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Underground Sea up, up, up, down - Printable Version

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RE: up, up, up, down - Mika - Apr 10, 2024

Adora seemed to know what she was doing - the paths she took them down were easier than Mika would’ve picked themself, being so inexperienced in living on the mountain. They stuck close to her, just a little behind, but not straying too far.

It was nice, letting someone lead and not being afraid of where they were being taken. There was some apprehension, of course, but Mika realized it was more excitement than anything else. It had been ages since they’d done something fun with someone else and just let themself relax like this.

Their ears swiveled forward when their companion spoke. Now that she mentioned it, they could definitely hear running water. “Yes,” they said automatically, tone matter-of-fact. “From what I know, y’know, as an eagle bear expert, they really like lots a’ water.” They offered her a grin again, tail waving behind them. “They’re real protective of their dens, though, so we gotta be careful.”

RE: up, up, up, down - Adora - Apr 10, 2024


That's what I'm here for, right? She only spared a second longer in her gaze before it moved back towards the trail. The sound of the water grew louder, but it also seemed to echo where its source was. She had seen the lake and smaller water forms before but this? It enchanted her with its unique newness. Their path seemed to become narrow, downward into the depths of what she presumed to be a cavern. The light became dimmed and seemed to break through in only long streaks that plummeted into waters below them.

As much fun as she had imagining an eagle bear, she had begun to hope there would be no one else here but just them...


RE: up, up, up, down - Mika - Apr 10, 2024

Mika’s tail wagged just a little faster at that, and, feeling a little bold, they swooned playfully. “My brave protector,” they said, tone teasing and light, and batted their lashes at her. Fully ignoring how their heart did a little flip at the thought of actually being protected by Adora - it was a nice thought, eagle bears aside.

The two of them went a bit further down, and Mika’s breath caught in their throat at the sight. They’d been around rivers before, and small ponds, but nothing quite like this. They hadn’t even realized caves could have this much water inside of them.

“Wow,” they breathed, momentarily forgetting about their game and taking the last few strides down to get to the water’s edge. They laughed and turned their attention back toward Adora, tail waving in excitement. “I’ve never seen anythin’ like this before!” they admitted. “This is so cool!”

RE: up, up, up, down - Adora - Apr 10, 2024


She had never been that before.

She had spent most of her life being someone's trusted friend, a kind ear, a kinder face. Hardly had she ever been a warrior kind. She protected others in different ways. Perhaps she had the build to be a guardian, but she had never learned to wield it like one. Today she could pretend.

While Mika watched the scene around them, Adora watched them. She soaked in the reaction and it had been enough that her tail had started to wave behind her. Carefully she moved to be closer to Mika again. Just as she had before they had come down into the cavern.

I'm glad I got to see it with you. How easy it had felt to lean into this magical moment. One-sided or not, she did not know.


RE: up, up, up, down - Mika - Apr 11, 2024

Mika was a little wrapped up in soaking in the sight of the cave to notice their observer. They crept a little closer to the water and dabbed a front paw into it, shuddering a little at the feel of the frigid water on their skin. In warmer months, this lake might make a nice place to swim - shaded and cool, it would be a nice break from the summer heat, but for now there was no way they’d want to hop in. It was just something nice to look at for the moment.

I’m glad I got to see it with you.

They looked back at their companion, yellowish eyes wide in surprise. Wait, wait, wait - was this thing they’d been feeling reciprocated? It was hard not to feel flustered with Adora, they imagined - she was beautiful and charming in a way that not many wolves Mika had ever met were. It hadn’t really crossed their mind that she might be feeling a similar way.

“Oh,” they said, their brain still stalling for a moment. A cautious, sheepish smile formed on their face, cheeks warm under their fur. “I, um. I feel the same. About ya, I mean. Seein’ this place with ya.” Their words came out stilted and awkward, their gaze drifting down to their paws and ears swiveling to the side, tail wagging slowly behind them.

RE: up, up, up, down - Adora - Apr 11, 2024


"I feel the same. About ya, I mean."

Even the words that followed those ones did little to tame the heat that burned. She had felt certain that this had become a crush. She had felt them, once or twice, and she desired nothing more than to see how this one would end. Maybe it would go nowhere, maybe it would fizzle out when the summer rolled around. Maybe it would bloom like the coming flowers in spring.

We could see more places together. Off the mountain too, maybe. She tried to hold some sort of fanciful whimsy in her voice, light and fae like. That way it would not weigh so heavily upon Mika if she wanted to say no. Her gaze turned to the water and now she took her turn to dip a paw towards the cold surface. Something to ground her in all this excitement.


RE: up, up, up, down - Mika - Apr 11, 2024

This was a little unexpected, but maybe Mika should’ve seen it coming? If Adora hadn’t wanted them around, then she probably just wouldn’t have shown up when they’d called. She probably wouldn’t have walked so close to them, or played their game with the eagle bear, and she certainly wouldn’t be inviting them along with her now. Still, the knowledge that Adora might be feeling the same as Mika - flustered, excited, nervous, - had Mika’s head spinning a little.

“I - yeah!” they replied, maybe a little too quickly, a little too eagerly. They flushed, shoulders tensing a little as they cleared their throat. “I mean, uh, I’d like that. A lot. If-if ya want to.” They offered her a small smile, gaze falling to where her paw was touching the surface of the water. “I like spendin’ time with ya.”

RE: up, up, up, down - Adora - Apr 11, 2024


Just call then. Whenever you'd like.

Now she raised her newly wet paw. Drip, drip, drip. The water itself had been cold but not that it was exposed to air, the water on her paw felt colder. She was nearly tempted to test the waters. Yet without somewhere warm to return to when this venture was over, she knew such a thing could be a grand risk. In a near contemplative manner she lowered her paw back down.

I like spending time with you too, you know.

Already her mind wondered where they would go next when they had not finished exploring the cave yet.


RE: up, up, up, down - Mika - Apr 11, 2024

Whenever they liked. The open invitation had a comfortable warmth filling their chest, and a hotter warmth burning their cheeks. It was nice to know that there was someone who they wouldn’t mind coming back to.

“Y’ can call me, too. Whenever ya want,” they offered in return, watching the water drip from her paw. “Offer goes both ways.”

What was probably a goofy smile spread across their face. It was nice to know that Adora was enjoying this as much as they were. Their heart fluttered a bit, like a bird trapped behind their rib cage.

They cleared their throat again and stood, turning to face their companion. “Well, then,” they began, ”d’ya wanna explore th’ rest of the cave? I can lead th’ way this time.” Their eyes glinted playfully. “Unless my protector wants t’ keep me safe from th’ eagle bears, of course.”

RE: up, up, up, down - Adora - Apr 11, 2024


I can keep you safe from eagle bears when I'm not leading, too. Her tail waved behind her with a rhythmic motion. Then she motioned with her muzzle for Mika to take the lead. Admittedly she would be thankful to not be in front. It would give her a moment to make goofy smiles and figure out how to contain herself...
