading her lips. but how did that eye color thing had anything to do with anything? Just some little playbacks? 'O'boe' Rebecca thought.

"Nope, I haven't. You're the first one. Though I haven't wadered as much as I used to, so if anyone spends their time in more southern locations, I probably have no idea they excist" the black girl replied shrugging. Finally pulling herself up, feeling little off. But that feeling disappeared with a powerful shake of her body, and the impish grin was back on, filled with amused sparkle of her eyes. "Why do you ask? Hoping to meet some relatives?"

Ghost of my past, come to haunt me? - Rolu - Feb 15, 2012

Rolu turned to face Rebecca once more. He listened to her talk. The question sent shivers down his spine."I already told you about my uncle, but I also have two brothers and a sister,"he said. He took a deep breath and looked at her,"One of my brothers does all the dirty work. I think he mite come and try to find me," he gulped," and ya."He shook his head,"Anyways the others are rather nice, but with Susku around them. I don't know what will happen."

Rolu looked up at her waiting for her answer, hoping she didn't think he would do the same to her as he thought his brother had done. Rolu hoped that his other brother,Romain, would take care of his younger sister,Yela. Rolu knew that Romain had problems with having responsibilities, but it wasn't like Romain to abandon Yela. At least thats what Rolu hoped.

Ghost of my past, come to haunt me? - Rebecca - Feb 17, 2012

Okay, so he was kinda running away from a killer? But he had only one after him? Not bad, at least all Alaska wasn't going to kill him plus your possible family. "Ah, well, good luck. At least you only have one after you" she said smiling. Despite the fact the close family of the victims of her grandparents were deceased with time, some families had strong will for revenge. It lasted over generations in some cases. It wasn't safe for Wheatears to live in Alaska anymore, but Rebecca was still proud of her last name.

"You have rather easy job, you already know all who might try to kill you. I don't. They might be just some random wolves. You could've been one of them, but I don't worry aboout it too much nowdays" Reba continued, jumping to her back and rolling in the white snow with wide grin on her face.

Ghost of my past, come to haunt me? - Rolu - Feb 17, 2012

Rolu listened to her, and felt said for her. He had known who was tring to kill him, but was it posible. Had Susku followed him, would he follow him?"Just let me know if you have heard of a wolf with the last name Whitetree. What was your last name again?"he asked. He wanted to know in any case he should run into a fellow of hers that may be in danger.

Rebecca was a nice wolf, even with the insanity. He felt something fimaliar with her though. Something old, he passed of the emotion as another wish. A wish to be closer. "But why, why do I wish to be closer?" he asked himself. Was it those eyes that reminded him of his sister,Yela, father,Luki, and Silver. Or was it something else? He didn't know at the time. Rolu looked at Rebecca,"So where did you live at before? No wait let me guess, um, um, iceland! No thats to far...."Rolu trailed off hoping she would give him the answer.

Ghost of my past, come to haunt me? - Rebecca - Feb 18, 2012

Okay, so if she would meet any Whitetrees, she would find Rolu and tell him. Piece of cake! Right... Laying in the snow, looking to his face. "Wheatear" was her reply to his question. What he was going to do with that name? Rebecca didn't know that she would have any living relatives, her uncle was missing and probably dead, close family definitely dead. Rebecca was possible the last living Wheatear in the whole wide world.

Laughing to Rolu's quess, the black girl ahd never even heard about Iceland. It sounded like cold place... "From Alaska" she spoke with a wide grin. Pulling herself up, black back covered with white snow, tail wagging and blue eyes located in her tilted head looking at Rolu with inscrutable shade in them.

Ghost of my past, come to haunt me? - Rolu - Feb 18, 2012

Rolu laughed at the silly female."Let me guess you never heard of Iceland. It actually quite green for it name. Then there is Greenland and its mostly ice. Weird uh, my father told me about them in on of his adventures,"Rolu said. He rolled onto his back and looked at her from between his back legs, laughing. He rolled onto his side and snorted kicking up some of the snow.

"I over heard someone talking about pupy season. When is that?"Rolu asked dumbfounded. He looked at her from over his side then laughed again. He stopped and said,"So what rank are you in your pack?"he asked as her rolled in the snow, refreshing his pelt.

Ghost of my past, come to haunt me? - Rebecca - Feb 18, 2012

OOC: She was when this thread started. Rank I mean.

Odd, Greenland of ice and Iceland of green, Stupid names, didn't fit. "True, I've never heard of it." Reba replied to him with a grin. Rolu must've had pretty good father if he told him stories like that. For the first time, Rebecca actually felt sorry for him. With a gentle smile she layed down to her stomach.

"Puppy season? It's the season when pups are born." the black girl explained. One of the few things she knew. Rebecca wasn't any walking dictionary, not at all, barely handling pack life. "Third subordinate" she replied proudly to his question, rising her head and wagging her tail, breaking the arrogant look wiht impish look in her eyes.