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Mountain of Dire So, We Meet Again - Printable Version

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So, We Meet Again - Makita - Mar 25, 2011


OOC: Makita messin with his mind! O_O

Of course her plan backfired. Her words did not affect Kinis the way she would've wished, a good humored joke. Just perfect. The wolf gave a little cough-splutter and his eyes looked more embarrassed and hurt than they had been moments ago. Nice job, Makita. she told herself mentally, her eyes moving to Kinis. "Hey, it's okay." she murmured, and she meant it. "I'm fine now." Makita would've scooted closer and tried to comfort the male if it were the right thing to do, but it wasn't. She didn't want to ruin his pride. "I wouldn't have helped against a bear if I were in that situation either. No hard feelings, honestly." she rested her head on her paws, giving him a genuinely forgiving glance. It wasn't his fault and not a cell in her body blamed him.

"Uhh, you, wuh, uhm I, soso you don't have family in this pack?" Kinis stuttered and even more guilt came over Makita. She felt stupid. Sorry Kinis. "No, no. I used to have a friend here, but he.. well, he left." Makita lowered her head, her fluffy brown tail curling around her body. Though the conversation seemed to have little shocking turns, Makita was truly enjoying talking with Kinis. It was much better than being involved in a conversation where all she did was snarl and yell. Borden. She just hoped she wasn't getting Kinis down. Makita was sure he had enough to worry about, without a family or a pack.

Kinis continued to stutter. "You, you uh, yeah, been alone for a while, then, hmm? How did you - find... yourself... in that... uhh what's a twister?" Makita's head dropped. It was hard to talk about her past, especially when she had to explain things, like what a twister was. But, she wasn't going to leave Kinis' questions unanswered and truthfully she enjoyed talking with him. "Yea. I've been alone since I was.. uh, five or six months old. I've got my pack now, though." she glanced back up the mountain, smiling softly, though it was just a bit forced. "A twister.." Makita's eyes fell closed as she thought of it, painful memories of the debris hitting her body as she flew into the air. "I don't know if that's really what it's called. That's just what I call it. I don't think they're too popular down here, but where my true pack came from they were..." There was a long pause before the lump in the she - wolf's throat died down enough for her to speak. "It come in a big storm. You know, with those bright flashes and loud booms. There has to be really, really strong winds. Suddenly, a big.." Makita's eyebrows creased, thinking of something that it looked like. Maybe a stick; they were small at the tip and got big as they attacked to the tree? Ehh, she would just explain it. "A big shape of whirling wind falls out of the clouds." she drew a paw in the air, making a sort of triangular shape. "It's really strong. When I was a puppy, it's winds picked me up and took me away. There's a whole bunch of stuff in it too. Tree branches, rocks, sticks.." Makita trailed off, nodding her head softly. "I thought it was cool at first, which is how it got me. Don't let them fool you." she smiled softly, sending a gentle golden glance at Kinis.


So, We Meet Again - Kinis - Mar 25, 2011

So, so much xD

Her offer of forgiveness seemed perfectly genuine, but Kinis was reluctant to accept it. As much as it may have made him feel better to know that she bore no ill-ease towards him, all he had to do was look at her wounded body and know that he was partially at fault. She may have forgiven him, but he had not forgiven himself. He had not come all the way up here to be relieved of his guilt so easily.

He made himself a promise that he would only feel happy once he knew that he would never be that coward again.

For the meantime, however, her kind words made the encounter easier. He could relax, if temporarily, and smiled softly in response to her forgiveness. He did not mean to cause her discomfort because of his discomfort! No, no, if it was within his power, he would never harm her again, directly or indirectly. Settling into the conversation anew, the boy listened politely as she spoke, hinting at a longer story with her comment about a 'friend' no longer present and going on to soberly explain what a twister was. In the case of the latter, well, they sounded horrific. His aghast expression as she described being sucked into one effortlessly conveyed his feelings on that matter. "Wow, I... I won't." Having never been personally assaulted by mother nature before (well, except when it was his own fault... thoughts of the fire that had taken his parents were forcefully pushed) he could only offer one parallel from his own life. "My parents, um... it was a forest fire. I don't remember much; I was pretty young, too. I guess sometimes things happen to people that, well, that don't seem to make any sense, huh?" And a bear attack was almost tame in comparison! - though Kinis hardly had the guts to make such a poor joke out loud. He felt sombre enough casually discussing his parents' demise like this, but she had shared her unpleasant 'secret', so he felt obliged - nay, content - to do the same.

So, We Meet Again - Makita - Mar 25, 2011


At Makita's gentle forgiveness, Kinis' eyes seemed to cloud and he seemed pained. Obviously, he wasn't going to accept the apology. The gesture reminded her of her meeting with Angier, who had reacted the same way to the situation; stuttering, unforgiving of himself, sorry. Really, Makita was just happy to be alive and wasn't going to hold the fact that he didn't help against him. If Makita found herself staring at a stranger being attacked by a bear, she would've run, too.

Kinis seemed stunned at her explanation of twisters. He should be, they were terrible. Suddenly, his head dropped and he stared at his paws sadly. "My parents, um... it was a forest fire. I don't remember much; I was pretty young, too. I guess sometimes things happen to people that, well, that don't seem to make any sense, huh?" Ha. If only Kinis knew how much his words rang true. Quietly, Makita rolled onto her back, staring up at the fluffy white clouds. "Yea, I guess you're right. I'm sorry about your parents." she murmured quietly to him, rolling back onto her stomach next to him. "My momma use to tell me that when something bad happens, there's always something good after it. My sister told me that everyone wants happiness and nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain. You think they were right?" Makita's voice was quiet but sincere. Sometimes, bad things happened. But, it was to keep the bad and good of the world in balance. To make up for the bad, the good happened. Like for Makita, she was taken away from her family, but she grew up strong and learned loyalty and dedication. Now, she was second of the best pack (in her opinion) in Relic Lore and had friends that she loved.

By now, she was considering Kinis her friend. She had opened up to him and he had opened up to her. Makita truthfully admired his company here at the mountain and hoped that he wouldn't leave too soon. Being as banged up as she was, she was often confined to her den and bored. But now, staring out across the mountainside with her newfound friend.. she loved it.


So, We Meet Again - Kinis - Mar 26, 2011

Man, if only he had actually had the balls to just open his mouth back when they had first met... talking now, here, was so easy, and it was remarkable how easy it was making conversation with her. They seemed to have a fair bit in common. How many wolves lost their family in such a random and vicious way, after all?

Boy, Kinis hoped that number was small, or he would feel awful.

His head tilted slightly as he watched Makita speak. It sounded like her family had a lot of interesting sayings. Having little similarity in that area, Kinis wasn't entirely how to respond to her question; should he just say 'yes' to make her feel better? But wait, weren't those phrases kinda negative? They both implied that bad things were going to happen if you wanted anything good as well, which was a sad way of looking at life. His eyes focused on an indistinct point beyond her as he thought about that, because he wasn't really sure what to think. Were they pessimistic, or were they actually the opposite?

"I don't really believe in any kind of reason," he admitted, choosing to just be honest. It would be nice if life was poetic and made sense, but heck, it didn't. "Bad things happen and good things happen... it's nice to think that there might be some kinda moderation, some, some balance, but what if your life is great and nothing ever goes wrong? What, you've gotta wait for the big bad moment when it all comes crashing down just because you had it good? I think we gotta look at things our own way, and if something we don't like goes down, well, we have to deal with it... and get stronger so it doesn't happen again."

Just like bears. A little surprised at himself at the speech - it wasn't really like him to answer a question so thoroughly - he smiled serenely at her, content with his point of view and curious to see what she would make of it.

So, We Meet Again - Makita - Mar 27, 2011


Makita's calm golden eyes blinked innocently as she glanced at Kinis, waiting for his reply. Her family, the Kokki's, had been wise and gentle. Many times Makita had thought about these quotes. They were quotes like the ones she had shared with Kinis - quotes she hadn't ever shared with anyone else besides her family.

"I don't really believe in any kind of reason. Bad things happen and good things happen... it's nice to think that there might be some kinda moderation, some, some balance, but what if your life is great and nothing ever goes wrong? What, you've gotta wait for the big bad moment when it all comes crashing down just because you had it good? I think we gotta look at things our own way, and if something we don't like goes down, well, we have to deal with it... and get stronger so it doesn't happen again." Kinis told her. Makita was a little stunned at his words. They were wise and knowledgeable, but the first time they met he had not spoken one single word. Now, to hear him answer her question so in depth was a little shocking. She tried not to show it, though.

Makita was careful about choosing her next words. Her golden eyes remained staring at her paws for a moment as a few replies ran through her head. She noticed that he told her the truth instead of just nodding his head or something else, as far as she knew, so she wanted to return the favor. "Hmm. . ." Makita let her eyes blink stupidly for a minute before she continued to speak. "Well, I think you're right. I think that there's not always some nice little balance of good or bad, as nice as it would be. I think that bad things happen and we don't really understand why, but those are the things that make us stronger, that teach us important things. But, I also think that good things happen and we don't really think about it but just enjoy the good things. Maybe the good is to take our minds off of the bad or something." No doubt, Makita's thoughts were scattered and it was expressed in her speech. She didn't really mind, though. Kinis would understand; he wasn't the smoothest talker, either.


So, We Meet Again - Kinis - Mar 28, 2011

It was hard to tell whether she had been surprised by his wordy reply, but the way in which she took her time in speaking again did plant the inkling in him. In all fairness, he had been thick of mouth around her - their first meeting being an excellent example - so he couldn't blame her. It had even taken him aback, after all. When she did respond, it was with the same comprehensiveness and open honesty. Both qualities served to make him pay special attention, for he was quite genuinely eager to hear her own point of view.

Maybe the good is to take our minds off of the bad. Was it just him, or did all that sound really negative? He didn't want to think that life's happy moments were only so he could forget about the sad times. Was that really how it all worked? "I'd rather have the bad stuff to remind me to appreciate the good times more. I don't like to think that we're, uh, obligated to have bad experiences. It makes me feel... edgy." Like you always needed to look over your shoulder.

"I gotta admit, I've never really thought about any of this stuff. You know, whether... there's any reason to it all." Could it be coincidence that this conversation shortly followed a rather less pleasant one with a highly devout wolf? Even though the boy wasn't entirely aware of the connections, he did faintly wonder whether he should seek out that shouty male in the future. "Does it... does it make it easier, to believe that there is?"

So, We Meet Again - Makita - Mar 31, 2011


Makita then let her mouth fall closed after she was finished speaking, her golden eyes watched Kinis in an oddly comfortable way. She really hadn't imagined she would be comfortable with the young wolf, but she was. The small tawny wolf was eager to see what Kinis made of her words, her ears perked happily at the top of her tiny brown head.

"I'd rather have the bad stuff to remind me to appreciate the good times more. I don't like to think that we're, uh, obligated to have bad experiences. It makes me feel... edgy." Kinis murmured back, his bright eyes telling Makita that he was speaking the honest truth. Makita's golden eyes became curious. Maybe Kinis was right, the bad stuff gave her a reminder to love the good times more. But, Makita thought of it as when she lost her family. It was absolutely terrible, the worst time of her life. The good, though, followed and, as she talked to Kinis (definitely a good time), she didn't think of that bad time - taking her mind off the bad. Maybe they were both right. Maybe they each saw it a different way because of their experiences or something.

Then, Kinis's small question escped his dark lips. Well, did it make it easier to think that there was a reason to the good and bad? Makita thought about her own experiences. After her departure from her family, she hadn't much thought of what she was talking about now, but looking back on it, she had been waiting for something good, for something to redeem the bad. Maybe that was what caused her to keep pushing on, to not give up and to keep on going. "I -" Makita began quietly, her golden eyes thoughtful as she replied gently to Kinis. "Maybe it is. Maybe it's like something to keep you going, keeping you pushing on if you're going through bad. Like after I lost my family, I guess I was sort of waiting for something good to happen, like finding my family again or something. I probably don't make any sense though.." Scattered thoughts ran through her mind as slow speech escaped her lips. She murmured the last part a bit more quietly.


So, We Meet Again - Kinis - Apr 01, 2011

It felt a little surreal, sitting here, looking out at the world he knew far below him, chatting about low-level philosophy with the girl he had watched mauled by a bear who had mysteriously forgone hibernation in favour of unfriendly ursine-canine relations. Despite the weirdness, though, it felt nice. Makita was pleasant company, and Kinis wasn't afraid of thought-provoking conversation, as unexpected as it had may have been. He listened to her reply quietly and considerately, feeling sympathy for her and understanding fairly well. There was a key difference, however.

"You do," he reassured her gently, smiling in spite of himself. "I guess I'm just the opposite. I was too young when my parents... too young to really hope for anything else, or have any great expectations. But, recently, I, uh - I made a big mistake, and... well, you could say I lost my family too. I mean, most of them had already gone - the water was missing back then - but..." Was he saying too much? He hadn't really talked about this before, but their flow of conversation made it feel so natural, damnit, and it was almost therapeutic. Who would have thought that the young, lively girl would be so easy to confide in? "I made a mistake, and instead of hoping for a good thing, I just kept expecting a... a bad thing." I mean, I deserved it.

... Deserve it?

Shrugging it off, he shook his head to clear his thoughts and looked back at Makita, his smile returned, and he tried not to get too bogged down by concerns of the past. That's why he was here, after all, to make amends and became a better, stronger person - not to dwell and lose himself in guilt and disappointment. "Makita," he said thoughtfully, his gaze returning to Relic Lore, "do you think we can change if, if we want it enough?"

So, We Meet Again - Makita - Apr 04, 2011


Makita was sure that the other didn't see it the way she did, or at least she assumed. She realized that they were 2 different individuals and accepted that easily. Truthfully, she'd accept anything to keep the dream - like feeling of sitting here, staring out along the mountainside while she chatted with a new friend; a new friend whom she was really starting to like more with every word that came out of his usually silent (as she observed before) dark lips.

Before Kinis continued with their discussion, he reassured her that she was making sense, which made Makita feel a bit better (like she wasn't happy already). Letting out a gentle breath of air, not near strong enough to be a sigh of relief, as the edges of her lips tingled and she let a smile light up her beautiful golden features. It was good that Kinis seemed to be enjoying himself as well. He seemed like he needed a break, too, and Makita was glad to have provided him with it. Kinis began to speak, replying to her view on the subject, and her ears flickered over to listen carefully.

"Well, Kinis," she began slowly after he finished. The fact that he didn't want to speak of his parents was pretty obvious and Makita was fine with it. Her's had left her at a young age and she wasn't really sure there was a reason behind it, but she hated talking of it. "I think that.. Well, maybe, if you expect the bad things, you get them. Yeah, you may be prepared, but doesn't it just suck? Maybe if you open up to things, the world will give you options... In some situations anyway." There was a brief moment of silence, and then Makita let out a frustrated sigh, though it was a bit of a grunt. "I don't know.. None of it makes sense. You can't control what happens and to some, like me I guess, it's hard to accept that so they make up different way to try and make a balance of it all. I can't make sense of it." she shook her head, her thoughts scattered.

And then, Kinis asked a small question. "Do you think we can change if, if we want it enough?" That definitely got the young she - wolf thinking. It took a minute for her to come up with her reply. "Yes, Kinis. I think that we can." she murmured simply, not getting into explinations. There wasn't any. You had to want it. She wondered what brought up this question, but let it go easily.


So, We Meet Again - Kinis - Apr 08, 2011

Was it just him, or were they beginning to go around in circles? Kinis didn't really mind, for it was entertaining and interesting to talk like this with someone who shares his views - but not completely. This conversation would not have been nearly as satisfying if they had been in perfect harmony. Was this not the fun of talking of such deep, basic things?

"I think you're doing a decent job of it," he chuckled, in response to her 'making sense' comment. "I don't think, y'know, these things are supposed to be easy to understand... or to be understandable at all." For a boy who loved questions and answers, that was a fairly profound statement, particularly when he knew that he didn't mind. He shrugged. "I don't reckon I much want to know, either. It's..." He laughed again, in spite of himself - and mostly at himself. "It's messing with my mind, that's what it is."

Her soft, thoughtful response to his final question did great things to his morale. Though he doubted she knew what his motivations had been for asking - though perhaps she suspected - he appreciated that she had taken her time to answer. The fact that she believed that one could change was uplifting, and his mood shifted slightly to accommodate it. He offered no explanation for it, nor expanded on her response, for it was what it was and he felt no need to hover over it. It would give him plenty to contemplate over the next few days (weeks, months), for certain, but for now?

For now, with a small, content smile in place, Kinis dropped down from his sitting position to lay companionably with the girl who had turned out to be very pleasant company. If she wanted to continue talking, he was happy with that, but if not - well, if not, he was satisfied to lay here, enjoy her presence, and bask in the glorious view that dominated life up here. She was lucky indeed, isolated pockets of unhappiness aside.