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Another New Face - Ash - May 06, 2012

The small wolf was ashamed of herself. . .she had obviously cared for his sister. . not that he cared. He didn't exactly favor his sister though, but he decided to stay quiet. "Well," he spoke up, "that is quite unforuntate. Perhaps you will see her again." Ash spoke quietly, his eyes unwavering as he watched the smaller female. She was hurt, but from what he heard he was accepting, which was probably a good thing, but she reminded her of him? How odd. .

Twitching his large ears he watched the female quietly, tilting his head, wondering what to say. He wasn't the best in the comforting department, but he didn't know what else to say. "It's alright Treena. Things will get better. From what I heard she's injured anyway." It was true. . .Nina had gotten injured. He had heard from a wolf in Creek pack about it, but he was determined not to bring it up, besides. . .it had been Nina herself who had showed him that she was indeed, injured.

Another New Face - Treena - May 06, 2012

Treena looked shocked, staring up at the male in horror. Nina was hurt? What kind of sick freak would hurt the friendly she-wolf? She didn't want to think about it. Maybe she fell while hunting, or maybe he had heard wrong. Whatever is was, Treena didn't want to know anything else about it in fear of blaming herself. Or in fear of knowing it could happen to her.

Listening to his words the female stood still, panting as she tried to get comfortable again. Giving a peachy smile she leaned forward and pressed her nose to the male's shoulder, straining her neck to do so. It was a simple gesture, thanking him for his kindness. She was also trying to comfort him, unable to see how it really impacted him. He was Nina's brother, and Nina was great! The fact she was hurt must really bother him. "Are you okay?"

Another New Face - Ash - May 06, 2012

The brown brute listened to the female's words closely. . was he okay? Hell yeah, he was glad Nina wasn't but he knew he couldn't say anything. . .instead he was thinking about getting his mind off of his sister. Blinking his green eyes he felt a nose poke his shoulder, as though the female needed comfort. "Yes, Treena. I'm fine, I'm not sure about Nina though." Maybe the female would go and pay Nina another visit and see if she was alright. Even though Ash had a large grudge against his sister he still had the urning to see if she was alright.

The nose in his shoulder didn't bother him. Bending down he licked the female's muzzle, a small, thankful gesture towards her. . .nothing too personal, but polite. He wasn't one to be rude but he always had ways to see to it that he was thankful. From what he had heard Nina was a sweet soul, but his father had told him different. . .much, much different. COuld it possibly be he was wrong? Or perhaps she had changed from being a pup. . .or maybe. .it was just his awful father.

Another New Face - Treena - May 07, 2012

Treena's paws dragged her back, letting her rest. Standing took energy that the she-wolf couldn't afford, curling around herself was more warming, felt better. Her head strained out over her paws. Her eyes mostly white as she looked up through her eye lashes. She had a bond with this male already, he was respectful, like a brother. She would find Nina, as soon as she could, make sure she was okay. Maybe she'd try and find Ash first, take him with her.

If he would go.

The she-wolf trusted easily. She was easily manipulated and lied to. She wanted to do the right thing, and was yet to be let down. Of course, she didn't know enough people to understand betrayal. Even the fight between her and her father was weak, she had left on her own free-will. All it would take would be meeting the wrong wolf, one who was sneaky enough to cheat her. "I hate to be wasting your time."

There were other things he could be doing. He could have been hunting, training, there was a long list of deeds for a loner. She was just lonely. Company would keep her alive more than food. "Do you mind my company?"

Another New Face - Ash - May 07, 2012

The male felt undeniably guilty about lying to this female. . .she was nice and sweet and he had lied to her about his sister and him wanting to find her. . .no more lying for the female. . .he would make sure of that. He liked the female in front of him. . .and now it seemed that his mood had finally lightened. Sitting down in a comfortable position he waited for the brown wolf to speak again. Wasting his time? Not at all, he was doing something productive and talking to someone, and he definitely didn't mind her company. . .it was better than being all alone in silence and not being able to do anything what so ever. Opening his mouth to speak he said in a tough voice, "I don't mind your company. . .you're a sweet wolf, Treena." He was not flirting with this female, but he had given her a compliment, something he didn't give out regularly.

He should have been looking for Finn most likely but he knew he needed a break. This is just what he needed, a new wolf to meet, something he didn't mind at all. After awhile he stretched and yawned before saying, "I'm assuming that you and Nina are close?" He would have to consider this female's opinions on his sister, Perhaps his father had been wrong after all, maybe his sister wasn't all that bad. "If you don't mind me asking," Ash hesitated slightly, "would you mind telling me about her."

Another New Face - Treena - May 09, 2012

Treena had so much to say, she couldn't get it all out. Her face was one of a statue, frozen in time like a Greek god, head tilted to the sky and her honey warm eyes closed. The slight breeze was calming, it helped her think. It moved her fur back, revealing her facial features in unspeakable power. She almost lost herself, forgetting about Ash and becoming one with the wild. She tried to remember the past, which was hard. She was looking through muddy water. Her mind had instantly destroyed the memory, just like everything else that caused her pain. It had been locked in a tight box and burned, becoming nothing more than dusk so she could keep going on with her life. "Nina was,"

The wolf opened her eyes, but didn't lower her head. It stayed towards the sun. She was breathing it all in, trying to finish her sentence, "good to me."

"I met her while I was eating. Thought she was there to attack, take my food. I was sickly back then, worse than now." She laughed once, a morbid chuckle, moving her head to face Ash once more. "Hard to believe, I know. I couldn't give up any food." She tried to move on with her story, a smirk still twitching on the corners of her mouth.

"I was going to attack, but she spoke with such softness, I knew I couldn't. She didn't want a fight. She saw how close to death I was, wanted to help. Life in a pack, I wanted to see it the way she did. She trusted me, took me to the border to meet the leaders. It was tense, the male alpha, I didn't trust him. I lashed out. He told me to leave, and by now his mate had come. I wasn't going to fight, so I ran off."

"Left my damn rabbit there too. Pisses me off when I do stuff like that. It was a nice fucking rabbit, and I left it there. For them."

Another New Face - Ash - May 10, 2012

The male made himself comfortable for the female's response and when it came he became curious. She was a good wolf? And she helped Treena, just like she had helped Finn. . .perhaps her father had been wrong. . .or maybe she has been acting the whole time. Shaking the thought out of his mind, the male watched Treena. . .his green eyes watching her closely. He couldn't contain the small twitch of his ear as he listened to her. She snapped at the alpha? Wow, she must have been brave. . I should keep her in mind if I ever start a pack. . .I would use that. As he thought he watched Treena her mouth no longer moving but staring expectantly at him. . .waiting for his answer. Opening his maw to speak he said, "Well, she seems like a sweet wolf. And perhaps leaving the rabbit was a good thing. Who knows?"

He was being completely truthful with the small female in front of him. Though she had impressed him by snapping at an alpha he watched her carefully. She was still an immature wolf, but she could find herself in a pack one day, possibly being at the top of the ranks, Lowering his head he sneezed. . .the weather had not been kind to him lately. Wrinkling is nose slightly he procked his ears and brought his head back up staring at the female before saying, "What I'm curious about is if you don't trust males then why do you trust me?" This question was something that had actually been bugging him for awhile. Why had the female trusted him? He was nothing special.

Another New Face - Treena - May 11, 2012

Treena pursed her lips when the male asked his question, not because it was rude, just because she didn’t have an answer. She trusted Ash, even though he was someone she had just run into moments ago. He was big, double her size. He was capable of attacking, of pinning her on the ground and of killing. She ignored all that though, for some unknown reason. Looking him over she tried to find something different that would make him safe. She found nothing but his eyes, and even those seemed too large. “You’re big, and strong. I should be terrified.”

She laughed, eyes dancing. The words were too soft to have a negative impact, she was too fond of the tom to say something bad about him.“But I’m not. Maybe it’s because you’re a loner, maybe because you’re related to Nina, maybe because you didn’t isolate me when I introduced myself,” She shrugged her shoulder blades, trying to force the next words out of her mouth, “or maybe it’s because you remind me of my brothers.”

She wouldn’t tell Ash both her brothers were now dead, it seemed irrelevant. She doubted it would matter, even the small comment of her past felt like toxic water coming from out her mouth. She wasn’t capable of explaining the rest of her story. She just hoped he’d accept the compliment. From what she knew of Ash, he’d avoid saying the wrong thing, and that was a quality Treena respected.

Another New Face - Ash - May 13, 2012

Blinking his light green eyes at Treena he smiled at her answer. Like her brother? It was comforting to know that a wolf could speak to Ash like this. Back in the other land he had not been a sociable wolf and now thinking back he was glad that he came to this new land. A fresh, new start would be a good thing for him ad so far he had proven himself right. Watching the young female he twitched his ears. She had a brother. Curiosity was now itching in his paws. Opening his mouth he spoke politely, "Well, I'm honored then, but you have a brother? Is he in Relic Lore?"

Now knowing that he would have to find more information on his sister he sighed. Why had their father lied to them? He shouldn't have just up and left but for some reaosn he knew he would have ot be happier now. He had friends now, friends he could count on. This was good for him. . .he couldn't have asked for anything less. Smiling he licked the female's cheek affectionately. She was like a little sister, one that could obviously tell him many things. He knew he would keep his eyes on her and ears open for any sign of her.

Another New Face - Treena - May 13, 2012

The wolf sat with her back straight and shoulders pushed, her white chest gleaming. When Ash lowered his head to lick her cheek, the she-wolf gave him a thankful smile. The words seemed hard to say, yet she would never lie. If he wanted to know, she’d tell him. That didn’t make things any easier. Her unsure tail swayed on the ground, gathering up dust and dirt. Finding the strength to explain her mouth opened, revealing her long fangs. “I had two.” Her voice drifted off into the wind, though it was quite clear she wasn’t done speaking. It wasn’t a dramatic pause, like the climax of her story was coming up. It was emotionless, so supressed Treena had no feeling. “Neither survived a cougar encounter.”

“Mother died protecting me, only father stayed alive.” A morbid smile played on the corners of her mouth, not because the story was funny, but because she was so disgusted with what she was preparing to say. It was almost humorous. “Wasn’t long before good ‘ol dad got himself a new mate. Knocked her up real fast too. I was last year’s news, easily forgotten. Treated like dirt, finally I left. He wasn’t my dad anymore.”