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Sanguine Cove another step closer - Printable Version

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RE: another step closer - Chan - Aug 16, 2021

Chan wasn't too far along, making his way from the shielding precipices downward into the forests. He approached from the same direction Jethro and his guest had, only in time to hear the murmurings about himself and a wolf named Siyet and to pick up the light scent of blood. With curiosity in his eyes, he joined the group, scanning their faces before seeking out the injury on Jethro's frame. He caught sight of blood clumping some of the man's shoulder fur, but it didn't appear to be anything severe. Still, it would need attention, and that would be a priority for the leader.

"Good to see you Jethro. Come, let's get you to @Landen and get that cut cleaned up," he motioned ahead, hoping the others would begin to lead the way as he walked beside his brother's lookalike and the woman he'd brought with him. To her, Chan nodded and smiled widely.

"Siyet, I think I heard your name was? Are you looking for anything in particular, or just here to enjoy the land?"

While maybe Jethro had simply brought a friend along to show off the mountain, the Cove fill-in wanted to make sure she hadn't been brought here because she was in need. If she were, that would be his next focus.

RE: another step closer - Jethro - Aug 16, 2021

Although appearing a bit reserved, @Siyet offered more about herself as well as a greeting. Jet could sympathize with what she must’ve been feeling, though, recalling when Nori had initially brought him here. In a bid to reassure Siyet, Nash revealed a fact Jet hadn’t been aware of. Chan was, evidently, the leader now - and he didn’t think his brother would turn the newcomer away. But what’d happened to the other guy? A question to be filed away for later. Supplied with such knowledge though, Jethro felt all the more optimistic.

Nori’s expression shifted from indignant to a display of contrition and embarrassment in the meantime, only a faint apology escaping her. Moonshadow, too, welcomed Siyet, and it did not cease to amaze the dark one how incredibly kind this whole family was.

It did not take long before Chan appeared from behind them, offering a warm greeting and going to someone else Jethro hadn’t heard of for some treatment for the cut. It was just a small one, and he didn’t think a small scrape warranted that kind of attention, but.. arguing was probably not a good idea. Not here or now, anyway. ”Good to see ya, too. I.. uh, thank you.” The group turned at that, venturing further into pack lands. Chan addressed Siyet after that, with the same courtesy as his family.  

”I was.. thinkin’ about coming back to stay, myself. Thought I might offer Siyet the same chance to see if she likes it here. Provided it’s permitted, of course.” Jet offered, hoping to ease a bit of whatever anxiety she might’ve had by explaining a bit further and drawing some attention to himself. The dark one glanced towards his new friend to make sure she was alright with what he’d said. He hadn’t spoken for her desires or intentions, so hopefully, it would not be an issue. His future and possible allegiance to this pack was a topic that would require further thought and discussion later, too. The thought of it, though, was not as unappealing as it'd once been. This place was a far cry from what he’d grown up with. If he worked for it, perhaps there could actually be a decent future for him, amongst these wolves.

-if no other big things come up, are y'all good with fading after this round?

RE: another step closer - Siyet - Aug 16, 2021

After all the commotion that had happened, Siyet was a bit surprised. There were quite a lot of different people who had shown up to great her and Jethro. It appears even the leader had shown up. The leader addressed himself and it was definitely a different person than Jethro had said, which seemed to surprise him. Was there something between her new friend and the leader of this pack?

Jethro had spoken as to why they were there and Siyet had to add in, "Yes well. You see...I got separated from my pack..This kind man here offered to bring me up here and if I am honest, I am used to operating in a pack. I'm just not used to being by myself..." She glanced shyly at all the others there and sort of tucked her tail. She quite liked the dynamic that this pack had, and was hoping that she might be able to find a place here.

RE: another step closer - Nash - Aug 16, 2021

I'm good with this being Nash's last post.

Nash grinned at his brother when he finally arrived from behind Jethro and Siyet. Must have been out scouting again.

He tried not to let this bother him. Back to his old habits of burying any unpleasantness. He had new responsibilities to focus on.

To nobody's (probably) surprise, Chan was welcoming to the girl and began herding the group back into the territory's boundaries. Nash had yet to meet this Landen and made a mental note to do so, but for now he would be content to welcome a new pack member, assuming that's-

Ah, yep, she didn't like being alone. He smiled at her. "I don't much like being on my own, either," he said. "I think you'll like the Cove. We're all family here. My mom, Moonshadow over there, kind of adopts everyone. If you need anything, just come find me. I'm always happy to help."

He shot a teasing grin at his brother. "And my brother doesn't know how to say no when someone asks for anything, so you can count on him to have your back. I hope you can make a home here too."