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In Between the Cracks - Corinna - Feb 21, 2011


Gone Tomorrow

And they were off, like bullets out of a double barrel shotgun. Triell matched her enthusiasm, and he too jumped to his feet in preparation for their adventure. She wondered vaguely how much hunting experience the younger wolf had had in his life. She knew that Ruiko and Indru would have seen to it that he could survive, but she doubted he had had much experience hunting in a pack, considering the absence of his older and more experience siblings. One day, Cori would convince Indru that they should hunt like a true pack should, rather than hunt smaller game individually. That was one of the advantages of being in a pack; really, it was one of the key advantages. Especially in the event of pups this upcoming season. She wasn't sure what the situation was like here in Swift River romantically, but if there was to be another generation of Tainn's, they would have to be well fed.

Cori noticed Triell's brief hesitance at being instructed to lead the hunt, but he took it all in stride. He seemed calm and ready, and the older wolf nodded her approval as she fell into step behind him. Green eyes scanned side to side, but more important to Cori here was her coal black nose. It was sorting through all the surrounding scents, automatically dividing up the old from the new, from the useful and the useless. "No, probably not," she agreed, noting with despair the lack of scents that would lead them on to large game. Not that she was prepared to take any sizable animal on. She didn't doubt Triell, but until she knew what his skill was, she was in no way ready to risk bodily injury for it.

The younger black wolf moved ahead easily, and Corinna watched him out of the corner of her eye. She left his path, and moved off to her own, deeper into the forest. Her nose was to the ground now, and she investigated every base of every tree. Her nose was attacked by thousands of scents, each telling her something different. She blocked out the useless ones, and tried to pinpoint a hopeful one. It took her a few minutes, but eventually, after sticking her nose into the base of what would in the summer months be a large shrub, she looked up. White snowflakes sticking to her nose, she turned her head, trying to locate Triell. "Triell? I think I've got something."


In Between the Cracks - Triell - Feb 21, 2011

In deep concentration, he absorbed himself in the world his nose created with the mixture of aromas. There were the dead things, the trees, damp earth, and past trails of the other creatures who made the grove home. He noted Cori's agreement. Deer would have been nice, but Triell doubted he could muster to snag a buck maybe a small doe or fawn. Usually he helped scare 'em up, taking a nip but not the fatal bite wound. The thought of food brought displeasure to his stomach, he tried not to remember the nice taste of deer. How it filled him up. Large paws pressed further, checking through the vegation he hadn't covered. For the longest time all he could detect was the many trails of squirrels and mice. He really wanted something else, something a little bigger. Mice hardly qualified as a snack, and he didn't like squirrels. They were to confusing. Chattering, jumping this way and that. Up and down the blasted trees.

Once and awhile orange gaze would flicker to Cori's ighter pelt from the trail he kept. She looked like she was trying just as hard as he was. He did not doubt she was a good hunter. She had to be if she just joined a pack. If only he could trust his own skills, he was almost inkhorn in the hunt. Almost. But he ws still confident they would get something, he only wished to pick up on a fresh trail. He worked his nose harder, if that was possible, breathing deeper, closer in the snow, and along the dead underbrush. It was hard to keep track of all the different things. He had to keep his mind from wandering to check out non animal smells. H e was always filled with a wanderlust, but his stomach reminded him to emphasis on the important things. The ones that could lead to dinner.

Soft tone caught in his dark ears, the base of em twitched slightly. She had found something. Tail gave a soft wag, lifting his nose skyward he peered through the forest briefly struggling to find a silver coat. He spotted her in a matter of seconds a few yards straight ahead of him. Trotting, a clear path was chosen, and he headed her way. "What ya find?" He asked, voice with an edge of curiosity. He halted at the barren shrub unsure where she found the scent.

In Between the Cracks - Corinna - Feb 21, 2011


Gone Tomorrow

Beaver. The smell was incredibly distinct, and one that fired Cori's memory. She had helped save the alpha of Midnight Plateau from a family of beavers when he had accidentally trespassed on their finely built dam. She had been searching instinctively for a different type of creature, a hare or maybe a weasel. The beaver was unexpected, but between the two of them, the subordinate had no doubts that they would eventually be able to bring it out. They were tough, in that they would put up a fight, but it would be a good lesson for Triell.

Gray ears perking up, the she wolf caught Triell's gaze as he came closer. His inquiry was answered only in a gesture, indicating the spot where she had smelled the furry brown creature. This was the Swift River pack lands, the beaver's presence here was a reasonable one. The river was not that far away. What the creature was doing out of its home, Cori didn't even begin to guess, but she honestly didn't really care. Food was food. "Have you ever seen a beaver before, Triell?" She asked him, focusing back in on the scent at hand. No doubt he probably had at some point, they were fairly common in Relic Lore, but she wanted to check. It could prove dangerous to lead him into a hunt when he was unaware of what their adversary was like. "One passed by this way. Maybe an hour ago." So they wouldn't be that far behind it; their long legs would be able to outstrip the beaver with no effort at all. Stepping back from the shrub, she pressed her black nose back into the white cold, breathing deeply. The other scents that had attacked her before were silenced, as she honed in on the particular one that she wanted. Stepping away, she began to follow the trail, following the zigzag path that their quarry had made not too long ago. No doubt it would lead them back to the river; it was just a matter of catching it before it did.


In Between the Cracks - Triell - Feb 21, 2011

Triell brushed his muzzle along the edge of the shrub, inhaling the mingle of it with the new scent Cori was talking of. His brain worked trying to place a picture of the creature, it was just on the tip of his mind. He'd encountered it somewhere in his travels. Drawing a blank, eyes rotated up clearly lost for the answer. Cori knew, and right away asked if he'd seen one before. A beaver, of coarse. Those pudgy brown things with huge chompers, and an odd tail. Triell had managed to come upon the Beaver Dam before he'd returned home, he just hadn't remembered the name. "Ya, at their dam." He answered, studying the distinct scent, memorizing it, and trying to focus on it alone. Feeling he could follow, his eyes trailed to her green pair. He'd never hunted one, and wondered how on earth that was gonna work. Raising his head, he glanced round when she'd said one passed by. What was it doing out here? Something else he'd wander about, and maybe soon enough they'd know. "Sounds good." He didn't care what they hunted. It worked for him as it would be something else to catch, that was for sure. While she back away from the brush to the trail, he fell in pace behind her. Taking the moment to concentate on the trail as if he was following alone.

It was certainly right that the beaver was headed to the river. The path it took was a doozy, perhaps he was carrying his own food back home, or a specific tree for a dam. Triell's interest was perked, and keeping quiet he could hear the familiar rush of the water in the distance. Now where was this thing? The black lad had know wanting to go swimming, and if they were to catch it now was the time. Stopping, bright amber eyes struggled along the white, and dark. Sticking to the dark looking for a blur of motion. To the left on a dead, hollow tree he saw the familiar pattern of a tail. Lowering his frame he crept next to Cori. Silently he looked to her, and then over to the beaver's location. "Now what?" He whispered, for he didn't have a stragety, and was ready for his instructions.

In Between the Cracks - Corinna - Feb 24, 2011


Gone Tomorrow

They went this way and then went that way. The beaver was leading them on a merry chase, and every step the she-wolf's adrenaline level increased. The hunt was what she lived for, even the hunting of small animals like beavers. Black nose inhaled sharply, guiding them like a compass. Her eyes were peeled, but Cori relied on her ability to smell far more than she did her ability to see in hunts. Behind her she could hear Triell following along behind her, dutifully following in her footsteps as they tracked their prey. He had seen a beaver before, which was good, because it meant that he would be more of a help in picking it out. It's dark coat would blend in well with the bark of the trees...though it would stand out like it was in a spotlight against the crisp white snow.

Cori could hear the sound of running water, a clear sign that they were drawing ever closer to the river, which meant that their quarry could not be that much farther ahead of them. Indeed, it seemed it was rather close, as all of a sudden Triell's paws stopped moving and the sound of him following ceased. Stopping as well, she met his gaze as he spoke, and she looked about them. It took her a moment, but she eventually made out the furry creature against the hollow log.

Immediately, the subordinate dropped to her belly, tail sticking straight out behind her. Ears flipped to the back of her skull as she tried to minimize her appearance as much as she could. There was no real breeze, so they wouldn't have to worry about the beaver smelling them. Triell came closer and he asked for her instruction, and she nodded her head mutely. She wanted Triell to get the credit for the kill, though she was fully prepared to help as much as she could. "I'll herd it towards you. Stay here." In a moment, the gray wolf was off, her body kept dangerously close to the ground, well out of the view of the beaver. Cori kept a wide berth as well, to decrease the chances that it would smell her.

It took ages for her to do, but eventually Corinna completed the semi-circle, coming up on the far side of the beaver and the log. A few minutes had elapsed, and the furry creature hadn't shown much movement, nothing that indicated it was alerted to the wolves. Hopefully Triell was ready, because he was about to get a crash course in hunting. Muscles tensing, the she-wolf hesitated only a moment before leaping from her perch, a loud bark coming from her jowls. The beaver was startled and turned, headed towards Triell and away from the gray furred menace behind him.


In Between the Cracks - Triell - Feb 24, 2011

[dohtml]The fury little beast was still sitting on the log, oblivous to the two packmates. Triell crept lower to his stomach, lengthening his body out to keep it that way. Cori did not take long to strike up a plan. Triell would catch, and she would herd. A beaver he was going to catch a beaver. Okay steady now. Silent breaths he inhaled trying to keep each flow of air even;remind his heart not to pump so fast. How could the thrill of the hunt not set off a small rush in the lad? He would keep a cool head.

The orange-yellow gaze followed Cori, noting her lithe movement, as she stalked closer to their prey. However he needed to be ready, and shifted down further into an even lower crouch. Patience. He told himself, recalling past instructions. Cori was doing the most important part, sneeking up on it and he would not move and ruin it. He'd grown, he'd matured just as much and could wait without motion. Still like a mountain he was paused inches from the ground. Waiting with his eyes on the dark brown fur.

In a streak of gray, and a loud bark the target sought for safety away from the one wolf, but into the reach of another not knowing the trap. Steady Triell Was he breathing? The beaver drew near. The black lad did not move from his position, he had to wait for the right moment. It was not till he the creature's eyes grew wider with fright spying his other foe did the young Tainn leap for it. Open jaws, he almost landed right on top of the poor beaver. His paws hitting it in the side of the face -tempoarily stunning the creature. Triell didn't hesitate letting his instincts take control, his teeth sought for the trachea, and precious veins in the side of neck. Clasping tight before the beaver had time to react, nor turn to bite in return. It did it's best to struggle, Triell had strong jaws, and would not realease the snare he had. Even though he felt the strong kicks and swipes it wouldn't be long. Warm blood pooled into his lips, and down. The movements became less violent, and the body was limp. He held onto it another few seconds, and then released it to the ground. He'd hardly moved, but stood panting trying to catch his breath.

Licking his lips of the blood, ink toned head cast round looking for the familiar gray and white. Long tail wagged like a triumphent banner behind him. Of coarse he had killed it, but knew Cori deserved first bites. He was merely thrilled to have caught the thing, and without a struggle. This hunting thing was getting easier after all.

In Between the Cracks - Corinna - Feb 24, 2011


Gone Tomorrow

Corinna watched with sharp eyes, her sole focus on the brown furred creature that was fleeing for its life. It was her natural instinct to run faster, to grab the animal by the back of its neck so she could snap it. But that wasn't the plan. She wasn't hunting by herself; the whole point was because Triell had been hungry and needed to learn some proper strategy. So she resisted the urge to increase her speed to take the creature down. Instead, pulled up sharply, throwing a solitary growl at the beaver to ensure that he kept running towards Triell's waiting mouth.

The inky male came out of nowhere, just like he was supposed to. And the poor beaver literally had no chance at all. It was running too fast in an attempt to escape the fanged demon behind it that it couldn't change direction in time to avoid Triell. And the younger wolf handled it masterfully. He went straight for the neck, and even though the beaver tried to resist, it didn't take long. Eventually the body went limp, and she watched as Triell swelled with pride at his success. His posture communicated it to her, and she barked approvingly, tail wagging as she walked calmly closer.

The closer she got to him, the stronger the scent of the kill became, and she felt herself begin to salivate. But she reigned it in, and looked at Triell. "Excellent job, Triell," Cori commended him smiling at him and noting with approval his happily wagging tail. Leaning back, she pushed her long hind legs out behind her, stretching her back after the short run. "Go ahead and eat. It's your kill," she instructed, offering him a pleasant smile to encourage him. She would be happy to wait to take whatever was left, but she wanted the young Tainn to savor this moment, including the honor of first bite.


In Between the Cracks - Triell - Feb 25, 2011

Knowing he'd done a job well done with her assuring bark, he grinned from ear to ear. Then letting his pink tongue curl past his tall white canines, he panted the rush long worn off. He was still somehow a little breathless, and did not speak. His tail stroked the air, least he'd done it right and some how her opinion mattered to him. This was what home should be, great friends cheering each other on through the hum drums of life. How grateful he was to finally be home, getting back to normal things.

He hadn't exactly expected her to offer him the taste first. According to structure of the pack she outranked him, or what he figured. He hadn't wanted to assume he could eat it. He should have known better. She was not thinking of that, but how it was his kill. How he had said he was hungry. And of coarse he'd share. The young Tainn did not need to be talked further into it. Only beamed at her, he nodded in a silent thanks. Indru was like that to, making sure Triell got his fill. There were never I'm above you and I'll take first. Cori could have easily been his favorite wolf right then.

Arching his head down, he grabbed the scruff of the beaver. One paw on it's back he again recalled past instructions, pulling a picture to his mind. Easily his teeth started pulling the fuzz from flesh. It wasn't the cleanest, the job got done no less. He actually thought it looked much more decent then past attempts. Getting the meat was something else, and he had to place his other paw on limb. He didn't want to send any piece flying. Thoughtful intent he pulled at the chosen piece. It peeled from the spine, and rib with little effort. Firm in his jaws, he stepped to the side and and started knawing. The warmth made his mouth run with moisture, little by little pushing the hunger pains away. It was a decent size to keep him busy, and his amber eyes looked to his companion. "You turn." He stated with a rather bloody grin. He had yet to master the art of not making a gory mess of himself, in bliss he then continued chomping his meal.

In Between the Cracks - Corinna - Feb 26, 2011

OOC: Feel free to wrap this up whenever. =)


Gone Tomorrow

Tradition was important, of course. It was what kept things flowing smoothly from one generation to the next. But, there was no harm in small changes. Perhaps in a larger pack setting, she would not have allowed the inky black wolf to eat before her, but this was just the two of them. Her status as being the older, higher ranked wolf had already shown itself in her taking the lead in their hunt. Corinna saw no issues with letting him take the first bites. After all, his muzzle was already stained red with the blood of the kill, and she knew from experience just how difficult it was to wait for others to eat when the taste of food was already in your mouth. Besides, she wanted Triell to remember this moment of a successful hunt of a creature he had most likely never hunted before. "It's quite alright, Triell, go for it," she encouraged him again, tail wagging briefly at her hocks to underscore her insistence that he take the first bite.

Green eyes tracked him patiently, and salmon colored tongue flicked over her black lips as she watched him. Triell didn't have the most graceful skill in dividing up a small animal, but that didn't bother Cori too much. That sort of thing came with practice; as he became more adept at hunting these smaller mammals, he would do better at skinning them. But he took his piece and stepped to the side, allowing her access to the kill. His mouth was covered with the crimson liquid and she laughed at him, knowing full well that her own pale muzzle was about to take on a similar look, only more intense in appearance due to the color contrast. Leaning down, she duplicated his maneuver, resting a single front paw on the beaver's dismembered back/side. Teeth sank into the carcass, and the rush of blood made her body grow warm. Cori was freely salivating now and she lost her sense of patience. Ripping her head harshly upward, she tore the leg she had taken a hold of in a clean rip. Her powerful jaws crushed through the bone and it gave way. Stepping backwards, the gray and brown female carried her piece of the prize and settled down near Triell, though not too close. As the meat began to disappear into the depths of her stomach, she cast a look up at the younger wolf. "The rest of the kill is yours, you earned it," she nodded in the general direction of the carcass. There wasn't too much left, but he was certainly bigger than she was and needed more nourishment. Besides, the beaver meat was more than enough to keep her filled for the next little while.


In Between the Cracks - Triell - Feb 26, 2011

ooc; all righty i figured. probably have him pack it back to the den.

The morsels he swallowed were a good feast. Beaver was not so bad after all, and much easier then silly mice. Triell knew without Cori his chance of success would not have been as high. It much liked hunting with someone for that reason, and the simple fact of company. He would really like to hunt in a larger group, he could only imagine what Indru,Cori and him could manage let alone everyone else of the pack. That truelly would be a feast he hoped one day to happen. Briefly he nodded at her words, understanding the situation, and grateful for the lesser formalities. This would not be a hunt he would forget, but perhaps recall when the time came again. Smoothing his tongue over wet jowls, he watched in earnest as Cori descended on the carcass. Soaking up knowledge like lexicography. He watched the precise motion, putting the skill to memory. And very happy she did not disagree on taking some. The two enjoying the meal, he ate his in silence, till he too had finished off what he had snipped off. Muzzle turned in her direction seeing she was out of meat as well. Going to speak he sealed his lips, as she said the rest was his.

He knew better to argue with a lady, and long tail curved through the patches of snow. A purely happy, and proud smile speaking volumes. Doing best to clean his sloppy face, his tongue lapped round his chops. Rising, he rolled his shoulders in a swift motion. Then looking from beaver to Cori he said, "All right, if your sure." Knowing her mind would not change he wandered over to his prize. There were still bits there, and the bones would be nice to chew one. Before he dropped his head, he glanced to the gray she wolf. "Thank you for lunch. I think I'll take what's left back to the den. Your welcome to come too." He did not want her to feel tied to following him, nor making her feel abonden. Thoughtful motion he bent down, and placed his teeth round the neck bone. Much lighter he lifted it up, gave Cori one last smile and started walking through the grove.
