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Lost Lake Lost - Printable Version

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Lost - Naira - May 11, 2012


Kegan. He seemed polite enough. Another hunter would never go astray, but guardians were needed more. He had a similar build to her brother. It wouldn’t take much if he was interested but she tucked the thought away as a relaxing scent danced across her nostrils and she was challenged to keep the gleeful smile from her face at her mates arrival. He took his place slightly ahead of her and she fought back a small shake of her head. Typical. She couldn’t possibly be capable of looking after herself, although a fight was not preferable in her current state. Mist, also of a medium build, seemed a little nervous still. Good. The tawny leader thought to herself approvingly. It showed the girl wasn’t a complete idiot.

While it seemed unusual the two would arrive together, there was no scent of each other cloaking their fur. They smelled entirely of themselves. ”Life isn’t exactly easy on the mountain. Are you sure this is what you want? Once you join, leaving may have... unfortunate repercussions.” she questioned the two younger wolves lightly, but her tone was laced with necessary seriousness. ”All we ask is for your loyalty. You can wander where you will as long as you hunt and patrol as needed. Of course with pups on the way you will be expected to protect them. With your life if need be.”

They were adults really, of a similar age to her mate (which only served to make her feel incredibly old). A small twinkle started to form in her eye. Now Rhysis was here things might not be so easy for them. She could imagine he would feel the need to propose some sort of ‘Challenge’ for the pair... and truth be told while she was sure both would be allowed to stay, she was bored and some entertainment would be welcome. She leaned forward to whisper in Rhysis’ ear. ”What do you think love? A hunt or a race?” While a spar would be more than amusing, it hardly seemed worth turning them against one another. They needed more males and she was already quite fond of the girl with sense.

Lost - Rhysis - May 11, 2012

Sorry its short!

He listened. Quietly. Watching his female from the corner of his eye as she asserted herself towards the others. She was such a fine thing. The way she spoke, to assertive, so strong. The way she moved, dominant yet feminine; it made his skin tingle as their fur mixed. She handled herself so well, he knew that since the day he first met her. She hated that he took care, no, not care, charge was a better word, but it was all he knew how to do. Keeping her safe was his mission, yet she continued to end up at the borders, meeting strangers. She had returned home once with the scent of the River wolves on their fur. She left the territory all the time and yet looking at her now, despite the obvious fact she was carrying young, she looked fierce; a force for anyone to reckon with and with the ladies at her side for support, he decided not to drag her over the coals for this meeting. Maybe the next one, but not today.

His black lobes flicked as she asked him a question; something to decide their fate. It was a pity they were crying out for strength, else he'd have enjoyed watching the two battle for a spot in his pack. He couldn't turn away two wolves; logic didn't allow him to but he was going to test them, as he had all members before them. What they needed were fighters, not hunters, certainly no more healers, but warriors and what better way to find one then to send the pair out to hunt perhaps the most difficult prey they had in the lands. A mountain goat. "A hunt... with a twist." he said with a smirk. "Bring back a bone from a Mountain goat... separate ones mind, no working together here." he said casually. To those who had never met the creatures, they would certainly be confident in the task; for a few minutes up until they actually met one. Those creatures were fast, so skilled on the mountain terrain they were almost uncatchable. "And to make things interesting... if you're not back before sunset, you don't get in." and with a glance to the sky, he reckoned it was around mid-day; there would only be a few hours left.

Of course, in saying this that could mean that neither would return and that they would dip out on potential members- however, he needed the strong, the fierce within his ranks and if a wolf could not prove their worth; then they were simply not worth having around.

Lost - Kegan - May 12, 2012

Kegan listened to what the pure black alpha male was saying. Kegan had once tried to catch a mountain goat before, but that didn't work to well. And also, a few hours? That sounded impossible for Kegan! A wave of nerve had hit him, but Kegan had to get started. Every minute was precious to him now, Kegan wanted to work hard, no dilly dally."Good luck, Mist. He said kindly and calmly to her, Kegan nodded once to everybody else, and had left already.

Kegan knew three things about mountain goats. They were almost impossible to catch. They live in herds (Most of the time), and they have beards. Kegan sniffed along the mountain terrain and had nearly already fallen more than once. How could such hoofed beasts walk on high mountain terrain and make it look such easy. Unluckily, Kegan had smelled big horn sheep and various other creatures, though no mountain goats, though they are simple common animals and he could find none?

Finally, Kegan had caught a scent of a nearby herd, not to far away from him, so Kegan tried his hardest to
keep low and unnoticed, he hoped his hard trying was well rewarded. There was the herd! Kegan kept as low as he could and crawled, while he examined the herd, trying to find the weakest goat." They're all strong and healthy, but there's a weaker and thinner male that I can spot". Suddenly, Kegan sprang up quickly, and silently, he zoomed up close to the thinner male that was dashing away quickly, faster than Kegan expected. Kegan had aimed for one of the goats hind legs, though unexpectedly got a nasty kick instead.

Then, Kegan turned into a monstrous machine and went straight towards the hoofed beast's neck, when he had a grasped it in his mouth Kegan started to fling it around a bit like a chew toy. Though he was a hundred percent delighted, while he was bringing it back quickly, Kegan had wondered how Mist got on.

Lost - Mist - May 14, 2012

OOC: Sorry I'm so late...really busy weekend with graduation and such.

Mist watched the black male approach. He was obviously the leader, or alpha. Mist snapped her head back towards the tawny as soon as she spoke. Mist listened intently. She appreciated the warning, but she didn't see how life on the mountain could be much harder than wandering alone for the rest of her life. Mist's ears perked as soon as the word "loyalty" left the female's mouth. That's something she would be more than happy to be a part of, a sense of belonging. This she was ready for. Hearing that pups were on the way was even more exciting.

She slowly looked back at the male. She quivered slightly when he first spoke. She feared that there would be some sort of challenge. However, what he said didn't seem too bad. She wasn't necessarily fast nor had brute strength, but she'd survived as a lone wolf this long. Her stamina allowed her to tire out most of her prey as long as it didn't initially out run her. Also, game was generally scarce in unclaimed territories. She could track things fairly well. She had no doubt that she would be able to complete the task as long as no freak accident occurred.

With a slight boost of confidence, she held her head slightly higher. She watched Keegan out of the corner of her eye as he wished her good luck and left. She didn't know what to say back, and he left before she could stutter a response.

"I...appreciate the opportunity. I'll be back before su..sunset." Mist said. She took one more second to look at the wolves in front of her before awkwardly darting off towards the mountain.

She instantly put her nose to the ground. She trotted along in a sporadic pattern. She switched between sniffing the ground to taking whiffs of the air. Some time passed before she finally caught a scent that she felt confident enough to follow. She carefully made her way around the less than familiar mountainous terrain. She would not screw this up over a stupid fall. The scent got stronger, and she realized the animal must be close. She stopped and observed her surroundings. She began walking carefully, not to make a sound. Just behind a rather large rock, she spotted it. The mountain goat was rather large. She had not expected the size, but she hadn't come this far just to throw it all away. If she tried to even look for another scent, she may not be back by sunset. No, this was her chance, and she had to take it.

Thankfully the rock could cover the goat from seeing his soon-to-be killer. Mist decided to use this to her advantage. She carefully positioned herself as closely as she could whilst still being hidden by the boulder. She was soon within lunging distance. She waited for the perfect moment and sprang. The goat was quick to react, and tried to turn and jump away. Mist, however, had expected this and was still able to grab hold of one of the rear legs. She fiercely bit down, and only moments after she felt its bone crack she received a blow to the head. The goat had somehow managed to kick her with the other leg. She let go only for a moment to regain orientation, but with a broken leg, her prey was unable to escape. She lunged again, this time for the kill. Her jaws wrapped tightly around its neck, and soon all resistance ceased. She licked the blood from her muzzle, and soon realized the pulsating pain radiating from her head. She was probably bleeding, but there was little time to care about her own wounds. She ripped out the unbroken femur and hastily began making her way back to the lake.

She arrived back to her starting point. She dropped the bone onto the ground, happy with the accomplishment. However, the her headache had only intensified. She was definitely bleeding, but she knew it was nothing serious.

Lost - Rhysis - May 14, 2012

Is it alright to assume everyone had left by this time and I can wrap this up here for everyone to claim points. <3
Also excuse the slight PP guys, want to get this wrapped up for everyone and welcome to PP! :D

Since the pair had left, so eagerly he might add, on their trip to prove their worth, he’d taken time for a bath in the lake, an afternoon of grooming and generally trying to spot the two wolves up within the mountains to no avail.
As the sun had began to decend from the sky and slip beneath the skyline, he had made his way back to where the group had parted ways earlier in that day. Unsure whether they would return or not, he didn’t intend on staying long. Sunset wasn’t far off and as soon as that bright orb vanished into darkness, he would leave and never think of them again.

He’d been settled upon the shore for half an hour or so, when the scents and sounds of one of the candidates tickled his nose. His gunmetal eyes snapped towards the base of the moutains where he saw the figure of the male slither down. It wasn’t long before the wolf was before him, the bone of a goat in his mouth. Right on time it would seem.
Rhysis being never one to smile, simply stood and stepped over to the bone, testing it. Fresh, marked only with the scent of this wolf. He had passed the test. ”Well done…” he said, but was cut short as the scent of the female who had taken to hiding took his attention. She was easier to detect, the fresh blood from the cut on her head was like a beacon to the dark male and he halted his words until she caught up with them – simply moments before the sun slipped beneath the land and darkness took hold.

”We have three healers here, ensure that you get your wound seen to.” he said as he strode over towards the female and inspected her offering, though he was quite sure it was genuine. Satisfied, he glanced up at her before he snatched her muzzle within his jaws. Asserting pressure and pushing her down slightly, he asserted his dominance and marked her with their scent. She was poisoned now.
He turned then to the male who had arrived first and glanced at him. There was no physical injuries but he was certain no wolf could hunt one of those creatures without a few bumps and bruises. ”You too.” said the man of view words before he snatched the males muzzle and repeated the action.

Satisfied his place was known and they proudly wore his scent, he turned to lead them towards the entrance of their terrain; a hidden path, found only to those who know it. It weaved and coiled through the dense foliage, remembered only by the path of poisoned plants which paved the way towards their denning sight where he would find a healer, one of their billion, to assess the new wolves health.
