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Ghastly Woods Shudder, Don't Stutter - Printable Version

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Shudder, Don't Stutter - Nina - Jul 13, 2012

OOC: Can we please try to stay in posting order? Now it would be Hotei, Nina, Pakuna, Sloane. Ect. Thanks!

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She was glad to see that two of her pack mates seemed to be getting along nicely. Sloane was a wonderful gentleman and Pakuna was a polite lady, they would surely get along magnificently. Another soon granted them with his presence and her head soon raised at the stranger. He was quite handsome if one would put aside the burns and scars that ran down his pelt. The image she was seeing of him was one that she figured she looked like to others when they saw her, pelt covered in scars. It was a pretty sight, but it was one that she would have to get used to. It always held an edge of a beauty to the wolf granted with its presence, much like herself and the other older male.

Sloane was soon by the two female’s sides and he held a high amount of protectiveness in his stance, and it was then that her nose reached out to touch his fleece gently, trying to get him to relax and get the tension out of his body posture. This wolf wouldn’t be a threat to them. He was older, probably wiser, but he didn’t belong to a pack and he was a lone wolf, he would surely know better than to start a fight with there pack wolves, even if one of them didn’t have a clue how to defend herself. . .her seemed greatly rude, but Nina stood by silently, letting her pack mates take the lead for this one.

Shudder, Don't Stutter - Pakuna - Jul 18, 2012


A dark man emerged from the foliage- what seemed to be out of nowhere. Burns were apparent upon his body, healed over yet disallowing fur to grow back in place of them. Pakuna gave a quick look to him, ebon lip quivering in annoyance at his cold words. With a turn of her head, her emerald eyes looked to Sloane. "Aye, let a cold beast pass. It be obvious he don' want anythin' to do with us." She really did not care whether or not the black coated wolf would stay or not.

With one quick action, she turned her body, rolling her eyes behind the scene unfolding. Stretching the front of her body forward, Pakuna was in a play bow, but only for a stretch. Jaws widened as she exposed her teeth to the cooled air. Snapping her jaws shut, she turned back around (this time, slowly), and seated herself. Her eyes were no longer upon Burn, no, but now upon her pack mates. It seemed that she had already forgotten that the scarred wolf had even walked near them. If he wanted to avoid company so bad, why didn't he just go around them?


Shudder, Don't Stutter - Sloane - Jul 18, 2012

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Sloane was not pleased with the attitude of this wolf. He had no reason to show himself in the first place if all he was going to show was rudeness. A mischievous grin took hold of him and he fought to keep it in when Pakuna leisurely stretched and turned her back on the scarred fellow as if to say that what he did or didn't do was of no consequence to her. He could definitely learn to appreciate the older woman's behavior.

Unfortunately, he would never be able to turn his back so nonchalantly, although he had little doubt that the woman would spring into action in a second. Instead, he fixed his hard amber stare on the other male and said flatly, "We have not stopped you from being on your way, nor will we. Proceed." His look and his posture told the other wolf clearly that he had better not try anything funny. Sloane would let no harm come to either of his pack mates.


Shudder, Don't Stutter - Hotei - Jul 19, 2012


Without a word nor a nod of thanks Burn began to pad around
the little group of wolves. As he passed them by the black male
got a better whif of their scent. It seemed most of them were from
one pack, but something was very odd about the scent. Once he passed
the wolves he stopped in place just trying to recognize that familiar scent.
Unknown to the black Tainn the pack wolves scent that he couldn't place
was his brothers scent Ruiko.For some reason this confusion that settled
in his mind shook his stoic mindset.

It would be rude of me to not speak my name at least before
The ebony male turned his head ever slightly towards the
waiting wolves; his Tainn yellow eyes piercing through the dark.
"Hotei Tainn..." He spoke his name with a deep gruff voice. "My name
is Hotei Tainn for anyone who cares..." The male looked over the
wolves once more and then turned his head back to his lonely path.

A few minutes passed as he padded softly away from the group
of wolves. The black wolf was alone again. Something both sides
of his consiousness dreaded. However that chance meeting with
the Copper Rock Creek pack wolves left his mind in a twirl. Hotei
had come out of his dark revere, and now he felt bad that he'd
been so unkind to those wolves. Though he couldn't much remember
what he'd said to them. I can't do anything about it now. Just keep moving
Hotei continued padding along his path ever farther away from
his brothers cautious subordinates.

{Exit Hotei}


Shudder, Don't Stutter - Nina - Jul 19, 2012

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Her head lowered, but her ears pricked at all the words said. Her pack mates seemed to be acting strange. . .but perhaps it was just the night. The woods still screamed and whispered at them, leaving Nina in an awkward situation. She did have to go to the pups though, so with a small nod and smile to everyone she slunk away from the gathered wolves with a touch to the cheek to her pack mates. Then she was off. . .it was her time to watch the pups and she was sure that her pack mates understood that. The two words she did pick up were Hotei Tainn. . .but other than that she kept walking.

She didn’t feel safe outside the borders of her pack. . .and when she finally returned within the pack borders she didn’t hold back her sigh of relief, she was home again and she wouldn’t have to worry about anything for a small while. Her head lowered slightly and she made her way towards the denning site. She wondered how everyone had been doing as thunder rumbled in the distance.

Shudder, Don't Stutter - Pakuna - Jul 26, 2012


With the darkness swallowing them up and the eerie sounds coming out to play, Pakuna was aggravated. The presence of such a grumpy wolf did not make her much happier, either. As he padded off, his black fur helped disguise him quickly into the darkness. Pakuna looked to Sloane, shrugging before speaking. "He be a Tainn, eh? Relative of Ruiko...." For a brief moment she wondered what the wolf was looking for... how far he had been walking. She was never one to ask such questions, though.

Her body turned her in the complete opposite direction that Hotei had left. With a grin, she spoke "Ye hungry?" Her hinting at a hunt wasn't hinting really. It was either a yes or no. If he did not wish to prowl with her, she would do so on her own. Pakuna did crave a deer more so than a rabbit, though. The older woman was growing quite tired of eating those long eared critters.

When she turned, her tail-tip brushed against Sloane's side accidentally. With a smirk, she looked to him, , awaiting a response.


Shudder, Don't Stutter - Sloane - Aug 01, 2012

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Sloane was glad to see the rude stranger go. He had a dark and mysterious air about him and he hadn't liked it one bit. Not long after his departure, Nina headed back towards the border, no doubt uneasy away from home. Completely understandable after the ordeal that she'd been through. The security of home was a great comfort to her, this he knew.

He heard Pakuna say something about a Tainn being a relative of Ruiko. Interesting. He hadn't put that together, but he was less familiar with the pack and it's ties as he was still quite new here. When Pakuna inquired, "Ye hungry?" in her intriguing brogue, his stomach growled right on cue. He looked at his belly with a sheepish grin and said, "With a frame this size, hunger is pretty much a constant!" If you couldn't laugh at yourself...

When she turned, her tail barely brushed his side and she gave him a curious look. With a shrug of his shoulders he said, "Let's do something about it, then.... anything but rabbit!. I believe that my ears are getting longer from all of the hoppers that I've eaten lately!" A hunt in the middle of the night with strange sounds calling through the trees.... why not!


Fade to black?

Shudder, Don't Stutter - Pakuna - Aug 06, 2012

We can fade here... :)

The older woman could not help but release a gruff laugh at Sloane's words. "Aye, I couln't agree more, I tell ye. The taste o' rabbit be on me tongue constantly..." With a playful grin, she added "I think me tail be gettin' short n' fluffy." Chuckling at her own response, she eyed the darkness ahead, nodding in a comfortable silence. Deer sounded good... that was the only prey that seemed reasonable for two wolves. Oh, she could taste it now. It was so much different than rabbit, so much more potent to the palet. Almost salivating now, she looked at Sloane.

"Deer?" she asked, though she most certainly already knew the answer. Lowering herself a bit, she began to stalk forth, ears perked and tail out straight. She was getting in the hunting mode. Emerald eyes glistened in the soft moonlight as her ears awaited the eerie noises to return. Hopefully such sounds did not frighten away prey...

As the wolves paced forth, a loud howling of wind stopped Pakuna in her tracks. Her brown toned fur prickled on end. Her face became a scowl before she looked to Ash "I be hatin' these noises..." she whispered, aggravation apparent upon her face. With that, they continued the hunt, only to enjoy a lovely deer later on...

