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Another New Face — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
Time away from Copper Rock Creek territory probably was going to be a good things for Ash. He just needed to get away from Nina's homeland for awhile. The male had never met his sister yet, but he could never figure out how to reach out to her, it just never truly came to him. The weather was getting better though. Today it was cloudy, calmingly cloudy. THe temperature was perfect and the intellect of what he was thinking finally came together.

Recently he had encountered his beauty again, Finn, and his obtuse knowledge of herbs had not done him well. Now all he felt was he had to get away, away from the drama, away from all other wolves. It felt good, having the slight wind push his thick fur back. Leaving him slghtly cool. The male had had a peaceful day so far, not encountering any other sign of life. He just hoped it stayed like that for a little while longer.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
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Treena Rose Hervok
Treena almost slammed headfirst into the male wolf. She hadn’t been paying attention, lost in her own thoughts and daydreams. Being rejected from the pack, it knocked some sense into her. It was tons to think about, and each step she took she lost more and more of her loner history. She had lost track of the nights, of the days. She looked a little better since meeting Nina, hunting more, trying to collect herself. Her lethal beauty was softer now, more hidden beneath a gentle figure and a well-groomed pelt.

Her muzzle touching the male’s flank she stumbled a moment, frozen in shock. She did step back, but for some reason she just looked at him, trying to figure out why she felt she knew him. The shape of his muzzle, of his eyes, she knew them already. Not afraid of looking impolite she didn’t move her tilted head, or her wide gaze. She was stunned, incapable of turning her stare, it seemed like she was admiring his beauty. Instead she was trying to bring herself to remember. Feeling her soft lips part slowly, she let her tongue roll out and roll over her golden muzzle, deciding it was time to speak and break the awkwardness she had brought with her. <b>“I apologize.”</b>

She showed her throat in submission, something about the male reminded her of kindness, of Nina. If he was anything like Nina she felt no need to worry. Blinking her thick eyelashes she clenched her mouth shut, returning to her normal position. <b>“I didn’t see you there.”</b> She spoke with intensity, almost embarrassed by the situation. <b>"I mean no trouble."</b>
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
The male's peace was interrupted by a small tap of his back, he figured a wolf had accidently bumped into him. With a small snort he turned around to meet a smaller female's gaze. She smelt familiar. She had the slight smell of Copper Rock Creek pack, meaning she probably came in the direction of them, wonderful, another wolf from his sister's pack, or maybe a lone wolf, but the wolf definitely smelt like them. The female stared at him, seemingly looking into him like she somehow actually knew him.

The female was obviously in shock, meaning that she wasn't paying attention to what was going on around her, which probably wasn't a good thing. Looking over the female quickly he could tell that she was fed, but smaller than him, much smaller than him if he stood up. The golden female muttered an apology before showing submission to him, something he honestly thought was foolish, something wolves shouldn't have to show to him. Most thought he was dangerous due to his side, but he wasn't threatening at all, if anything he could be the sweetest male one could ever meet.

Opening his mouth to speak to the female, his loud, deep voice boomed, "It's quite alright. You really don't need to show submission, it's not needed." The female finally returned to her normal position, seeming comfortable around him, bringing shock to the male, but appreciation at the same time. The large male's light green eyes watched the female with curiousity, wondering what had her mind elsewhere.

OOC: Sound familiar? Haha.
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Treena was oblivious to her wagging tail. She circled around him like a hawk, golden eyes gleaming. The sun felt nice on her back, it looked pretty too. It highlighted the individual shades of her multi-colored pelt. One could even see white in the strands, something hard to notice in the dark. The tom was big, with deep-set shoulders and a muscular frame. Treena felt insignificant in his shadow, comparing her physique with his was failing her ego. She pranced around a little slower now, bottom lip a little pouted outwards.

It didn’t matter. He was accepting on her, something she desperately needed after her trip-up with the pack. Long neck shifting in the light, trying to get a better look at his build she all but shoved her muzzle in his fur. <b>“I’m Treena.”</b> Her head was still hanging on a weird angle, smiling from the corner of her mouth. Her black nose was high in the air, her paws almost as high as she walked. Each time she trotted around him she got closer, curiosity feeding away.

She got close enough to feel her tail swaying into him, and instantly stopped, afraid of what physical contact would cause. It looked like she was on the edge of purring, or rolling on the ground belly up. Something impossible to imagine, something more cat-like than wolf-like. <b>“I’m very glad to meet another wolf. I’ve had a very,”</b> She struggled for a word, wiggling her nose in though, <b>“interesting couple of days.”</b>

OCC: I luffles Ash <3 So much like Nina.
(This post was last modified: Apr 22, 2012, 10:04 PM by Treena.)
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
OOC: Haha, thought so.

The golden eyed lady quickly started to wag her tail and started to circle him, observing him. She seemed to pout slightly as she took in his size, her pace slowing as she continued to cicle around him. She seemed to stick her muzzle into his pelt, making him slightly uncomfortable, but otherwose he stayed where he was continuing to watch the female with curiousity, her name was Treena apparently. Ash made sure to keep her scent memorized in his head as she spoke. Her head seemed to hang awkwardly as she spoke and she kept getting closer and closer to him, he didn't mind though, she probably just felt she needed attention, a friend, something he didn't mind giving her.

Before he knew it he felt a slight tapping at his side, her tail it seemed which stopped quickly probably afraid of his reaction, but he just sat there, staring at the wolf, wondering what could have gone wrong to get this wolf in the condition that she was currently in. She looked like she was happy though, which was probably a good thing considering the circumstances. Ash just sat there before opening his maw to reply to what the female said.

"Well, that is unfortunate," the male spoke again, his deep voice seeming to rumble in his chest before continuing, "I am Ash Hervok. It's a pleasure to meet you Treena."

The male spoke politely as he watched the female closely. He was curious to as who this female was and what her business was being all up in his grill. He didn't mind the closeness of this wolf though, she looked nice, and smelt familiar, but she didn't look like him, what so ever, but she was still a pretty wolf, but he had to remind himself of Finn, the one who was injured back in Swift River. The male continued to stare at Treena his light green eyes trained on her.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
<b>“I’m sorry.”</b> Treena back-pedaled until she was a respectful distance away, giving an apologetic wave of the tail. Letting out a short exhale the she-wolf gave a reassuring smile, how odd she was acting. It was a miracle she hadn’t been attacked by now, if a loner had approached her this way she would have gotten defensive, forced the crazy wolf out of her personal bubble. Her father chasing her off, refusing to claim Treena as his own, not giving her a chance when he received a new family, and recently losing hope in joining a pack had made Treena feel unacceptable and worthless. There was no way this male knew about any of this, it was a shock he had stayed long enough for her be introduced. Looking him in the eyes Treena understood she should explain herself before it was too late. Maybe it already was. <b>“I’m not use to acceptance lately.”</b> In Relic Lore Nina had accepted her, offered up guidance and help.

She’d messed it up.

Hiding the hurt from her face she struggled to admit the words without cringing, or whimpering, or showing some sign of emotion. Instead she froze like a statue, only her eyes giving her even slightly away. She was stronger than to look for sympathy, or pity. Nothing upset her more than feeling weak, and so she took a long inhale and replaced expressionless with a fake grin. Lately, it was her own fault. If she hadn’t been so afraid of change she may have been apart of a pack that very second. It was too late, maybe it was for the better. She told herself it was for the better.

<b>“What’s your story?”</b> Exhaling she gave more of a laugh than anything, lopsided smirk spreading. This one wasn’t forced. It felt natural.<b> “Everyone’s got one, and you’ve heard mine. Not many wolves go as far as that.”</b> She lifted a forepaw, cleaning away the smallest amount of dirt until it gleamed with cleanliness. Not dropping it back to the ground she just held it there, eyes suddenly narrowing as she looked at him above it. <b>“You’ve got to have one.”</b>
(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2012, 12:12 AM by Treena.)
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
The lady finally back pedaled away from him and being the lazy ass he was he sat down watching Treena thoughtfully. Acceptance, huh? Sounded like him too, but he was sure not to say anything about it. It seemed that the other wolf was sapping the energy out of Ash, she was talking, too much. If the female wanted sympathy Ash sure as hell wasn't in the mood for giving another wolf sympathy, not on his watch at the moment. The female asked him a question. His past? He didn't really have one, but he felt as if he should take care of the wolf who moments before had been pressing her muzzle into his fur. He felt as though he needed to protect the smaller wolf and take her under his wing. It was quite odd how he thought this though, he couldn't exactly figure out why.

"Well, I came to Relic Lore to find my sister, but so far I haven't any luck, unfortunately," the male mumbled his answer, it was short and clipped, but it was still an answer. For some reason Ash was acting as kind as possible to this wolf that he had recently met. He just wasn't in the mood for dealing with anything right now. The large brown male almost seemed to be glaring at the trees as though they had the answers to everything but wouldn't give them to him. His mind wandered, too much lately, he needed rest. Licking his shoulder his eyes slide back to Treena before saying, "You just came from a Copper Rock Creek area." Though he wanted to get his mind off the pack he couldn't help but make the statement.

OOC: I'm surprised she didn't notice the last name yet! :P
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Treena's eyes narrowed, still trying to piece things together. She wasn't slow, not at all. She just hadn't expected a situation like this to come up. His question barley made an impact on her, she was still so focused. Her thin face was tense in confusion, obviously focused on something far from reality. She had tried to blow it off, but now it was like a needle digging into her back. She couldn't do that anymore. <b>"I got rejected. From Copper Rock Creek, snapped at the alpha, showed aggression, violence. Lucky I got out without a scratch."</b>

She wasn't thinking about what she was saying, just mumbling the words, trying to find a way to mention Nina that wouldn't backfire, or make her look like an idiot if she was wrong, trying to keep the giant male's attention. These words spinned out of her mouth, hurling out into the open with shocking honesty. The fragile she-wolf looked incapable of such an insolent action, it was almost humorous.

Then she was suddenly dropped back into the present time, muzzle opening and shutting as she tried to ask the question without seeming rude. She didn't want to upset the male, not just because he looked capable of stepping on her, but also because she was beginning to enjoy his company. Smiling slightly, to make the situation less tense, she kept her mouth open. <b>"Your sister, is her name Nina?"</b>
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
The female's response to his statement almost made him laugh. She snapped at an alpha, how stupid was this wolf? Perhaps he had threatened her first, she was a small wolf, but I don't see how she could come out as pushy. The thought made him chuckle to himself, he could actually see the female jumping on the large Creek male and sticking her muzzle into his fur, much like she had done to himself. then came an uncomfortable silence, one that didn't bother Ash, but it seemed like the female was trying to speak to her, but trying to see how to say something. . .he didn't see what the problem was though, she just needed to come out and say it. . .otherwise he could be on his way to find out how Finn was holding up. He hadn't seen her since the waterfall and he was longing to see her again. . .hopefully he wouldn't have to wait too long.

Then the little female spoke again. . .a name. . .one that he knew well, one he had memorized as much as he could. Nina. . . . . Narrowing his eyes at the female he opened his mouth to speak, "That's swell, a great way to get accepted into a pack." Pausing to gather his thoughts he spoke, "Yes, Nina is my sister. . .you have met her?" It was a foolish question coming from him but it was a needed question. . .just for clarification. Sitting quietly in front of the female, he tilted his head. . .as if curious.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Treena nodded, her stomach twisting in a knot as she tried to speak. It was hard to bring up Nina after what she had done to the wolf. <b>"She took me to the border, of her pack, Copper Rock Creek. I betrayed her." </b>

She looked away, ashamed, tiny gold eyes tinted with sorrow. <b>"She reminds me of you. Accepting." </b>

Her voice was soft, but held so much emotion. Stepping back she slowly found herself wanting to be alone, being around Ash was like being with Nina. She couldn't handle that, not when the memory was so fresh. She couldn't hide it from her face, the clear way she was uncomfortable with the topic, how she looked over her shoulder back into the saftey of her own company. Her tail swung slowly, paws shifting her weight nervously, waiting for her cue to escape the conversation.
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