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Lost Lake The Iron Lady - Printable Version

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The Iron Lady - Athena - May 06, 2012


Her halfway decent demeanor was shattered when the woman began to speak of Rhysis. So, now they were after him, again? Couldn't they wait a little while for them to get their strength up before charging here. Who knows, perhaps she brought her whole pack here and they were just waiting in the shadows for the right moment. A small growl rumbled in her chest at the thought of it. With her recent episode with the River wolves and Nina, she was in no mood for another attack.

Her fiery eyes pinned on Aeylen, she spoke with a slight venom in her voice. "What do you want with him?" She didn't know if Rhysis told Naira about having the Creek wolves after his head, but she sure hoped that Naira wouldn't take her aggressiveness the wrong way. She has become quite protective over the black male.


The Iron Lady - Naira - May 06, 2012

Sharp golden eyes swung to her white second for a short moment, sparks igniting in their depths. She appreciated the other woman’s loyalty but now was not the time to be letting her temper run off with her mouth. They would show they could remain civil. In a different time, in another place, they could have all been friends.

So were the Creek wolves coming? Or was this some masked attempt at peace? Surely the two ladies with so much more to think on had better things to worry about (like the upcoming birth of their cubs) to honestly consider throwing their mates into battle and having either of them left as widows with hungry mouths to feed. At this time of the year, instability could be their downfall.

Having taken a moment to cool her own temper at Athena’s little snap (as much as it lit a prideful fire in her chest) she smoothly responded ”As I am sure you are aware, Rhysis is a valuable member of my family, and with young on the way, we are all a little on edge.” There was no use in attempting to deny it. His scent saturated her coat and she wore it with pride, Just as the other lady wore her mates. ”I apologise for my seconds tone but I will repeat her question because I find it entirely warranted. What do you want with him?”

She had met Volkan recently, and the information gleaned had been bombshell enough. She had patched up Nina after she had attacked Naira’s own and for what? So they could have another set of teeth to send after them? They weren’t an evil bunch. They weren’t after anyones blood unprovoked. Rhysis simply missed his sister and had wanted to see her... and someone running their mouth had allowed it to explode into this... She began to wonder if it would just be worthwhile to pick up and leave the lands of Lore. She had grown to love her little patch of Nightshade on the Lake but she wanted what every mother wanted. She wanted her babies to be safe.