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Sacred Grove A New Strength - Printable Version

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A New Strength - Cali - May 09, 2012

Her jaws snapped closed on empty air as Marsh kicked his back legs up and out of her reach. Well, the move had at least been unexpected, but in the end it didn't quite work either. Now he was looming over her giving quick snaps at her back legs and tail. She flailed them around frantically, pushing and scratching at his chest and head to deter him. After a few seconds of panic at her own predicament she realized that he had also exposed himself to her own jaws and claws.

Collecting her strength and focus she gave her own lightning quick snaps at his back legs and vulnerable stomach, while raking her front claws at his underside frantically. They were both open for serious attack and had this been a real fight, major damage could have been done on both ends. As it was, a multitude of small wounds were being inflicted on her hind legs and she clenched her teeth when his fangs made contact with her thickly furred tail. Small grunts and whimpers and even growls escaped her from time to time, but she refused to cry out for mercy yet.

She halted her own attack and suddenly curled her front end forward and to the side under his large form and twisted, barely managing to get her feet beneath her. She lunged upwards and outwards to escape his incredibly fast jaws. Her body was still half way underneath him when she took off and she felt the resistance of his form hampering her escape as she leaped forward to free herself .

A New Strength - Marsh - May 10, 2012

It was difficult to discern whether she was writhing about because of her enthusiasm or distress. Honestly, he felt as if he was being incredibly gentle - but perhaps his version of softness was in a different league to everybody else's? It wasn't impossible. The impact of her back paws on his chest and under his jaw was more of a deterrent than her blunt nails, not that it actually stopped him.

She finally took advantage of her position to snap out at his hocks and belly, and had he been a more sensitive creature, he may have frowned at how hard she was biting - did she mean to push this fight into something more damaging? Or was she just that inexperienced at sparring gently? So far, Marsh had made very little noise save for the excited rumble in his chest, which contrasted with her higher, more serious sounds. She had started it, though!

He felt her twist beneath him, the sound of fur on grass and sight of her hind legs turning over, and he let her throw herself up to escape him - the moment she was on all fours, though, he curled about, hopping backwards onto just his rear legs for a moment - front arms splayed forwards, ready to take his weight once more - and then leapt towards her, twisting his head to grab the fur and meat on her hips, encouraging her to flee so that he could give chase. Perhaps she would resist, though, and they could duel again.

A New Strength - Cali - May 10, 2012

Suddenly, the resistance was gone and she leaped forward free of the large male, or so she thought. She couldn't help the tiny yip that escaped her maw as his teeth raked across her hip. He didn't get a firm grip, but his very effective canines scraped two thin streaks of her skin clear of white fur. The urge to run was great. She suppressed it though, with a mighty effort and whipped around to face him once more. Her feet were splayed wide and her breathing was coming hard and fast. Being nearly helpless on her back had been utterly terrifying to her gentle soul. She was nearly done in. Exhaustion was pushing at her, but she ignored it. Her legs trembled slightly beneath her and she could only pray that he missed it. Fat chance. The brute missed nothing.

She had no idea how to launch the next attack. Perhaps it was time for her to receive one? A shudder passed through her at the thought, but it made sense. In a real fight she would be giving and receiving... there would be no waiting until she was ready like now. She was grateful that she was getting some time to regroup for her first sparring session. Otherwise, this would have ended long ago. Cali crouched low with her head down, muscles hard as steel with tension. All trembling was gone. One way or another this would be the last round. Stilling her heart and calming her breathing as much as possible, she steeled herself before she uttered one word. "Come."

A New Strength - Marsh - May 11, 2012

She chose not to flee, instead coming about to stand bravely before him. There was no doubt now, she had been distressed. Why did she ask for a fight if she couldn't handle it? Not that it was a bad thing to try and toughen her up. Still, strange creature.

He took it all in - her quick panting, the wobble in her legs, the fearing expression - and, once more, he moved to mirror her, bringing the pair face to face. Maybe it was just because he had had a life of this, but he was not tired yet, not even close. Though it was perfectly likely that a large part of her apparent exhaustion was just inexperience and panic; it was so much easier to keep going when you kept relatively calm about the whole thing.

The word 'calm' was totally subjective, of course. In fights, it is possible to be calm but enraged at the same time, if you know what you're doing.

Cali purged the shakes from her limbs, bringing herself under control, and Marsh watched, waiting. Her body language told him her intentions long before her single word, and he lingered a moment, letting her stew. Slowly, he lifted a paw from the ground, and crossed it over the other, turning to his right, eyes never leaving her. Slowly, he began to circle her, his lip curling every now and then with excitement, his ears forward as he studied her, watching for any twitch, for any movement, which would betray her inability to stand there and wait for the attack. Could she be patient? Steadily he circled, waiting for the perfect moment.

A New Strength - Cali - May 11, 2012

Although she had regained most of her composure, she waited for his attack anxiously. He took his time, moving slowly, eyes never wavering from her. Her emerald eyes were frozen on his form as he circled about her, waiting for his move. Her body remained perfectly still, while her head slowly swiveled with his progress. When he neared her hind end though she pivoted to keep her gaze on him. The longer he circled the more tense she became. Instinctively, she knew that this was, in part, a lesson in patience. That didn't make it any easier as the moments ticked by.

It was a strange sensation. What was mere moments seemed many times longer as time seemed to slow and focus intensified. The sounds of the flowing water and songbirds nearby faded away. All there was was her and Marsh. Their slow steps, breathing, heartbeats. It seemed almost as if a bubble surrounded the pair and much of her anxiety floated away as well. She was as ready as she'd ever be, her body steeled for action. Now she waited patiently, even knowing his onslaught was immanent. .

A New Strength - Marsh - May 13, 2012

She was tense and anxious, awaiting his move, but she was focused. She did not yield. She did not break. As he circled, she carefully followed him with her eyes and ears, and he could almost see the stress fall away. Finally, she was learning to act in the moment, to simply be - funny that it should happen just when everything was peaceful.

Well, it was time to test how well her serenity would stick. His actions deliberate, he gave no sign of his intentions before lunging at her, jaws wide and aiming for her shoulder, not that it was his main intention to gain a hold; he charged directly and bodily into her side, wanting to either barrel her over with the impact, or force her to flail and stumble as she tried to get away. But... perhaps she would surprise him.

Soft she may have been, but there was hope for her yet.

A New Strength - Cali - May 13, 2012

Finally, the patient brute attacked. Cali was almost relieved when he finally came at her, aimed at her left side. Her focus slipped for a second and she paused for the merest of moments before reacting. That small delay cost her some blood as one of his long fangs left a gash several inches long on her left shoulder as she lunged to the side to avoid him. In the end the actions of both had what was likely his desired effect. She had managed to jump partway out of the path of the oncoming train that was Marsh, but not completely. As his fangs left their mark on her shoulder his body made contact with hers and knocked her front end off of her feet. Stumbling, she fell to the ground and the wind was knocked from her with a not so soft 'whoosh.' Cali scrabbled madly to get her feet under her. Being on the ground and at his mercy again was not a place that she wanted to be.

It took everything that she had to remain calm and focused. Panic was knocking at the door, but she refused to open it. After regaining her feet, she backed away a couple of feet. Now, she was truly done. She wouldn't admit it to him, she barely admitted it to herself. This session had been hard for her as it was so very different from what she was used to. This time when her legs shook, she didn't even bother to hope that he hadn't seen it. A blind wolf would have seen it. She would not ask for a cease fire. If he had more that he wished to show her today, she would do her best, but she wouldn't back down from the lesson until she fell down from exhaustion. Than by no means meant that she wouldn't back down from Marsh. She would. In half a heartbeat.

Knowing his dislike of words, she hoped that he would understand. She stood at tall as her shaky legs would allow, lest he demand more of her today. However, her tail hung straight down behind her, limply and she dipped her head down quite low for just a moment, before lifting it just enough to be prepared for another onslaught. The ball was in his paws and she awaited his decision calmly. She would do her best either way, attack or dismissal.

A New Strength - Marsh - May 13, 2012

Well, that was unfortunate, but hey, scars were never a bad thing. Marsh was covered in them, and they usually gave the right impression. Of course, his near-immunity to pain did, perhaps, mean that they were a little more extensive than was necessary... but the wolf did have a habit of pushing himself to the limit.

He could appreciate that not everyone shared that mantra, though. As Cali fell, Marsh regained his balance and watched her, ready to pounce once more. The weariness in her limbs, though, kept him from moving. His ears slipped forwards as she got to her unsteady feet, and he wondered if he had hurt her more than expected. But no. For a moment, he deliberated continuing regardless; she would not learn if he was soft with her.

But it was not difficult to be strict with a wolf who was so mild to begin with. Corinna had no use for a broken wolf, either.

There was no need for her to say anything, for her body spoke volumes, and the excited tension fell from his posture smoothly. He could let her go for now. She lifted her head bravely, with resolve, but they were finished. If she wanted to make a habit of this, then future sessions would not be so lenient, but she had had her taster. Stepping up calmly to her, he gently took her muzzle in his own, an affirmation of ranking and skill. But she had promise.

He released her, waiting a moment before touching his nose to the side of her muzzle, a small gesture of acceptance. With the spar concluded, he did not loiter, and just as silently and efficiently as was his way, he turned about and vanished between the trees.

A New Strength - Cali - May 13, 2012

Cali remained motionless, waiting to see what his decision would be. When his own form relaxed she realized that he understood and had made the call. They were done for the day. When he gripped her muzzle gently and then nuzzled her lightly she felt almost joyful. He had accepted her. Her heart leaped with excitement at the thought. They had gotten off to a rocky start, so it meant a lot that he gave even the tiniest show of acceptance. When he vanished into the nearby trees, like a ghost, she let out a great sigh of relief and the rest of the tension finally left her body.

This had been quite the eventful encounter. Hardly a word was spoken, none by Marsh, yet so much had been said in the end. The sum of it seemed to be that Marsh no longer thought her completely hopeless. That was a step in the right direction at least. Now she just had to win over the other upper ranks. She wasn't sure about Ice. She needed to get to know Indru better, but at least he'd been accepting of her. Then there was Corinna. A small shudder passed through her at the thought of the powerful leader. She didn't know if it was the upcoming litter or if it was just the way Corinna was, but she had definitely not been impressed with Cali on their first meeting. It had not been the best time to finally stand up for herself to say the least. With a bit of luck and a lot of hard work, hopefully she would win her over in time.

She mulled over everything circling in the back of her mind as she left the scene of their sparring match. An ache set into muscles that she didn't even know that she had. A dozen spots stung lightly where Marshes teeth had scraped her. The worst injury that she had sustained was the laceration on her left shoulder. It was bleeding slowly, but she ignored it for the time being. Despite the abuse that her inexperienced body had just taken, she just wanted to enjoy the moment and the feeling of new strength.