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Médico — Secluded Spring 
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
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OOC: Personally it pisses me off when people waltz into a territory for a joining thread, I think it should be done respectfully on the borders XD I mean face it, IRL if a wolf trespasses its usually chased off/killed... and we don't want that :P

<blockquote>His pace had slowed significantly from their initial departure from the Ghastly Woods. His pace was still a quick ground eating one, but it wasn't an outright sprint. The creeping curtain that surrounded the spring was coming into sight and the golden male finally slowed. He was almost home, but there were other things that needed seeing to first. They moved closer to the border and the mingled scent of home and family washed over him. It put him on edge that there were so many new scents mingled amongst the familiar but he trusted his leaders.

He turned to the brown lady at his side with a smile. <b>"Are you ready?"</b> he questioned playfully before canting his muzzle to the sky and releasing a low howl to announce his return home and request the presence of one of his leaders. It wasn't the first time he had bought a stranger home with him. He just hoped his leaders were as accepting of this wolf as they were of the last, but her knowledge of healing would go far he was sure. Even though he was learning his knowledge was limited.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 15, 2012, 12:39 PM by Corinna.)
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
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Nina Hervok
OOC: I technically didn't trespass! LOL! :P

Nodding her head at the golden male she came to a stop beside him. SPeaking quietly as if almost a whisper she laughed softly,<b> "I am very ready, I just hope they accept me."</b> Nina barked with a small smile. Sitting down next to Kanosak she looked around quickly. It was a clear day which was probably a good things, meaning that there would definitely probably be prey today. It wasn't too warm but wasn't cold either, meaning there could be plenty of herbs growing around.

Glancing quickly at the other wolf she whined slightly, <b>"What if they don't allow me to join, I don't wish to intrude."</b> Nina's soft side was suddenly coming out. She didn't like being rejected by others, mainly if she was being so kind to the others. IT didn't bring her joy to be rejected, she guessed itmust of had to do with her past. Pinning her ears on her head she watched the area for any sign of other wolves.
(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2012, 06:22 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>Well now was as good a time as any. He canted his muzzle to the sky and let loose a long deep howl requesting the presence of one of his leaders. He had someone he wanted them to meet. It wasn't the first time he had bought a new wolf home, and Kashikoi had been accepted readily enough. Nina was an adult, she knew how to heal and had survived the winter alone, so clearly she was capable of hunting and providing for herself. She seemed pleasant and respectful, he couldn't see her not fitting in here. Now all they could do was wait.

<b>"Well, I'm yet to see them turn anyone away yet..."</b> even those who well deserved it in his opinion <b>"...and hopefully I will get a chance to put in a good word for you. Having the necessity to learn healing skills lifted off my shoulders would be more than a welcome, especially this close to pups. Patrolling and hunting and teaching what I can where to the yearlings... well, I hardly get a moment to myself as it is..."</b> he admitted readily. He really hoped one of the leaders would arrive shortly so he could get home and check on how things had been while he was gone. It was unfounded anxiety, but he couldn't help but worry.</blockquote>
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
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Nina Hervok
That was pleasent to hear though. After the other wolf howled she looked around readily searching for the sign of another wolf. Crouching beside Kanosak she tilted her head and sniffed the air searching for any herbs. She might as well distract herself while waiting for one of the leaders to arrive. Scanning the area with her eyes she spotted some lavendar around this area it was just too common, she wanted some other kind of herb that could also help, she just decided not to look now while she didn't know if she would be staying or not.

<b>"Well I really appreciate the kindness you have shown me.."</b> Nina spoke her sentence trailing off. This was probably the best chance she would get to thank the other wolf. He had shown a great amount of kindness towards her, reminding her of another wolf she had encountered not too long ago. Taking a deep breath she watched the bushes and trees waiting for any sign of another wolf.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
Apologies <3

<blockquote>Within time, the leadess' figure would emerge in the distance, the thick plume of her tail flagged proudly behind her. Though she was not surprised to have been summoned by the loyal Second - Kanosak, a man she'd come to respect and appreciate with each turning day - she did not expect his company.

The tawny female at his side appeared healthy, though perhaps malnourished (not uncommon through the winter, she would note to herself as she pressed forward), and instantly she would infer the nature of their meeting. Wide-eyed, a glint of warmth to her honey-hued gaze - the Tainn would gracefully come to a halt, though not without overtly sizing up the rogue. Breeding season was upon Relic Lore, and if not for her wishes for Copper Rock Creek to flourish, she may have been inclined to turn the potential competition away.

<b>"Kanosak,"</b> she spoke gently, greeting the blonde man openly before returning her attention to the female. <b>"Who may I have the pleasure of meeting, today?"</b> Though her eyes were steadily locked on the shewolf, she was sure Kano would not hesitate to introduce his counterpart.</blockquote>
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Turning her head towards Kanosak she wasn't sure if she was suppose to answer, or if she were to wait until she was spoken to. The small female wolf had not had a relaxing social life for her time as a rogue and she just wasn't sure how she was suppose to act towards the higher ranking wolf. Though she thought she should return to her full height she raised her head and stood up so that she was almost at eye length with the other wolf.

She quickly dipped her head down to show her respect for the other wolf while tilting her head up at the wolf at her in the process. She didn't want to be striked by the much larger wolf. It was easily obvious that the other wolf could take her down without a moments hesitation, and her loyal second would follow quickly in suite she was sure. Scanning the area again was the best way to stay calm.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>Kanosak's tail wagged in greeting to his lady as he happily trotted to her side with a respectful nudge to her cheek. <b>"This is Nina. She is a healer and interested in joining us. It would be a welcome weight to have lifted..."</b> he admitted a honestly. While he had been one to seek out the position and training, on top of all of his duties as second he was feeling a little weighed down. He had chased the position out of necessity. <b>"It would mean we wouldn't have to travel to learn if we had a teacher closer to home, and I could focus more on reinforcing the borders with spring upon us."</b>

He was a logical wolf, and while he understood women became a little irrational during breeding season he held the utmost respect for both his leaders and he would respect her decision either way. He truly was better suited as a guardian but it didn't hurt for everyone to learn a little of each others tasks so if anything were to happen they were capable of stepping into each others positions. If anything, his grandmother had taught him you could never have too many healers, because at least then there would always be at least one nearby. Everyone in his birth pack had been forced to learn at least the basics.</blockquote>
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Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
Wow I just posted a reply to this and internet explorer just ate it up and spit it out. *punches herself in the face*

<blockquote>She listened intently to his reasoning, meanwhile taking note of the stranger's shift of posture while internally identifying with his points. <i>A second healer, a burden lifted...</i>The words rang true.

<b>"I am inclined to agree with you. Welcome, Nina." </b>Eyes would steal a glance over the grey-hued female's body once more before turning pleadingly to her second in command. <b>"Perhaps you could show our new sister to the pack dens? A full stomach and a night's rest is no less than she deserves." </b>The caches were surely dwindling, but the leadess would not tolerate a marginal welcoming. She would show the newcomer around herself, and get to know her, but there was a knotting in her belly and it felt as though a horde of caribou were stampeding in her brain. If not for her stubborn, headstrong nature, she could have keeled over and curled up to the grass then and there.

A soft smile would convey her sincerity as she waited for Kanosak's words.</blockquote>
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The smaller female smiled slightly and bowed her head respectively, <b>"Thank you, eh....Miss." </b> The red and grey female couldn't recall the other wolf's name. Now that she thought of it, Kanosak had never mentioned his leader's name. Tilting her head towards the male she twitched her ears waiting for his reply. She wasn't going to speak unless spoken to directly from now until later. She couldn't risk the possibility of breaking one of their laws. She had heard of one pack strict enough to murder another wolf for speaking her opinion and out of turn.

It was almost slightly upsetting and she was tempted to wince at the thought. Another wolf had taken the life of one of their own, how scary. She could never think of actually staying in a pack where that happened. Though that was her medical skills kicking in...even though she was more of a mental healer she could still handle physical injuries. Nina continued to sniff the air as the two wolves socialized with each other trying to search for anything other herbs. The air was slightly warm indicating that some herbs should be nearby.

OOC: Haha. Yay!!! My phone is actually working.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Sorry its so short! Wasn't sure if you wanted it to keep going from here so I had him hesitant about leaving. If everyone else is happy for this to finish though I'll have this as his last and you ladies can wrap up?

<blockquote>Something was awry with his lady leader and he couldn't quite scent it out, but he had no doubt if it was anything he could help with she would seek him out. Nodding his ascent he replied courteously <b>"Of course."</b> with a small smile back to Nina. Motioning her to come forward. Masking a worried glance at Aeylen from the newest creek wolf, he couldn't keep the worry from his gut. Had something gone awry while he was away? Lingering for just a moment in case he was needed, the second turned his sights anxiously to home.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2012, 12:34 PM by Kanosak.)
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