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A New Strength — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
The white wolf traveled through the forest, keen eyes taking in all of the terrain surrounding her. She marked the landmarks in her memory, a habit that she was quickly developing. Cali had much to mull over. So much change had occurred in her life in less than a year, she needed to take stock of herself and think on the wolf that she was becoming.

She had gone from an comfortable life in a stable pack to the excitement of new love and life to wanderer. Now she was in a pack once more and was immensely proud of that fact. But she had changed with the events that she had gone through. The old Cali would be content as a follower. She had no desire to lead her own pack, but she did feel the urge to be more than she had been. She wanted to show Corinna and Indru that taking her in had not been a mistake. She wanted to prove her worth to them and the rest of the pack. Cali wanted to truly support the pack and stand beside her new leaders.

Her mind went through the things that she could do, She could hunt, that was a given. She actually had a fairly decent talent for it with her speed. She could patrol borders, which was what she was doing now, while she learned the territory. A new confidence had been born in her, but she knew where she lacked. Fighting. She could handle herself in a scuffle, but she wanted to excel as much as she was able. She lacked strength, but she was fast and she had a quick mind. She needed to learn strategy and she needed practice. She needed a teacher. Marsh was the first that came to mind, followed quickly by Ice. Perhaps she would run into one of them as she traveled the borders and approach them for instruction. Her tail lifted a bit, her head rose and she stepped out with a new-found confidence in her decision to better herself.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>With how constant his presence was on the borders, she was bound to run into him eventually. Having just completed a fresh run of the territory - quite literally - he had stopped to allow himself rest. It was important that he kept on his nose, and that he stayed at the top of his game; he was more than aware of his passing years, and that he had long passed the half-way point of his existence. He would not allow himself to deteriorate and become useless. The day that he ceased to be an asset, he would remove himself without delay.

But he did not have to worry about that yet. His sides fluttering as he panted, his muscles still warm from the impromptu sprinting, the copper beast was laid out on the riverbank, watching the water pass him by. One paw hung in the current, and he had become fascinated with the swirl and shape of the water as it flowed past his paw. Tongue hanging free from his open mouth, he lifted his gaze to the other side of the water, quite peaceful, quite calm. It was not a difficult life, this one, nor unpleasant. Not unpleasant at all.</blockquote>
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Cali had traveled quite a distance over the pack's territory, the sound of running water ever-present, yet soothing. Now that she was of a mind to improve herself over-all she paid attention to the time and span that she traveled before showing a slight sign of tiredness. Thinking back, her stamina had improved greatly over the many weeks that she had traveled cross-country to arrive at this majestic place. Before, it was something that just was. Now she logged her staying power as an asset with pride. Her thirst finally getting the better of her, she gave in and altered her course to take her to the river.

Then she saw him laying there, peaceful. She'd only ever seen him angry or at best annoyed. It was a revelation that he was capable of such a state. She almost turned away, unwilling to interrupt him. In the end, Cali compromised and approached downriver of him a little ways. She lowered her head and tail to him and then dipped her head even lower with ears flattened to acknowledge him. Then she turned to the water without speaking. Words seemed to annoy him, so she stayed silent and lapped at the cool water, relishing the feel of it bathing her parched throat. She glanced at him, not even knowing if he acknowledged her presence any longer. She lay down and stared at the running water, her mind running in high gear. How was she to ask him her question without angering him with words. Brief. She needed to be brief and to the point. Her heart pounded in her chest with anxiety, but this thing was important. If she stayed as she was, she could no longer be happy. Now that the desire to improve had awoken in her it would not be denied. If he wouldn't help her, she would have to find another, but it would be done.

Swallowing hard and steeling herself in case she angered to brute, she carefully considered her words. <b>"Marsh. Will you train me to fight?"</b> She paused for a moment and was careful not to rush her words as that seemed to frustrate him more. <b>"I want to be a better protector for the pack. For Indru and Corinna."</b> She had kept her head low, but raised her eyes briefly at the end. Then she looked at his chest and awaited his answer, the time ticking by slowly almost as if time had stopped.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>The sound of movement, not to mention the strengthening scent, gave Marsh more than enough warning for the incoming company. He wasn't sure whether she would just pass him by or accompany him, but his feelings on that matter would depend greatly on her behaviour. He pulled his paw from the river and turned his head to watch her, otherwise unmoving. He would have to get up to assert himself, but upon seeing her pleasingly lowered stance, he deemed a strong response unnecessary. He growled softly in acknowledgement, looking away as she drank. Perhaps that had been all she had come for; if she wanted to be on her way again, then he would not impede her.

He saw her lay down out of the corner of his eye, though did not think too hard on it. It was a pleasant spot, and he could sympathise with the need for a rest and a drink, so did not begrudge the company. Besides, she was being gloriously silent, and this kind of companionship he did not mind at all.

For a short while, they lay there in total relaxation. When the sound of his name graced the air, one of his ears turned automatically to listen, and thanks to her respectful manner so far - both of his position and stance on conversation - he did not mind having to listen a little now. Besides, as his grey eyes turned to hers, watching her cautious body language, he swiftly understood that this was a matter of importance to her.

She spoke deliberately, aiding his absorption of the words, and he appreciated it. Though, as he came to comprehend her request, he wondered why she had not just asked him with her actions - a request for a spar was no easy thing to miss - but oh well. Small steps. For a few moments, he watched her, as if assessing her and the request, but it was not long before he pushed himself to his paws with a grunt. He was already warmed up, so why not? Besides, it would be interesting to see what she was made of.

Tail instinctively assuming a dominant position - for he had not really asserted himself yet - he approached her, otherwise calm, and hovered his nose above her muzzle before pushing down gently with his chin, just to re-affirm that she was beneath him. Smoothly he stepped beside her, inhaling the musk on her coat as he went, and was further impressed to detect the subtle mixture of the pack's territory. She had been patrolling and familiarising herself with it, he could tell. Good girl.

With a decisive snort, he stepped away from her, moving a few paces away before turning back to face her. He shook his head once, as if clearing away the previous state of relaxation, and then dropped to his elbows, ears and eyes alert and watching for her move.</blockquote>
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Cali waited the long moments while he seemed to think over her request. When he rose and approached, her heartbeat sped up for a moment with uncertainty. Then her resolve returned and she swallowed her fear. While his tail was raised with obvious dominance and he nudged her muzzle downward with his own, he did not attack and seemed content with his show of superiority. Then he snorted and moved of just a bit, clearly prepared for a tussle. It looked like a 'yes' to her. Hopefully, she lasted more than three seconds. <i>What had she gotten herself into?</i> she wondered. A shiver of nerves coursed through her body, but she gave her own shake to rid herself of them as she studied the battle scarred male.

Her green eyes grew hard with focus. He was experienced and strong. She had no real chance against him at this point, but hopefully she'd learn something without getting too damaged. Her muscles tensed and she lowered herself in a crouch, preparing for her first attack. Her eyes darted around, looking for any weakness and seeing none. The only thing that she might have on him, if she was very lucky, was speed. Being inexperienced in battle though, she would even have to learn to use that differently to be an advantage. Nothing to do, but go for it...

Cali's back leg muscles bunched beneath her, claws digging into the earth beneath her. She lunged forward, her white form flying through the short distance that separated them. Her jaws were wide, teeth bared and aiming for his left shoulder.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>Was she afraid of him? A curious thing, that, challenging a wolf she feared. Was this supposed to be a confidence-booster? Did she hope to win and therefore prove something? Her request had sounded like nothing more than the chance to better herself: <i>for Indru and Corinna</i> she had said, a sentiment that ran true with him.

It didn't matter either way. There was no point in overcomplicating it. A fight was a fight; he'd quickly adjust to whatever tone she wanted to achieve.

He tensed as she focused, ready to receive her charge. His tail wagged once, high over his haunches, in a small indication that he intended this to be an entirely friendly affair. It wouldn't do to damage his leaders' subjects, after all.

She burst forwards, and an anticipatory rumble escaped him as his ears went back and eyes narrowed, waiting until the last moment to react. Her jaws came for him and he sprang forwards, down her left side, their left flanks brushing. Her teeth met nothing but fur. Immediately he twisted about her rear, snapping lightly at the high point of her right hip. Nobody would bleed if he could help it, it just wasn't necessary.</blockquote>
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
It was a curious thing, attacking first. She'd not really fought before and it had taken a lot for her to take the initiative. First, in asking for this and then in the attack. Cali could only hope that this would be worth it in the end. The slight wave of his tail gave her a tiny measure of relief, but that only indicated that he didn't mean to slice and dice her completely. There was never a thought in her mind that she would come away unscathed from this encounter. A fight was a fight, even if it wasn't life or death.

She had moved quickly, but caught only his fur in her sharp teeth. As their bodies passed each other, she twisted as much as she could to face him for the next move, but it was already upon her. She barely contained the yelp as his fangs scraped her hip. She had no time to react to pain, she needed to make her next move. Well, so much for speed being an advantage. The brute was fast! Her mind flew and she prepared for her next move, completing her turn to face him once more, her hip smarting. This time she started for his head and at the very last second she changed the angle of her head and went for his left shoulder this time, hoping that her feint would buy her some time and she could make contact with him.
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>She was a noisy one! Perhaps he had better tone it down in case he hurt the fragile thing - or perhaps it was best to just give her it all in the hopes that it would toughen her up. She may have been making an effort, which was more than could be said for so many of the pack's females, but what good was a soft wolf to Corinna and her children? No good at all.

About they spun, once more facing each other, and there was an eager rumble in his chest as he waited once more for her to make the move. Barely seconds passed before she snapped out again, her jaws coming for his head, so he made to twist his head out of the way - and, almost predictably, she veered past him, and it was simple to throw his shoulder forwards as his head turned down, reaching for one of her forepaws to try and grab it and yank it, to damage her balance. Her teeth hit the thick fur and flesh of his shoulder, but the impact was not enough to draw blood - not unless she deliberately bit down harder, of course, something which he would not be able to stop. Either way, it was of little consequence to him.</blockquote>
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
Cali's feint didn't quite work as she had hoped, but she did manage to at least make some contact this time. She had a chunk of him in her teeth and she bit down slightly, but not enough to draw blood. Just enough to satisfy both of them that she'd scored a point, so to speak. Unfortunately, so did he. She suppressed a whine as his canines scraped across her left leg, nearly drawing blood. The pain nearly distracted her, but she pushed it aside. It wasn't really that bad, she just wasn't used to it. Honestly, she'd led a charmed life in that regards, only ever really play fighting. Even that had been as a pup.

As she whipped around to face him, once more, her breathing was coming a bit faster. She knew that she could probably back down now and call it a day. Marsh had already shown himself the better fighter. But she'd known that from the start. Her ultimate goal wasn't to best him anyhow. It was to better herself. She could do this. <i>She had to do this</i>. Cali wasn't about to back down just because of the pain in her left leg.

She kept her head low to protect her throat, and her lip curled, baring her teeth and showing that she wasn't quite done yet. Straight attack didn't work, feint didn't work... what next? How could she use her speed and agility to score another hit? Letting instinct drive her she moved forward again, this time throwing herself into a roll next to him. As she passed his jaws, her back was to him, but her belly was protected. As she came out of her tumble her jaws lashed for his back leg, while doing her best to protect her now-exposed underside with paws drawn in close to her body.
(This post was last modified: May 09, 2012, 01:54 PM by Cali.)
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>Rather than pull her leg from under her, he merely grazed her elbow. Her tightened grip on his shoulder went almost ignored; had this been a more serious match, he would have been concerned for the safety of his neck, but occupying her mouth with his shoulder was adequate for now. He growled as she disentangled herself, shifting himself slightly so that they faced one another again, though he did not yet lift his head from its position near the ground.

As far as he was concerned, they were just warming up, but it was obvious that this was not something she was very used to. Again, a curious notion, but the idea of the wolves in this part of the world being sappy and airy was nothing new. He would simply have to help weed out the weak ones the best he could.

She came at him again, and did something a little more unexpected this time; flinging herself to the ground, she rolled over as she approached, her body protected by her back for the majority of the move until she had completed the turn and tried to snap at his ankle. Of course, he had not stood there and watched as she did her fancy twirl (and, perhaps, therein lay the reasons for his overall success - it was a simpler job to react and defend, especially against somebody who lacked a keen instinct or viciousness). His hind legs kicked up out of her way as he lurched forwards, one forepaw either side of her torso as he stood over her, their bodies parallel but running in opposite directions, and with a rumbling chuckle in his chest, he snapped at her hindlegs and paws which tried to cover her belly, never enough to draw blood, and would even reach to momentarily grab her tail if the opportunity presented itself. It was not a particularly wise assault, for it left his inner legs and lower belly totally exposed to her jaws, but hey, this was supposed to be fun as well, right? Learning how to move in friendly matches was just as useful as real fights, if not more; pups were encouraged to play for a reason.</blockquote>