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Ghost of my past, come to haunt me? — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
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Rolu Whitetree
Rolu was finishing working out a place to sleep and kept going over the she-wolf he had meet."I wonder how Silver is doing?"he asked himself. He torn at some dead grass that was uncovered by the receding tempter. Rolu was as you know it rather bored. He had no one to play with and had only meet one wolf so far. He needed a good scuffle or even just a female he could charm."If this goes on much longer, I'll end up weak!" he told himself. Rolu got up and walked through the trees in hope to find at least something to eat or someone to meet. Opening his mouth he drew in the scents of the forest, hoping to find a trace of prey. He chuckled as he picked up the smell of rabbit and quietly stalked it.
(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2012, 11:07 PM by Rolu.)
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
<i>'Come her little bunny, one more step...'</i> Charging, ending the life of the rabbit Rebecca had followed for some time now. Her wounds were almost healed, starting to scar, but neck still felt little stiff. At least it was nothing that completely stopped her from hunting. Ripping off big chunks of delicious, warm flesh, the black girl started to fill her stomach. Piece after piece she felt better and stronger, happier and even cheerful. One rabbit wasn't much, but it was something anyway.

Something moved in the bushes. Swallowing the piece of the rabbit she ahd in her mouth, rising her head high, tail stiffened. Blood falling from her bloody jaws to the snow underneath her as Reba turned her head, ignoring the sharp pain on her neck and following the sounds wiht her eyes, ears and nose. The scent didn't quite reach her nostrils, but the wind blew from different angle. It was... A wolf, male. Relaxing a bit, waiting for him to show himself.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
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Rolu Whitetree
Rolu sniffed deeply again this time detecting wolf."Don't tell me,"he groaned to himself. He stepped out of the bushes to see a black she-wolf eating a rabbit. Rolu sighed and said,<b>"I guess that solves it. I am doomed to have nothing to eat today."</b>teased Rolu. He wasn't that hungry he had eaten not only this morning. He looked down at the female and was rather surprised. She was younger and a smaller than him. She had light blue eyes that he thought could of been described as a little insane."Oh well he thought. I've dealt with insane wolves before. Well not really, but she doesn't seem insane. Only time will tell,"he thought.

Rolu sat and watched the female with intense curiosity."She is pretty.Maybe I could have a little fun. Get to know her a bit. A little small talk," he thought.<b>"So whats your name?"</b>he asked charmingly."It can't hurt to tell her your name you fool!" he thought.<b>"My name is Rolu Whitetree," he remembered what Silver had added to her name,"Lone, Wolf."</b>He noticed the wounds she had and guessed she had a hard fight with some one or something. I winced as he saw the one on her neck and said,<b>"What you get into a brawl with? A bear? You look beat; Why you here anyhow?"</b> He sniffed deeply again,"Pack really? Ether I just stumbled upon a maybe friend or a whole lot of troubled. Or maybe some competition from a pack," he thought chuckling to himself.
(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2012, 09:28 PM by Rolu.)
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Wow, that brute spoke a lot! Rising her eyes, giving an impish grin before finishing with the rabbit. Then the black girl sat down and took a better look of the brute. He seemed to be little older than she was, loner, and definitely larger. Scratching her neck, the unwounded side, eyes narrowing in pleasure, taking her time before saying a word to him.

<b>"One day here or there doesn't kill."</b> were her first words, teasing. Enough scratching and she put her hind leg back down, giving a toothy smile. <b>"Rebecca Wheatear, also known as Reba or Crazy"</b> she introduced herself, smile widening and tail wagging. Glancing the remainings of the rabbit, wondering should she give it to Rolu. Njaah, if he wanted it, he could come and take it himself.

Moving her eyes back to her companion again, tilting head with curious look in her eyes. <b>"Brawl? No, I played with it. Cougar."</b> she nodded to confirm her words, crazy sparkle in her eyes as she thought about the encounter. That almost had killed her, but that was just a minor detail. <b>"Exploring, I think. Though I've been here before. So maybe it's more like hunting? Anyway, I just wanted to get out a little"</b> were the black girl's final words, almost getting tired to all that speaking. Would Rolu still continue? Or maybe she should ask something? <b>"You're new in here?"</b>
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
-Rolu has too sides, the nice positive side, and the rough side......He chooses rough.

Rolu stared down at the wolf and saw the female leave the carcass."Well if she an't going to eat the rest I'll will. Even it means I have to fight for it," he thought. Rolu stepped around to where the rabbit was and listened to her as he did.<b>"Rebbecca Wheatear, um. Nice name."</b>he commented. He felt like he was being pulled along as she teased him. He was impressed by her love of danger and in spite of himself he liked it too.

<b>"Um you have? That must be nice,"</b>Rolu said as he crouched down be the rabbit. Rolu growled playfully as he bent his head down and chewed of a piece of the rabbit. Rolu's canines glinted in the sun as he pulled back. He lifted his head at her question,<b>"Ya, meet a nice she-wolf a while ago, goes by name of Silver Wintercoat. I was kicked out of my pack by my power hungry uncle, after my father died mysteriously. Before he kicked me out my mother disappeared too. If I had been older I could have taken over the pack my self,"</b>Rolu said.

<b>"So you like danger?"</b>Rolu asked as he bent down to take another chunk out of the rabbit."Finally someone to talk to, or mess with.....," he thought. Then, a tiny voice said inside of his head said,"Its been so long sense you last fought. She likes danger, come on lay it on her." Even with his best control Rolu agreed with the voice."It has been to long," he thought. Rolu didn't move a muscle and continued to eat the rest of the rabbit.,"After," he thought. Rolu waited for Rebbeca to answer him. His eyes glimmering in the light.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Rebecca has only one side, with various layers. But nothing can overrule her insanity! XD

Rebecca listened to him and let him take the rabbit without giving any protest. Tail wagged as the girl slightly lowered her head. Something came from that wolf, Rolu. Something that Rebecca really did like. It woke something inside her. Eyes started to gleam in curious way, Reba stood up. Tail rised high in the air, head was still low, wide grinn lightened her face and showed those deadly fangs.

<b>"Silver, ha? Never met her. And your uncle sounds like coward. Kill them mysteriously, how boring. Better to torture in front of everyone, like my grandparents. Though I can't do that kind of art, my speciality is dancing with cougars and bears, mountains and death. And you... Perhaps you are like your uncle? Coward."</b> the black girl spoke, the little gleam turning into full wildfire of insanity, grin getting even wider as she spoke out her passion. Her words starting from 'perhaps' were only teasing, she didn't really mean it and you could it hear it from her voice.

Suddenly bringing her head up, staring to Rolu with crazy look, eyes wide from excitement, grin almost too wide for her face. <b>"Like? Ah, Rolu, danger is why I live. Even the Devil himself couldn't give me enough of it!"</b> Rebecca spoke, feeling horrible and wonderful at the same time, voice low by her fighting feelings.. The carefully burried desire was now in flames inside her, and its will wasn't fullfilled. That was shy she felt horrible. But it was also wonderful to speak out what she felt and to feel part of her high. Lowering her head with rapid movement, letting out an playful growl. She needed her danger. Now.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu's tiny voice was growing in his head as he finished the rabbit. He had heard the answers to the questions he had asked, and thous her answers stirred him so. He felt powerful again and ready to kill. He had heard her, he was no coward. Rolu new it was teasing and bathed in it. He stood now above the bones of the rabbit. A little blood still clung to his muzzle and dripped down.

Rolu took a step forward and said cunningly, <b>"Good enough for me,"</b>he pushed on the ground and leaped. Coming from behind her he lunged going for her back. He pulled back and made an other go for it. He twisted his head to get at her underbelly, being careful of her wounds. He was straining for at least some self control and his real voice inside his head yelled at him to stop. The tiny voice had turned into a stronger voice and took over his mind. He lunged again hoping to flip her over.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca was aware that he just might attack,a dn with playful yelp the agile girl leaped away, grinning and laughing. His second attack she didn't dodge, but let him pull her to the snow. But again, Rebecca used ehr speed to pull herself up with rapid movements. Rolu couldn't be as fast due his large bodu built, something Reba knew. She ahd the chance to run away if wanted, but she did not want to. This wasn't great danger, but at least something to feed her desire.

Charging forward, playful movements, attempting to grab his tail between ehr jaws and squeez it hard enough to prevent him escaping, but not too hard, she didn't want to draw blood. Growling playfully, smiling, the insanity slowly turnign into impish and playful feelings. It didn't go as deep as she would've wanted, though.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
-okay a little power playing here but really small.

Rolu's voice broke away and his insane voice took over. Rolu went a little over board and went for her scruff. He leaped again growling and went for her legs. He went around her to go at her throat. He went in and grabbed skin pulling her towards him so he could get better aim. He tried to pound on her head with his paws. Rolu was releasing his frustration on the female.

Rolu stopped to look at the female trying to remember her name. he was panting now, with her speed if was hard for him to keep up. He looked up at her and grinned. He was glade she had found him and he ran at her with full speed. He was determined to try and knock her down so he could get at her underside. He growled at her, making himself feel even more crazed.
(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2012, 07:24 PM by Rolu.)
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: I got it out :D

Rebecca dodged the attack aimed for her legs by a quick jump, but the one to her neck did hit, though. She protected her throat, to there she wouldn't let the male to get. And then the black girl took few bouncy steps away, been pulled back and went off again. When the brute attempted to jump on her, she just stood and aimed her fangs towards his paws. Perhaps he would get a little cut, just for a little reminder of their encounter?

And when all the action came to a halt few moments later, Reba halted and stared Rolu with smile. And then he charged towards her. Taking her stances, standing for a few moments before running towards him as well. She trusted her speed with this thing, otherwise her lighter frame would egt an painful hit.

So, her plan was, that right in front of Rolu she would lay down from full speed and make him to trick on her. When he would fall, she could dance around him or something. But only if it would work, otherwise she would run straight towards him, and hit him, hard. And to her that would not be very nice.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">