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Lost — Lost Lake 
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Played by Smeh who has 37 posts.
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Kegan Richie
Kegan sighed, as he didn't know where to go, and was lost.<b>Where in God's name am I? Uh great, I'm lost, where should I..-"</b> An over wave of wolves had contacted his nose, and it was stinking like nothing Kegan had smelled before, he couldn't even smell the greatness of Lost Lake. Kegan loved water and anything to do with it and he especially loved fresh salmon. Suddenly, dark, miserable, grey clouds swooped above him. <b>"Great, an overcast with lots of destructive clouds, just what I need".</b> Kegan had now enough of probably the loneliest life ever, and now he seeked out for a new pack for him to join.
Kegan already knew that he was in a pack territory, now he just had to seek out the new wolves, which hopefully now would be easy peasy. He howled and barked like a small puppy looking for something like attention, then Kegan had sneezed softly. He now waited and waited, hoping that the pack will finally notice him, or would he be invisible.<b>"I hope this goes well".</b> Kegan hesitated nervously.
(This post was last modified: May 07, 2012, 05:32 PM by Kegan.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

The sun felt good on Athena's white coat as she laid peacefully on a smooth rock next to the Lake. She had not spent much time just enjoying herself and relaxing, so today she felt like she needed to kick it back. Just as she was about to close her eyes and enjoy the warmth in the darkness, the overcast that was threatening to cover up her enjoyment, finally overridden the ever-powerful sun. With a angry, exaggerated sigh of frustration, the second rolled back onto her feet.

"Really?! Can't I have at least one day of relaxation?" She grumbled up at the sky, before leaping down gently to the ground to satisfy her thirst for a moment. Once her salmon tongue snaked back into her jaws, she looked out towards the surrounding landscape for any signs of life. She had not seen Ava or any of her pack members for that matter. They must be out in the mountain or the heights. She began to make her way around the lake towards the den when a unfamiliar masculine howl ripped through the silence around. It was a beaconing call and she began to make her way towards the stranger, taking her good ol' time.

As the male's scent got stronger, her posture became dominant, tail and head raised proudly. Her eyes finally landed on a grayish male with bright golden eyes. Some may think he had a wolfish beauty to him, but Athena never was one to pay attention to such features. His stature was larger than she was, even with her dominate posture, but Athena was not afraid. "Who are you?" She asked sternly, but no hint of aggression was shown just yet.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

Chantille was heading towards the lake, her dry mouth begging for water. She was working her way around the mountains, getting to know the feel of the jagged rocks. Paws bringing her along at a loping pace, her ears flickered as a low howl pierced through the air. Her pace picked up, and soon Chantille was sprinting towards the massive body of water, wind rippling through her creamy pelt.

Immediatly, the scent of Athena entered her nose. The second stood in a dominant stance, and Chant wondered why- oh. Another wolf? Chocolate eyes narrowing in what could be perceived as annoyance, she released an airy bark before approaching her packmate. Fluffed white-tan tail lowering, the woman let her ears fold back in a submissive stance. She offered a nudge to Athena's left shoulder as she approached her side carefully. Eyes peeling to the newcomer, she had caught Athena's question towards him.

And so, she waited for the reply from the man before them.

Played by Jen 2 who has 12 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Mist had spent the night in the forest. She'd originally set out to find others, but her shyness got the best of her. She'd been cautious as she traveled through the unfamiliar territory, making sure not to alert any strangers that might be nearby. Her day had been generally uneventful, but it was time that she find some source of water. She was following a stream of water when she heard something. </font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She quickly cowered to the ground as the sound of howling and barking reached her ears. She nervously looked around, ears flat against her skull. Was it a warning, should she leave?
The few moments of silence that followed the howl soothed her. She remembered the decision she'd made the day before, the decision to finally meet others. <i> It's now or never</i>, she thought to herself.
Mist cautiously stood up, ears flickering at every sound, eyes wide and darting anxiously. She began making her way towards the sound. <i> 'Just one paw after the other, baby steps,' </i>she told herself. She stopped suddenly, lifting her muzzle in the air and taking several short whiffs. There were multiple wolves nearby. Walked a little closer, peering through the trees. She noticed a lake, and three other wolves. </font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'><i><b>Other wolves.</b></i> She slowly lowered herself to the ground and tightly wrapped her tail around her body. She hadn't seen other wolves in what seemed like centuries. Her usual reaction to any signs of others was to run away. It was surprising that she'd gotten this close. With this new site, however, a paralyzing fear came over her, she would not allow herself to get any closer. Maybe they'd never notice she was there...maybe she'd be able to escape and forget her silly idea of joining a pack. </font>
<a href="http://s1256.photobucket.com/albums/ii496/jennyfromtheblock22/?action=view&amp;current=28wkupd.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1256.photobucket.com/albums/ii496/jennyfromtheblock22/28wkupd.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

never fear shadows, they simply mean there's a light sinning nearby
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Post order Kegan>Mist>Athena>Chant>Naira?

<blockquote> The howling yipping could have been in her dreams... But it wasn’t. With a frustrated ‘hurumph’ she dragged herself onto her feet. It seemed all she really wanted to do these days was eat and sleep... despite the fact it felt like some sort of rave was taking place in her stomach. She could almost hear the dubstep...

It would seem they had been discovered. She didn’t know where Rhysis was. It seemed despite all he had huffed and puffed about her staying well within the borders she was dragging her pregnant belly to check out more and more loners lurking at the edges of their home. She would be grateful for any influx of members but the howler sounded young. He... yes it had sounded like a he, would have to be able to hold his own, and she would not tolerate any potential threat to her young.

The earth between her den and the lake disappeared beneath her paws in time, although admittedly she was in no particular rush, stopping to make sure she reinforced the borders as she passed. There had been no intrusion yet, and she had her lady gang to thank for that. They were more than dutiful.

Finally the gathering came into sight from a slightly elevated position looking down on the lake from their home. She loved the views it gave her. They would be a hard bunch to ambush with the only real foliar cover behind them and well inside their territory. Two pale forms stood out as familiar, along with two silvery forms that weren’t, one almost appearing to try and hide. Rhysis’s words of Aniu, petrified at her own shadow softened her heart a little but she wouldn’t let it show just yet. Only one of them had howled. Her eyes narrowed, tail raised and fur puffed, she all but rolled into the gathering, only stopping momentarily to nudge both Athena and Chantille in greeting. Lately she felt wider than she was tall.

Ava’s absence at these events was to be expected. She had sent her to the River after all but surly she should be back by now... She pushed the worry aside. She had enough to worry about. The girl was capable.

Golden eyes darted in the direction of the wolf who wished to be ignored, making it clear she knew the girl (from the scent of her anyway) was there. It was a bold move trying to hide from the leader of the Poisoned wolves but she wouldn’t hold it against her. Apparently her moods were unpredictable and it made her quite intimidating to strangers... maybe word had gotten out?

She knew Athena could come across as imposing and the boy was only young. A small grin quirked at the corner of her mouth. <b>”A little lost? Seems you aren’t the only one...”</b> Her eyes swung back to where she had first spotted the other girl. Hopefully she would have the common sense to show herself or she might have to consider sending Athena to flush her out. She assumed Athena had already asked the boy what he wanted, either he had not had the chance to answer yet or her second was awaiting an opportunity to fill her in.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Smeh who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kegan Richie
<b>"I'm Kegan Richie".</b> Kegan said with submission, he kept his long, gray tail in between his legs and his head lowered a bow. He looked at the pure white female, and glanced into her beautiful amber eyes, but he quickly moved his head back to the mottled tawny, pregnant female. He could now tell that she was the alpha female, probably because of her pregnancy.<b>"Yes I am pretty lost, but I have to ask you something different, I wanted to request if I could possibly join you're pack, I would pull my own weight and help everybody hunt".</b> Kegan said seriously.
He was almost certain that she would say no. And anyways Kegan knew that he had said it to soon, and he wouldn't wail like a child if she said no. <b>'I sounded like a fool!'</b> Kegan thought in his mind, he looked at everybody else, the shy grey wolf, and the two white ones. He then looked at the still, calm water of the lake while waiting for an answer from the female, mottled tawny wolf that had sounded friendly enough.
Played by Jen 2 who has 12 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Mist watched the newest female enter. She had been noticed. Mist looked around, well of course she had been noticed..<i>stupid, stupid, stupid,</i> Mist thought to herself. Realizing that her hiding spot was extremely inadequate, Mist slowly came forward, keeping low to the ground. </font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She looked up at the male. He just asked, just like that, if he could join. Was it that simple? She wished she had that kind of confidence. Should she say something, too? The wolves didn't look too hostile. <i> 'I must look like a fool,</i>' Mist thought, 'I must look weak....but I'm not.' She gathered up whatever confidence she could muster and opened her mouth to speak. <b>"Hi, there...I was also wondering if I could, possibly...join." </b> the words felt so awkward as they spilled out of her mouth. Had her voice always sounded like that? <i>Atleast you didn't stutter...</i></font>

<b>"Oh, and my name's M-Mist,"</b> ...<i>dammit, there it goes.</i>

Slightly embarrassed, she lowered her head even more.
<a href="http://s1256.photobucket.com/albums/ii496/jennyfromtheblock22/?action=view&amp;current=28wkupd.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1256.photobucket.com/albums/ii496/jennyfromtheblock22/28wkupd.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

never fear shadows, they simply mean there's a light sinning nearby
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Feeling a soft nudge on her left shoulder, she looked back slightly and saw the newest member, Chantille. Giving her a soft, toothy smile, she turned back to see what the newcomer had to say for himself. A breeze drifted Naira and another lone wolf’s scent to her nose. A soft smile filled her face again as Naira nudged her in greeting. Out of instinct, her posture became lower than that of her leaders and she turned her sharp eyes back onto the lone wolf.

Naira spoke and her eyes darted around to find the hidden wolf. She almost wanted to run over there and grab the female by the scruff. If there is one thing that she hated, it was being spied upon by cowardly wolves that did not have the decency to show themselves. However, Athena kept her cool and just eyed the female as she began to come out.

Turning an ear to what the male had to say, she could not help but like the up forwardness. Not being one for small talk, she liked how this male got the train rolling right away. His speech was a little short, but she would see what Naira had to say about him before she offered her opinion.

The pusillanimous female finally made her way to the crowd and spoke her peace. She too wanted a place in Poison Path’s ranks and she wondered just how Naira was going to do about this. She was here if Naira needed any help in this decision, but other than that she had no say in this matter.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>He didn't know why he bothered.

Naira's trail led straight from their den towards their hidden entrance, and when a howl filtered into the air he knew exactly where she had went. Honestly. What was the point in him banning her from border patrol when she just ignored him anyway. That woman really knew how to test his patience. Quick as a flash, he was following the scent of his female... which was soon joined by Athena. At least the little wolf was doing her duty, sticking like Naira like a piece of gum in her hair. He knew she would do his secret mission, to keep Naira safe and under watch, for him to the best of her ability - else he wouldn't have asked her to do so.

Upon the journey another scent joined the bunch- Chantille. It seemed the healer was just as curious and had decided to join the welcome commity. They were like vultures when it came to a new scent; all running to meet and greet, but he supposed it was for the best as there was strength in numbers. So far, their meetings with new wolves had been calm and casual; but he knew one day would come when the stranger at their door was not as hospitable as they might hope. He could only wish he would be the one to answer the door on that day and spare his faithful females.

Ha. If only his father could see him now. Worried about the welfare of women?! Pah. He'd spit in Rhysis' face, before tearing off his nuts. He supposed in some ways he could be like his father. Cold, calculating... in fact, he tormented himself over the fact he was surrounded by females, when he used to dispise them so, but now relied on them like they were actually family. His father would be mocking him, without doubt. <i>A pack of females? Not a pack at all, what's the matter with you?! Too cowardly to convince a worthy male to stand at your side? What a surprise, worthless runt.</i> he would say, before the castration of course. Still, Rhysis wasn't his father... not just yet anyway and he had certainly no desire to castrate anyone... well, maybe Jedd, but that was another story.
So wasn't he surprised when he turned to trek across the shore of the lake, to spot his female, little wolf and healer talking to a male?! As he approached, another female slipped sheepishly out from the treeline where it appeared she had been hiding, and catching onto only the last part of their conversation, he had learnt they were here to join the ranks. Interesting indeed.

With his head and tail held high, he approched the group with the confidence of a king. He made no sound as he stepped up behind his wall of females, until he pushed past to stand beside, and if not a little in front of his female. He didn't introduce himself, he knew who he was, but he didn't know who these wolves were. Ever cautious now, he tested their scents for traces of the other packs, but luckily for them found none. Still, that wasn't enough to convince him that they weren't here as spys or worse. What were the chances that they would appear together? His logical mind would suggest, none.
Still, there were ways to weed out the wolves from the... enemy. A challenge, a test of hunting perhaps like they had Jedd complete. Perhaps a spar between the two of them, the winner earning themselves a spot in the pack. A race, a swim... he could think up countless ways for them to show their worth but for now... he was silent. He would allow his female who had started the conversation to continue; he would be having words with her later on anyway so let her have her fun for now. He would serve as backup and to look totally hardcore for the time being. She was carrrying young after all, and whilst he appreciated the valor of little Athena and the kindness of Chantille... he felt better knowing he was around, just incase.
(This post was last modified: May 10, 2012, 01:00 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

Chantille felt her dark lips rise instantly as Mist crept out from hiding. A growl almost slipped from her throat, but she caught herself, and managed to lower her lips within seconds. Hiding? As soon as the other wolf had also asked to join, she looked at both of them with a dissapointed glare. This was broken soon, though, because the dark man had arrived.

She turned her head, watching as the alpha approached. Ears immediatly flattened against her head, and she made herself appear smaller. Furry cream-white tail lowered itself, tucking between her hind limbs. Dipping her head towards the raven colored leader, she watched as he slipped past them and a bit infront of his mate. Whipping her head back towards the loners, now, she relaxed herself, rising back up into her normal position. Mind began to whir as she wondered what Rhysis would have to say to these two.

As she stood there, she scented the air, registering the odor of the two before her. She respected the first wolf who had come out right away, asking if he could join. At least he did not blabber about himself...that would certainly have casted the Poisoned femme fatales into a deep slumber, and we would not want Rhysis to come upon that, now would we?