Ruins of Wildwood
Sanguine Cove the wheel in the sky keeps on burning [m] - Printable Version

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RE: the wheel in the sky keeps on burning [m] - Aquene - Mar 05, 2024


It was so strange to her, to think about the lasting impact he’d had in her life… she had known him for most of her life… since she was just a yearling scared by the daunting responsibilities of life. She had spent more time in his presence than she had her parents now… over half of her life spent in the Cove, a constant by his side and stability for the pack when it needed it most. A gentle smile crossed her maw as her gaze intently focused on him.

She would take the time to continue to bat at him, remaining playful for a little while longer before she would take the plunge and show she was ready for whatever the future had to hold for them, not just during the season, but for the rest of their lives as well.


Aquene Slayer