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Secluded Spring Médico - Printable Version

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Médico - Aeylen - Apr 08, 2012

Good call, lets wrap this thing up. Nina, you may reply if you'd like :)

The leadess would nod reassuring to the Second, grateful for the intuitive nature of his gaze. A swelling pride in her chest only grew for the man, whose actions and words, over and over, proved his worth and dedication to the family. Briefly, her thoughts were of the pack and the nature of their threatened circumstance. As she looked over he and Nina, she wondered what was to become of them all, when it was over.

"Please, call me Aeylen," How rude of her not to introduce herself. Though she wasn't feeling like herself, she knew it was very important that the shewolf felt at home, and decided to stick it out. "Come, Nina. Kanosak and I will show you to the caches, and perhaps you can enjoy the remainder of the evening with a full belly in the safety of Copper Rock Creek." Ears forward, the shewolf glanced thankfully once more at Kano before leaning in the direction of the den site.


Médico - Nina - Apr 09, 2012

As the female's words echoed in her head she bowed her head respectfully ears pinned and tail tucked beneath her underbelly Aeylen, the female commited the older female's name to memory immediately as she stepped forward following the wolves forward, the wolves she could soon gladly call family. With a small nod at Aeylen she looked at Kanosak as if for reassurance before speaking back to her leader in a soft voice.

"Thank you, Aeylen, I appreciate you letting me join the pack and treating me so nicely. I thank you for accepting me with open paws," though the female's voice was soft she spoke with slight hesitancy. She wasn't sure how she was suppose to act accordingly with being submission. Perhaps later in the future she could ask another wolf for assistance in the way she acted. She didn't wish to be kicked out for how she acted. WIth a quick nod at the two wolves she followed them through the paths that seemed to be worn down by many wolves walking the trail.