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Don't Let Me Know - Printable Version

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RE: Don't Let Me Know - Jessie - Jun 30, 2013


The beautiful woman listened intently as the two men spoke, her eyebrows raising when she heard her love introduce himself. She had not known of this…name change that he seemed to be going through and it was a huge let down on her part. She was disappointed that she had not taken the time to know this about him…instead of assuming things she just should have asked about his name. Wasn’t she supposed to know when things like that happened? His ears flattened on her head slightly, but not completely so that she could still hear the conversation that was going on between the two brutes. When Sloane spoke, she felt her heart growing painfully cold, her emerald eyes flashing to the ground. Claimed her as mine…..our first litter….. Those were things that she knew that her and Hotei…uh…Kasai would never have with one another. Apparently the pair was meant to be pushed apart by pack and distant.

Without noticing, the woman shifted closer to the Tainn, her fur brushing lightly up against him. She then remembered the large woman that had once asked her about Sloane and turned to the russet male in front of her, Her voice did not hold the light, carefree tone it had a moment ago, her dark thoughts already plaguing her mind. Her voice was flat when she finally got the question past her lips, "Did you find your brother and sister?"


RE: Don't Let Me Know - Hotei - Jul 08, 2013


As Sloane affirmed his relationship with Narimé, Kasai felt a little calmer around the male. Perhaps knowing that he had a mate had that effect on him. A glance at Jessie showed that she was trusting of the other male but not close to him. Instead her gaze, and the touch of her fur mixing with his reassured the male that he was the more important one in her life, a part from maybe her pack mates. Sloane's excitement however did not go unnoticed, when the male spoke of his first litter coming soon. Kasai dipped his head once and spoke "Congratulations." to Sloane. He caught Jessie stiffen next to him and wondered what was wrong. Sparing a glance towards the emerald eyed she wolf the dark Tainn saw what he thought was sadness flash through her gaze. At least until she moved her eyes to the ground.

Was it the mentioning of pups? He wondered while the dark wolfs heart began fluttering. Of course every she wolf had a motherly instinct. He looked at her worried and slightly pained himself though the willow wolf kept a calm expression in front of Sloane. He had left Swift River to make her happy, but would pups make her happier? Kasai wasn't sure if he would be the best father. Feeling a little heat creep up his spine the dark man moved his gaze back to the forest around them but kept close to Jessie to give her comfort. Soon, she would have pups to help take care of in Swift River if Ice had been manly enough to breed with Corinna. Then her need for pups would be granted. That was the way Kasai tried to see it.

Jessie then spoke up bringing his attention back to the conversation at hand. She asked Sloane about his siblings. Kasai knew of Guiness Thorben but he wasn't positive about any other sibling the russet wolf might have.

"I know a Guiness Thorben among my pack mates. If he is one of Sloane's siblings that your asking about.." He answered in a short clipped tone then glanced towards Sloane for a confirmation of his information.


RE: Don't Let Me Know - Sloane - Jul 31, 2013

Sloane was a bit late in noticing that Jessie seemed a bit out of sorts at his mention of finding a mate and expecting a family soon. Eventually he did see he discomfit and the way that she shifted closer to the other male. They claimed to be just friends, these two, but there was definitely an underlying tension that spoke of more, albeit wordlessly. He gave her a sheepish smile and warmth touched the back of his neck. He hoped that he hadn't somehow offended her somehow.

Then she mentioned his brother and sister and his worry faded into the background at the welcome change of subject. Even the male made mention of them, admitting to knowing and being in the same pack as Guiness.

With a true smile lighting up his face, he gave a nod in the affirmative. "Yes, indeed I did. We met a while back, long before Narime' and I formed our pack and they longed for a permanent home and joined Willow Ridge together. Whisper Caverns is allied with the Ridge wolves with Narime' coming from there and my sibling valued members there as well." He glanced again at Hotei...Kasai? and made more of a point of memorizing the man's look and scent. He was an ally, after all and he obviously meant a lot to Jessie, his friend.

"I'm really glad that I ran into you again, Jessie. It's good to know that you found your sister, a home and some new friends." With the last word he tipped his russet head toward Kasai. "It has also been a pleasure meeting your, Kasai." He decided to go with the name that the male had introduced himself with and hope that it didn't bother Jessie. She'd seemed a bit surprised by his earlier introduction.

RE: Don't Let Me Know - Jessie - Aug 10, 2013


It felt good to know that Hotei was not disappearing from her side. The comfort that seeped into her when his own warm body pressed against hers as if he knew automatically what he needed was enough for her any day. She listened with interest as it seemed as though the man beside her knew of Guiness, whom Jessie had not met, but when Sloane answered a polite smile settled on her lips, nodding her head in his direction. His last words caused something of a forced smile to come on her face, her teeth now clamped shut. Jess had indeed found her sister, but she had been in more contact with Sloane than she had with her sister since her arrival and that certainly spoke millions considering that this was the first time she had seen Sloane since they had first met. Glaring at the ground in front of her briefly, she let happiness soak into her orbs at the departure of her friend. It was not that she did not wish to catch up with him anymore…but she did want some kind of one on one time with Hotei. Calling out in a firm, strong voice, she shook herself out of her thoughts, "Goodbye, Sloane, it was good seeing you again."

She waited until she was sure the russet man was out of sight before digging her muzzle into the neck fur of the burnt man beside her. She had missed him so much and it was nice to finally get a little bit of time with him. "Well Hotei, it is definitely a pleasure to see you again." She took this time to let her own jade orbs flicker towards his yellow ones, transfixed with the Tainn eye color that he had obtained. It came as a joy to her to see him but another disappointment in knowing that the rest of her family did not know of how close she was to him. She felt she owed someone an explanation, maybe even Ice…but for some reason she knew that somehow that would only make matters worse. Butting his jaw with her own muzzle affectionately, she waited patiently for his response, if there was even one to come.


RE: Don't Let Me Know - Hotei - Sep 06, 2013

Frantically tries to finish up Hotei threads ><


The Sloane fella finally decided that it was time to leave. Which in a way relaxed Kasai further. He couldn't remember why he didn't particularly like this wolf, but for some reason he just felt that the Thorben was a hindrance.

A hindrance.... A memory flashed through his mind giving the black wolf a head ache. A memory of him from when he'd called himself Burn. Shit... I met him before.. However back then he had been a wolf from a different pack.

"Well that's why I didn't feel too comfortable around him.." Kasai closed his eyes after momentarily glancing towards Jessie then pulled his chin down and brooded for a moment. "He's the noble knight type that gets on my nerves if I recall correctly." He spoke without anger towards the russet wolf who had already left. Although he could respect knightly types like Sloane the dark Tainn could still get annoyed with wolves like that pretty quickly.

He felt Jessie plunge her muzzle into his neck fur, at least the place where he still had fur around his neck. The touch made his spine shiver making the fur bristle just a little on his back. The burnt man's head lowered draping it over the silver she wolfs forehead, and gently he reached over and licked her ear.

She spoke his name, his true name which warmed the male to his heart. Opening his gaze to look sideways down at her the Tainn affectionately licked the top of her head. "It is very good to see your beautiful form." He answered back while cuddling with the she wolf for a time. Though he knew that at some point they would have to part ways again. Which would harden his heart until she came back for another visit. He swept his lower jaw over her head and neck enjoying the closeness that he could not have with any other wolf. The dark wolf would absorb all he could of her scent during this meeting until she had to leave.


RE: Don't Let Me Know - Jessie - Oct 20, 2013


Jessie loved when Hotei would pay special attention to her because it was something no one else would really do for her. They were both strictly together due to love and pleasure. He made her feel like she was the only one in the world for him and that he never wanted to ever let her go. She trusted the burnt male with her life and was confident in the thoughts that he would do almost anything for her. She listened to him speak, curious as to what he meant by already not liking Sloane, but still had no intentions of calling him out on it. She did not wish to ruin the moment they were having in that moment in time. When he spoke to her again and touched her forehead, she felt welcomed shivers down her spine and to her tail tip. Everywhere that they touched her skin burned just wanting more. She loved how he smoothed down her tattered hair when it was sticking wildly around and would be so gentle. He was only oh so gentle with her and it made her feel important, like she was a treasure to him.

Raising her muzzle so it was pressed against his ear, she spoke softly, "But you’re my noble knight." She looked into his golden amber eyes, finding comfort in the life that was displayed there. They had both come a long way from simply being hunting partners and this part of him, the part that was an equal even between his good and his bad half. Jess would no longer have to switch between the many names that he had given himself for there was only one name that she would address him by, that being his birth name. "I love you, Hotei…and I really don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you." The word were hard for her to say but she had gotten them out there. Pressing her muzzle against his shoulder in a loving gesture she rubbed it with her nose, keeping his scent as close as she could for the remainder of the time they would be together.
