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Arrival - Makita - Mar 07, 2011

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Makita coughed silently, and then she became silent. She gently laid her chin on her front paws, sprawled out in front of her. The first day on the new pack land and one of the first few days of spring, and she was sitting inside a den watching a snow white alpha transform into what appeared to be an axe murderur. Her blood was covering his fur and it trailed along the entrance to the den. It was an absolute mericle she wasn't dead.

She became still and tried to relax slightly. It felt good to not have to worry about killer bears or wolves seeking to watch the blood flow out of her, but to just be safe - even if it was while she was horribly injured. Makita knew she had came to the right wolf at the right time, as he hadn't even growled once at the stranger, or made an attempt to just kill her off or hurt her. As the alpha began to shift and speak, a question arose in her head. She wasn't going off to search for Borden, she had enough to search for with her family missing. But, she did want to know why he left, if Alexander knew. Of course, she was probably annoying him by now, as her voice was a little hard to understand and she was sure that if she could hardly decode her own voice then he would want to either, but she had to ask.

"Alex-" she didn't bother to finish his name, it was a struggle enough to even speak. For crying out loud, she was supposed to be dead. "Why...... Borden.." she growled silently, as it literally wouldn't come out, before she tried to speak again. "Go?" It was a good sturdy attempt at asking why Borden left, a good, understandable question considering he was the one to invite her here, part of the reason she had come.


Arrival - Alexander - Mar 07, 2011

He instantly regretting ending that sentence with a question mark. It wasn't that he didn't want to speak with the girl, but he honestly wanted to avoid the subject of Borden unless it was absolutely necessary. Necessary was like telling her that he wasn't here, despite the fact that he'd told her to come here. Explaining why he left was not necessary. But it was now. He couldn't just leave her lying there, question hanging in the air. Hm. That wasn't entirely true. As alpha, he could just walk away. She had to rest, and he'd command her to do it, but Alexander wasn't necessarily that kind of leader.

With a sigh, his shoulders slumped. Now he had to relive the last few moments of his time with Borden. It was strange. Despite what Alexander considered a betrayal, he still considered the wolf his best friend. It only made the thoughts more painful. He wanted nothing more than to talk with him...But he wasn't sure what Borden thought of him. Alexander hadn't necessarily been kind. His ears twisted back and he laid at the mouth of the den, <b style="color:#51b85f">"The only reason I can begin to guess at, Makita, was because of a girl. He left because he fell in love." Saying it out loud almost solidified it. He couldn't be mad with a reason like that. Borden wanted to go forth and be able to express his love, where Alexander would have readily snuffed it out for the sake of his own children. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."


Arrival - Makita - Mar 08, 2011

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OOC: Thanks for adding Makita to the pack. :)

As soon as the words exited her lips, regret flashed through her. Pain was obvious in Alexander's face, his massive white head dropping. Betreyal and disappointment was hidden somewhere in his clouded eyes, and confusion as well. When Makita heard it, loud and clear, she sucked in her breath. 'Because of a girl.' he spoke quietly. It hit Makita like a ton of bricks. She didn't like him or anything, but he had gained her trust when he invited her to this pack, and when she arrived and he was gone... He was very high in the ranks, from what she understood, and to just leave all that - leave everyone that loved him - for a girl? Borden just left behind everything that Makita herself had ever wanted, wolves to love and care for her, like a family, plentiful prey, endless company, and - of course - a home. But apparently that didn't matter to Borden. At one point, Makita had trusted and respected the wolf. Now... now she wasn't so sure.

Makita stared at her paws, lost in her endless train of thought, much of which was just jibberish running through her mind, stuff that didn't matter. "T-that.. Makita winced, coughing slightly. She hated this, absolutely hated it. Leaving out the 'was', she just dove pack in for the last sentence, she knew Alexander would understand. "Stupid.. she murmured, and, honestly, that was true through her thoughtful golden eyes. He had everything she had every wanted, besides her blood family, and he just.. just gave it away. For a girl.

She let her eyes fall closed silently. She wasn't nessisairly tired, she wouldn't be normally anyway, but her wounds and everything she had witnessed in the past few days was unbearable, especially for a tiny yearling like herself, and it exhausted her. She tried to hold her head up high, be the one that could save the world someday.. but, in truth, she was just a girl.


Arrival - Alexander - Mar 12, 2011

As the bloody wolfess voiced her thoughts, Alexander stifled a laugh. He wished he could agree with her, he really did. He wondered what his own actions would have been. Would he have run off to start a family? Or would he have stepped up to the plate and fought for his true home? He felt that the latter would have been more ruinous than the former. With a light shake of his head, he decided to laugh anyway, however lightly and slightly forced it was. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Stupid, indeed." He choked out, and took a step back.

<b style="color:#51b85f">"I think it would be best if you took a rest now." There was no question or weakness in his voice. Despite the way the words came out, it was more of a command. <b style="color:#51b85f">"We can always speak more later, and when you're feeling better, I'd be more than happy to help you back down the mountain." He still wasn't sure if she had any intention of staying up here, but from the way she spoke, it seemed like she wasn't quite happy with Borden either. With a bow of his head, he turned his back on her and headed back towards her arrival point to try and clean up the mess. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."
