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Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
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Makita Kokki
OOC: Okay, so Borden invited her to join a while back, and so here she is. Since then, she's been attacked by Swift River wolves and a bear, so she isn't in good shape at all. Borden isn't here anymore, so they might think she's some freak tresspasser. :)Sucky post, I know.

Makita was silently crying as she arrived on the land. Tears streamed down her face as pain surged through her - everywhere. Her sides, her legs, her head, her neck, her shoulder, everywhere. A huge trail of blood was strung out behind her, and much of her dark golden coat was stained red and clumped up. She was a mess, but she had made it. She made it to the Midnight Plateau pack. Now she could see Borden and all his friends, and everything would be okay.

She thought wrong.

Makita took in a small, labored breath, and then exhaled. It was so hard to breathe. Her sides ached. The deepest wound she had was located in her shoulder, where the massive bear she had encountered sliced through her shoulder, all the way to the bone. The least painful wound was the one that the Swift River she - wolf had left. Every step - actually, she more dragged herself - she took was painful, like stabbing a million knives into her. It was extremely hard to breathe, to think, and she should right now be dead. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't.

In the distance, Makita saw a wolf. She could tell by the scent that the new spring wind carried to her that it was from the pack she was seeking. 'Hello!' she wanted to call, but she couldn't. The sound wouldn't escape her throat, and she collapsed on the ground. The blood bled slowly out of her. She let a small whimper escape her throat, but that is all that would come.
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
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Alexander Dieudonné
Alexander felt lost. Absolutely hopeless. He'd watched Midnight Plateau flourish, and then, just as it seemed like some wonderful glorious flower, it was stepped on. Crushed, leaving just him, Amelie, and Weldering. It hurt. He felt betrayed. But the anger at his friend had long faded away, being replaced by mere confusion. Why hadn't Borden said anything? And Jayse. Why take her with him? Alexander shook his head. That answer was obvious enough, which seemed to make the others clearer. He just wished that they could have spoken about this...Now it was too late. It was all lost. Alexander was back where he started again.

He wandered the edges of the mountain, farthest away from the denning site. As he neared the edge closest to the forest, the scent of blood hit him hard. Concern creased his face, but he could hardly bring himself to run. Thankfully, he didn't really need to. The limp form of a wolf rested on the rocks near his paws, and a sound issued from its jaws before the mountain fell into silence again. A rumble bubbled in Alexander's throat, and he moved forward, crouching beside the injured female. <b style="color:#51b85f">"What happened to you?" He asked, not bothering to whisper. His eyes glanced over her wounds, and he circled around her, licking each one, trying to clean them of debris. Hopefully she could speak, or he could at least keep her awake until he figured it was safe to move her. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."

Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
In the distance, a handsome white wolf stirred - Makita could see him with pained golden eyes. As it tingled through her body, the pain and the fear, she tried to keep her hopes up. She hoped that there would be a whole bunch of wolves to play with. She hoped that she could meet Borden once more. She hoped that everything would be okay. Little did she know, all her thoughts.. they were wrong.

The wolf got bigger and bigger as he made his way toward her, until Makita was sure he was a massive giant. His eyes looked... hurt, betrayed maybe. Either way, unless this was the leader, it was none of her business. The wolf's voice was concerned when he spoke, but there was a bitter edge to it. If Makita hadn't been bitter so many times herself, she wouldn't have noticed it. 'What happened to you?'

That was a difficult question. Considering she was nearly too weak and too pained to speak, she couldn't just say 'Oh yea. I got attacked by a bear and then some Swift River wolves. No biggey. Can I join your pack? She wanted to chuckle at the thought, but the pain that was stinging throughout her body was way too severe for her to even think about it. She whimpered for a moment, trying to get words out of her mouth. It was difficult, but though her pain she got a few tough words.

"...Bear... Teeth... Swift River... Fight..." she tried to control her labored breaths, but it was difficult. Goodness, he's not going to understand a word I'm saying.. she thought bitterly. Her golden eyes flickered up, clouded with a pained glaze and unshed tears. "Borden?" To the wolf, she probably sounded like some crazy, injured she - wolf that didn't know a dip about what she was talking about. But, she figured that the wolf would know something about Borden if he was apart of the pack, and corresponding with that thought, she figured that Borden would have said something about him inviting her to join.
(This post was last modified: Mar 06, 2011, 10:38 PM by Makita.)
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Before he could step away, a trail of blood oozed beneath his paw. Scowling, he licked at the wound it seemed to be pouring from, the corners of his eyes crinkled at the taste. How had this female not bled to death? It was as if she'd been attacked by a whole group of bears, and somehow managed to escape, but just barely. When he'd been to hopefully every wound, he turned back around to her front, crouching down to hear her more clearly. Bears. That was obvious enough. And Swift River. Alexander sighed. What had this girl done to get torn up like this? Trespassers clearly weren't tolerated, but Alexander wasn't going to tear her yet another bloody wound just because she'd come here looking for help.

Then again, he couldn't let her stay either. Perhaps long enough for her to become truly conscious and healed, but...He couldn't just let any injured wolf find a home here. The situation could always change, but for the time being, he decided it would probably just be best to focus on her welfare, rather than her living situation. Alexander flinched as the girl muttered the name. A flame of anger reared up in him before it was put out by a wave of grief. He'd left Midnight Plateau in tatters, and for what? A girl? Shaking his head, he let out a small, mind clearing sigh. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Borden isn't here. I'm Alexander, the alpha. Can you walk? Or do I have to carry you?" He tried to force more life into his voice, even throwing in the small hint of humor in his final question. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."

(This post was last modified: Mar 06, 2011, 10:56 PM by Alexander.)
Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
'Alpha' The words rang in her ears. So this would be the one to accept her. She nearly let a smile of hope cross her pained features, remaining still as the massive wolf licked at her wounds, his smoothe tongue running over the stinging injuries and comforting the small yearling - so small she was probably half the size of the wolf in front of her, Alexander. She wanted to jump with joy - except for the fact that she was physically uncapable. Then, new words stuck her.

'Borden is gone.' Gone!? How could he be gone? He was the one who invited her here, who promised her a home, who had gained her trust! She had made the long journey, hurting herself deeply along the way, to see him and his friends and become apart of a pack - a pack with a wolf that she trusted! She tried not to let the fact get her down, but the disappointmet in her voice was horribly obvious. "G-gone?" she mumbled quietly, mostly to herself. Great, just great.

The wolf didn't seem to know of Borden's invitation either, which also angered her slightly. It felt horrible, to know that she had come here to see a friend and lead a new life, and to find out her had left. For what? Makita had always envied pack life. Either way, she had to get the point across that Borden had invited her here, and that she made the long journey seeking for a new home. Her ability to speak wasn't strong though, but she would try.

"Borden.. invite.. pack..." she murmured, letting out a small growl at her unability to speak. She hated it, as Makita was quite the little mouth. She lifted her bloody ears at the last two questions Alexander had asked. 'Can you walk? Or do I need to carry you?' There was a hint of humor in his tone, and Makita wished deeply that she could echo the humor happily. Unfortunately, that just wasn't possible right now. "I'll.." Makita smiled mentally at the word, a whole word! Maybe she could finish it! "T-try.." With that, the she - wolf took one scarlet paw and tried to push herself off the ground. She wasn't heavy, just a little, malnourished brown yearling. But, it was hard. Her broken ribs ached unbearably as she stood, and she nearly collapsed just trying to pull herself off the ground. Her golden eyes flickered helplessly to Alexander.
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
just gonna powerplay a bit if it's okay, since she can't walk.
He scooted neared to the girl, and noticed how small she truly was now that he was nearly nose to nose with her. Silly creature, getting into such extreme trouble. She had spunk, that was for sure. The fact that she was talking amazed him. Her surprise at Borden's absence surprised her, and a small frown slid onto his face. But now that he thought about it, Borden had told the girl to come here. Did she still intend to stick around, or would she go off in search of him. Despite his departure, Alexander trusted his friend. If the girl wanted to join Midnight Plateau, then so be it. She wasn't just a girl looking for a bit of help, she had come here looking for a home, led by Borden.

<b style="color:#51b85f">"I'm afraid so," He said, brows raised. <b style="color:#51b85f">"I can get you cleaned up here, and I'm sure you'll be able to find him." Alexander went ahead and assumed that she would go off to find the wolf that had brought her to this place. She didn't know him, what reasons had she to stay? Alexander rose instantly, when she said that she'd try to stand. He took barely a second to look at his fur, which was now stained in the poor girl's blood, and he sighed, almost glad that there was no one around here anymore to see him. They'd think that he'd torn her to shreds.

His breath caught in his throat when she dropped, and he sighed, the frown spreading. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Hold still, I'm going to carry you." He was glad that she was so small. It wouldn't have been so easy otherwise. Sucking in a breath, he crouched down at her side, and slowly eased his head beneath her, at the start of her ribcage. In a fluid motion, he swooped, and the girl was on his back. He had to shift slightly and carefully to try and make things comfortable for the both of them, though he was sure she'd try and adjust herself. He'd just suck it up. Her being comfortable was a bit more important. Feeling things settling, he began to walk, very slowly of course. Thankfully, they were already so close to the denning site. If he could walk a bit faster... <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."

Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
OOC: I don't mind. Saved me a post. :)

Makita tried to catch herself, but she tumbled slightly. 'I'm going to carry you.' Alexander told her, and Makita, at first, felt relief, but she also wanted to do things herself. She didn't like accepting help so easily and she didn't want to strain the wolf, but that didn't stop him. In a quick movement, he pushed his nose under her and rolled the small she - wolf up onto his back. Normally, Makita would have struggled, or at least positioned herself better, but she didn't move. Makita laid still on his back, letting her blood seep onto his snow white fur. She noticed how he was gentle, trying to make sure that she was comfortable. The she - wolf was thankful for that.

Makita instantly liked the alpha. For all she knew, she was tresspassing and he didn't have to help her at all. Instead, he was taking her most likely back to his den and caring for her. That was something that Makita herself probably wouldn't have done. Actually, if she would have saw a wolf in as much pain and as hurt as she was, she would have just snapped their neck and killed them quickly. It was a horrible thought, and it make Makita shudder.

"I.. Makita tried to speak, struggling to find the breath as she laid limp on the large wolf's broad back. "Stay.." she told him silently. She was horribly discouraged at her inability to speak, as she was usually blabbering away, and, honestly, she had a lot to ask the white wolf, Alexander. Goodness, she thought, disappointment surging through her. It will take forever to heal!
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
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Alexander Dieudonné
They neared the Plateau dens, and Alexander wondered if he was doing the right thing. Taking this injured girl he didn't know into his pack after a member that had long been gone told her to come here. It was jumbled in his head. He'd thought a few minutes ago that it was useless to consider these things right now, since she was so injured and it would just haze his judgement. Of course, in the end, it was the decision of the female. He hadn't actually considered that, now had he? Of course not. So far, she'd done nothing to offend him (not that she was necessarily capable of doing anything), and she had the word of Borden...

Chest heaving, he crouched down near an empty den, and very carefully shifted to remove the girl from his back. He'd been so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn't actually heard her request to stay (not that it had actually been a request. More of a statement). Again, he crouched at her front, <b style="color:#51b85f">"It would be best now if you rested. I'm...Not necessarily an expert in healing, but I tried to clean you up as best I could." Eying a bleeding wound that he must have missed, he gave it a few licks to stop the bleeding. <b style="color:#51b85f">"You can stay in this den. I was gonna put you in there myself, but it's a bit small. Hopefully you shouldn't have too much trouble crawling in there." An expression of apology shrouded his eyes. <b style="color:#51b85f">"When you're all healed up, you're more than welcome to leave. Wish I could tell you were Borden is, but..." Alexander didn't bother to finish his sentence, merely grunted, and sat up, waiting for the girl to move. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."

Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
Makita was carried in silence, her statement either unheard or ignored. Either option, she didn't mind. She couldn't speak anyway. Alexander gently rolled her off of his back, and then crouched silently beside her. Makita watched him with golden eyes, less painful when she first arrived, but also more. She had met her new alpha, if he was to allow her to stay, and that made her happy.. But, the fact that Borden was gone also made her disappointed. A new home growing used to strangers.

Her eyes flickered to the den, but she glanced back up at the massive white wolf. She cleared her throat, and tried to get another few words out. "I'm.. she paused, coughing and turning to lick a wound that began to sting horribly. All her wounds stung, really, but she would have to tough up and be a big girl. She let her head look back to Alexander. ".. Makita.." she nodded her head slightly, more of a bobbing motion, and winced in pain. Slowly, she crawled into the den, her broken ribs moving in unbearable pain as she wiggle. She glanced back at her blood trail and a look of embarassment came upon her face. If Alexander left, then she would sleep. If he stayed, she wanted to know about the wolves here, the history, whatever there was to know. She knew how hard it was to trust strangers, but Makita did really like it here, or at least she knew she would, but, she hoped that the wolf could trust her by now, in a sort of twisted way - at least enough to tell her about the pack. Makita couldn't talk, but she was definitely ready to listen.

Makita adjusted herself slightly, turning herself on her stomach, where her broken ribs weren't pressed against the ground, and sprawled her legs out so that the wounds didn't hurt so bad. She was awkwardly positioned, but she was more comfortable than before.
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
He watched as she took a look at where she'd be sleeping, then looked back to him. When she spoke, it was like it hurt her. He honestly wished she'd stop, but he'd rather her be talking rather than running about when she was in no condition to be doing so. <b style="color:#51b85f">"It's a pleasure, Makita." His smile was soft and kind, but it sank into concern again when she crawled towards the den, leaving a thin trail of blood behind her. It had probably been foolish of him to clean the wounds before he'd moved her about so much, but at least it wasn't as much as before. He'd definitely have to find a stream to bathe in though.

When she'd settled, he sat up, and shifted a bit on his haunches. Hopefully the rain would come soon and wash away the blood the girl had left behind on the stone. He gave her a look, settled mostly comfortably within her den. <b style="color:#51b85f">"I suppose I'll leave you to rest now?" He gave her the option, and unless she had something to say to him, he'd leave her to sleep. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."