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In Between the Cracks — Swift River 
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

There was a fresh layer of powdered snow underfoot, and Corinna's dainty paws broke the layer, her paws leaving a clear path in the snow. Her black nose was coated in the stuff, as she had been walking about with her head down, sniffing the scents of her new home. She had spent the day exploring, starting from the outer most borders and slowly working her way towards the middle. She had been accepted a few days ago, and she had yet to see any of the Tainn family members. She still did not know who had won out: Ruiko or Indru. Honestly, she wasn't sure who she wanted to win. She was just thankful that she had been allowed to leave, and had not been made to sit and watch. Time was flying by, but she was becoming more and more attached to the Swift River territory, and somehow she felt more at home among this particular grouping of trees than she had in a long time.

Though, she was missing the company. From meeting Indru at Luna Hill to the skirmish of the borders, she had been at his side. But now she was on her own. She could handle being on her own, but she hadn't joined a pack to be alone. Settling down under the closest tree, she felt the bark against her back. Tipping back her head, her soft soprano voice lifted up to the sky. Calling for company.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>The winter scene before him was bright white, and new. He liked when it snowed giving the landscape a fresh start, much more pretty then all the trappled paths. It was very fun to wrestle in, much softer then hard earth. The young Tainn was all alone, and first it was all right. He scouted to new places he had wished to see, and refreshed himself with the river's icey water. He was awfully lonely. Kinis he had been told had left to be on his own. This had sickened him to a new point of emotion. Making him angry, sad, and just plain missing his brother's face. He knew Ruiko had looked for him, and the fact was Kinis had wanted to leave. Triell couldn't fully understand why, but what could he do? Another piece of his family gone. There was Borlla, but he couldn't even find her around to tease. His elder brothers he knew not what for sure, had something else going on between them. So here he was trailing uno numero, thinking best to stay out of it.

Lost in these kind of thoughts, nothing paticularly guiding him he heard the lonely song of a female voice. Black head cocked to the side, ears pointing straight up, wide as could be. She sounded close, in the territory actually. Right? Knowing his brothers he knew it could be no lone wolf. She was deep past the borders. No harm, large paws pulled through the white puff. Using his eyes he traced the best path, remembering the direction. It took the young pup longer then it would an older wolf, but he was proud of when the sight of the gray female came to his yellow eyes. Casually he trotted to her set place. A look of interest upon his dark features. <b>"Hello."</b> He stated, black tail wagging thrice against hocks. </blockquote>
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Cori was not left wanting for company very long, not that she expected to really. Though, truth be told, she had been expecting either Indru or Ruiko to come upon her first, and to tell her what the outcome of their leadership battle had been. In her experience, when leaders fought, it indicated instability in the pack - something she as a new pack member hardly wanted. But no, rather than the familiar form of Indru or his larger doppelganger, Ruiko, it was a younger looking black wolf who came into view. While he did not look like his older brothers, Cori could see the family resemblance. There was the easy and settled way the young male walked, and his size was incredibly suggestive. He was still young, but he was no longer a tiny puppy.

Lifting off her haunches, the subordinate shook herself, shaking the snow that had collected on her fur off. Tail wagging behind her, she left the security of the tree behind her and approached the black male. She approached cautiously, though her wagging tail suggested to him friendliness. Each step brought them closer together, and she hoped that he would not run. She was just curious, that was all. Stopping just short of touching him, she strained her neck, reaching out to him. Her black nose sniffed eagerly at his own, and she stored away his scent to memory. This was not a wolf who was likely to leave her life anytime soon. Retreating a few steps so as to give him back his space, she grinned. "Hello. I'm Corinna Donata, Cori if you like."

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote> Dark brows furrowed against his gaze, the gray female held no hesitation in greeting him. This little thing was something he hadn't experienced without a tall body guard doing the formalities, he realized and was new to him. Boldy he did not move,for Triell was not suspicous, only surprised at her own friendliness. Yellow-orange eyes caught the silver patterened tail stating, likewise, she meant no harm. Inken toned tail stroked the air in return, watching intently while she closed the gap. Black lids blinked sharply as she leaned into his space. Instincts said to draw back, but she was only greeting him by taking his scent. Stiffening his muscles, he stayed in place, sharply wiggling his nose. Right away he picked up Indru's specific mixture more potent then Ruiko's. Well, that answered many a thing. Indru must have brought her here, and she was now part of Swift River.The rest of her scent he would describe as sweet, like wild berries. The young pup placed the two things of her together in his mind. If Indru liked her, Triell assumed he would to. Warmly he smiled. <b>"Nice, to meet you Cori. I'm Triell Tainn."</b> He didn't feel the need to state who he was related to, the name, and his own coat no doubt had told her. Many a question came to his mind.

Where was Indru? Where was Ruiko? How had she met them? Where had she come from? Did she like Swift River? Did she know anyone else of his family? Why her eyes were green. The list went on, and on. He had outgrown the urge to sprout words, like fast growing weeds. Instead, paused to say more. For a long time he had had only his family and encountering another wolf outside ofthe Tainn bloodlines was an exciting thing. Especially after his meeting with Ozera he was extremely curious. Studying her dark green eyes, he cleared his throat. <b>"So, do you mind me asking how you met my brother, Indru?"</b> </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2011, 05:49 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Cori was pleased, with both herself and the black male standing in front of her. He did not seemed particularly alarmed by her advances, tolerating her investigations of his person by sniffing her own body right back. He seemed content, as he offered her a name and a greeting, the first of which she stored away in her memory. Just how many siblings were in the Tainn family? They came and went with high frequency, and it was difficult to know who was a permanent member of the clan. There was Indru, and Ruiko, and Triell, and her. For all she knew, that was the Swift River pack. "It's nice to meet you Triell. You're the first Tainn I've met besides Ruiko and Indru, so it's a pleasure," she explained, retreating in her footsteps to give him more space.

Slim gray haunches fell back against the snow, and her demeanor invited the younger male to do the same. Ears perked up, as he asked her a rather direct question. For a moment, she was puzzled - how he had known that she had met Indru? But then she realized that she had spent the majority of the past couple of days in Indru's company, and therefore would smell like him. "Oh!" she exclaimed, stifling a chuckle. "I was wandering around out at Blackberry Fields when I met Indru," she began, omitting to this younger Tainn how she and his brother had initially met. "We got along well, so he encouraged me, since I was looking for a place to stay, to approach Ruiko. And now here I am." Shoulders rolled back in their sockets as if in a shrug, while her green eyes looked about the snow covered world around them. "So, did you go with Indru when he left back in the fall, or did you stay here with Ruiko? I've been in Relic Lore a while, but I don't think I've seen you around, Triell."

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>Cori's posture was open and friendly, he liked those simple facts. It was in his nature to get along with anyone, with her it would come more naturally, then forced. He could easily see why Indru had brought her here, he only assumed this of coarse, but he could not think any other reasons why she was here. Enless Ruiko had invited her. He listened intently to her friendly tone. The information didn't exactly surprise him. But it was nice to know, he could use his nose much better, pick up the little things he'd struggled with the last few months. Maybe growing up wasn't all bad.<b>"Awe, I figured you must have."</b> He answered, not wanting to be impolite by lack of conversation. He had not been home for long, and had only manged to see the same pair, and Borlla. A good thing to the homesick pup, but not very exciting. She took a seat on the snow, and he accepted the silent invite, falling to his rump where he stood.

His question of Indru stumped her momentarily till she came to some realization. He only smiled to himself, ears drawn forward in earnesty. He pictured his brother, and the gray wolf side by side having a lively conversation. It was not hard to imagine, as he knew Indru was easy going and a warmness to him. Triell was much the same, and was proud of the small fact. Ruiko, he pondered for a minute. Indru had always been the head of the family and her recieving acceptance from the other Tainn idol was new knowledge he had to grip. He did not dwell on it long, smiling once more, he did so over the fact both his brothers in their own way had accepted her into the family unit. About time. <b>"Well I'm glad you decided to come to Swift River, it's weird having a pack with just family members."</b> He did not mean anything was wrong with this. He liked his family, and a pack was suppose to be like a family. He had heart to know wolves beyond the tight knit circle of blood.

Muzzled turned to the east, remembering last fall when she asked of it. He hadn't liked leaving, but he would not part from Indru. Head turned to the ground, ears bent back. Shaking his head of past emotion, he brought his sight to her level, striking a more serious tone.<b>"I really didn't want to leave. Without my parents, I was torn between the two. But Indru and I have have always been rather close, I made up my mind I should go with him."</b> There bond was a strong thing, Indru had taken the role of parent rather then brother. He didn't want to live in the past, remembering what Ozera had told him. Be happy, smile. Deciding to change the subject he decided to speak of something else.<b>"Do blackberries taste good? I've never been there, and always wondered."</b></blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

It was only a first impression, but the female seemed sure that she and Triell would get along just fine. He was calm, more than she had been at his age, and he seemed open to her. He mirrored Indru's attitude of being more openly friendly, more so than Ruiko's gruff demeanor that could be off putting the first time you met him. While his appearance was distinctly different from that of his older brothers (and she paused a moment and took a look at his handsome inky black coat and wondered where in his lineage it came from), his mentality was not, and for that, she was appreciative.

Green eyes met his own, and Cori cocked her head to the side in confusion. "You mean your other siblings aren't here?" She had just presumed that the entire Tainn clan was here...somewhere. If he confirmed her suspicions, it would tell her even more about the apparent instability of the pack she had decided to join. However, he seemed to agree with her decision to join him and his family, his smile and his words giving away his thoughts on the matter. Packs were based around the family unit, but they could not thrive without fresh blood. "Yeah, consider it like a change of scenery, I guess," she chuckled.

Cori felt a moment of guilt, noting the younger wolf's change of tone. She had not meant to upset him by her questions, she was simply curious. Their eyes met in mind air, and she shifted uncomfortably. But, what he said relieved her. So Indru was like the father of the pack? That was good news; it helped to explain why he had been unwilling to submit to Ruiko - a father did not submit to a son. Though she doubted very much that Ruiko ever considered Indru a father, or vice versa, but it did show Indru's support to have Triell choose to go with him.

The atmosphere changed almost immediately, and the subordinate was somewhat startled by the change, but she merely went along with it, chuckling in good nature at his inquiry. "Yes, blackberry's are good. Maybe in the summer, you and I can go, and you try some. They don't grow in the winter," she explained to him. Otherwise, she would have suggested that they go this instant. She herself was not adventurous by nature, but she would not stand in the way of somebody else's desire to experience the world. "They're sweet tasting, and then kind of bitter at the end. And you get juice all over your muzzle," chuckling, she licked her chin in a gesture to indicate the messiness that accompanied the delicious fruit. "We'll get you some, don't you worry, Triell."

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>Triell had to collect his thoughts to other matters. He didn't know how much of his family had wandered back. He was hopeful all of them, but he had only run into three members of the Tainn familly tree. He shrugged his shoulders, <b>"To be honest I don't know. I've seen Ruiko, Indru, and my sister Borlla from the same litter as me. Other then that, your really the only wolf of Swift River I've run into."</b> His thoughts had went to his elder sisters, and younger brother Kinis but what could he do? He couldn't go looking for them. Well, he could but he assumed he'd get lost and someone would have to find him. Defeating the purpose of the whole thing. He stuck close to the packlands. He was quick to smile though, <b>"I'm pretty sure they'll show, it's just a matter of when."</b> Those words for both her, and his assurance.

A short laugh carried from his chest, about the scenery change. He could not argue with that. It was good for him there were no Tainn grandchildren wondering the lands -yet. It would be akward if the young lad fell in love with an unknown niece, down right embarrassing actually. Hopefully the problem never came up, and was far from his mind. He was enjoying talking to someone, he hadn't done much of it before. He'd been a quite pup for a long time, now talking came natural, like breathing. It wasn't extremely hard, or she made it easy to say the least.

Black tail d beat at the snow fiercly, ears dipped foreward in earnest listening. He cocked his head slightly, as she stated there were none in winter. He hadn't thought about that part. Then she assured him they came in summer. He trusted her taste buds were on about the flavor, and was happy to know she'd take him to try some. Tongue lapped over his jowls with a slurp, picturing something moist. He left his jaws unshut, in a wide smile he was known to have. Indeed he'd hold her to her promise, even though summer was a ways off. Or so it felt any way with the endless snowstorms, piling high white. <b>"All right, I guess summer will get here sometime."</b> He answered, rather enthused by this new thing.

There was a small rumble in his stomach, and he wondered what kind of hunter Cori was. <b>"Are you hungry?"</b> He asked, not trying to be rude, but aware he was now. He hadn't quite exceeded in catching his own, or least with not some general guidance. Or help in the chase. Maybe she wouldn't mind helping him out. <b>"I was thinking of finding something-if you want to come."</b> He didn't feel right asking her straight out for help, a proud guy thing no doubt. Still his heart beat with a hopeful rhythem, a half smile on his lips.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2011, 12:24 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna was patient by nature, not one to be easily upset by things. There were plenty of others who would have left Triell on his own, unwilling to make small talk and go back and forth in questions. She appreciated it; she knew what it was like to be alone for long periods of time, and she did not want to subject him to that. Besides, she was enjoying herself, his company was more than welcome. Though, she was somewhat alarmed by his information about the current residents of his pack. She hadn't picked up too many scents around the Swift River territory, but she had assumed that they were around...somewhere. She had known Swift River in its prime days, and she wondered vaguely that if it had been eclipsed by Midnight Plateau. But, that would not change her decision. She was loyal to the end, and she had befriended Indru, Ruiko, and Triell, she would not leave them behind just because their pack was small. "I'm sure they will. I always like to think of winter as a solitary time, so maybe that's what is going on," she offered, her voice assuring.

Grinning, she beat her tail in time with his, dipping her head in agreement as he commented about summer. His anticipation was evident in the grin on his face. She too was now looking forward to the event, glad to have something ahead of her to keep her going. It was the small things like this promise to Triell that made life worth living, in her eyes. Fate had offered her an opportunity to enjoy his company and engage in a learning experience, and she was not going to turn down the chance. "It goes by faster than you think. Spring will be here soon, and the snow will go with it," it would be her third spring, and she was looking forward to it. New life always excited her, and she couldn't wait to see the forest blossom and grow green again.

Gray ears perked up, and the female tilted her head to the side, looking at Triell curiously. Her keen ears had picked up on the noise coming from his stomach, and she suppressed a grin. Only recently having lost her lone wolf state, she was familiar with the sound. She had been a good hunter in her birth pack, but she had yet to hunt together with the Swift River wolves, and every pack worked differently. So she jumped at the chance to go with Triell, literally. Bounding up from the snow, she leaped towards him, her tail wagging quickly behind her. "Yep. I used to be a pretty good hunter, in the pack I was born into. I'd love to come along. Two hunters are always better than one," she barked, springing away back towards the woods. Though, really, she had no idea where the best hunting areas were in the forest, so she waited for Triell to lead, assuming that he would have a better idea than she did.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>The lack of pack members didn't startle the lad. He really felt like he hadn't met everyone, and the water had been gone so he could see wolves just starting to come to the lands. Just like he and his family had. For him it meant fewer names to remember, and he'd honestly didn't know what a good size pack was. His family had always been the pack, and if he had them he didn't feel a needless wory. Kind voice stated sincerely, and he believed in her tones. Winter did change about everything, and he didn't doubt her for a second. Maybe he'd inquire to Indru of their numbers out of interest, but not with a worried mind. It couldn't hurt, something else to strengthen his knowledge. He always had a thirst for new information.

<i>Summer, summer ,summer. </i>He thought, this would be his second, and his first birthday would arrive. He would be an adult. How strange, him no longer a youngling. He felt like a different wolf already, but a bit of the same. So much had happened in his growing, he only pondered what awaited them when the snow vanished, and the warm temperatures returned. Hopefully good things, he always felt the world needed to make up for the loss they'd suffered, or at least to say it would some how bring good things for the bad they'd lived though. Cori could have been one of those things. The young wolf was pleased to see how open she was, not hesitating to smile or wag her own tail. A breath of fresh air, that's how he would have described her company. Dreamily, he gazed off into the white surroundings trying to picture an emerald plain. Sighing he replied, <b>"I suppose, I just think the snow comes to quick, and hesiates to leave."</b> It was spoken wistfully,like a true child who couldn't wait for Christmas to come. Time was a slow thing to him, the hours didn't exactly slip away, not lately any way. Today maybe, because he was in good company. Good company made time fly.....too fast.

Waiting for her answer did not take long, she was up on her feet, hoppity hopping to him. He laughed, liking his new friend very much. Swift River definately needed a girl like her. The more the merrier, quite literally he thought. Rising to his own paws, he shook his thick, inked tone coat. Tail slightly curled over his back like in play, it cut through the air with glee. <b>"Sweet!"</b> He said, not containing one ounce of his excitement while he bounded after her.

Upon entering the forest he did have a sense come over him, and steadied his breath, tail relaxing casually behind him. All serious now he wasn't use to taking up the lead, but felt the need to do so when she waited to continue. A little pressure, as he hadn't the best idea either- <i>think think.</i> Taking in a longer breath, he eased it out putting his nose to the earth. This time when he took air in, it brought a few faint things of the woods. Indru had taken him somewhere along here. Stopping, left ear turned back, <b>"Indru and I hunted this way. I'm not sure if we'll find anything bigger then a hare, though."</b> Shoulders shrugged, at his statement. Hares were a decent meal, better then mice. Deer he didn't feel lucky enough to catch. Quietly, he paused then stalked foreward, then left trying to find a fresh trace of prey.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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