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one step too late - Inkheart - Mar 29, 2011


<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">

Though he was not about to openly admit that there were bigger plans here for him in the future, he was glad that she could see there being some worth in him after all. Inkheart had a pretty good idea of how things were going to go about in the future and if he played all of his cards at the right time and to the right players, he could be handed a millionaire’s profit. In response he nodded like he understood that praise of awaiting these specific plans.

In a way, he was not surprised that she led her own pack but shocked at how she had come to lead in less than seven months. What hit him a little harder was that she had a mate which was to be expected from their earlier exchange of words but to know it still let his inner jealousy catch a hold of him. Luckily, he was still able to control these feelings so that none of that showed. Instead, he gave a firm <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“congratulations” that was believable thanks to his control to not grit his teeth. Words did not fit him very well in the hard sense, not understanding that he should be saying a lot more like an average, friendly pack wolf.

Her invitation was generous but he could not foresee himself being there unless he was able to call her his own. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“I appreciate the offer but I haven’t truly decided whether a pack is suitable to my chosen lifestyle,” which was (for the most part) unpredictable and crafty. He did what felt right and he took care of himself whenever the chance arose but helping other wolves out when he could barely care for another was out of the question. Inkheart barely kept himself out of danger and when it comes to others to look out for; he would never trust himself to do such a thing.

In silent thought, he kept quiet as to allow her a chance to speak of anything else because as far as he was concerned he would have stayed there all day just listening to her talk with her French accent. Whatever she wanted to talk about, he would stay with her and listen; however, talking about her mate and perhaps her future children probably would make him a tad bit uncomfortable.


one step too late - Amélie - Apr 01, 2011


♥ ♥ ♥

Amélie willfully ignored the undertones of his congratulations and simply accepted it for what it was. He went on to decline her invitation, which, honestly, she did not find surprising. Truth be told it would have been very strange for him and her mate to share a single home. "Well, I hope you find what you are looking for," she said again, not knowing why a wolf-who by nature was a pack creature-would have any other lifestyle than a pack. Alas, she respected him and his decision, and despite it all, her offer would indeed stand for as long as they were friends.

"Well now that you know what's new with me, what's new with you? Amélie looked up at him, her eyes bright and curious. Perhaps interesting things had happened to him on his journey, or who knew what else. It had been a long time since their last meeting, so she could only assume much had happened to him in that time.


one step too late - Inkheart - Apr 01, 2011


<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">

Even though he had figured out that there were feelings somewhere didn’t mean that they could be brought up. Especially when he was supposed to be happy for someone else having something that he wanted. How could he ever be happy that he had missed out on the chance to get the dream girl? He felt that he deserved to have the one woman who had made his emotions soar but, alas, he wasn’t that lucky. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“I do too,” he idly nodded his head and began to investigate the air again and let his mind wander adrift to the beautiful aroma of a woman in heat. It irked him in all of the wrong ways but luckily there was enough self control to hold back.

<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“Got chased by a cougar,” y’know one of those aged ladies that have a hankering for young meat, <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“big ole nasty-ass cougar. Fought it off, of course.” That was a total lie but with years of experience, he knew it was honest on his face. The cougar had charged after him but once Inkheart made a leap from one boulder to another over rushing water, the prowling cat had not even bothered. On normal circumstances the large cat would have continued chase but he assumed that she had little ones nearby or was expecting.


one step too late - Amélie - Apr 05, 2011


♥ ♥ ♥

Inkheart's announcement that he had fought off a cougar caught Amélie off guard. Well, wow, she didn't expect anything like that! Her sweet blue eyes grew wide as she released a breath in shock. "What? A cougar? Inkheart, my dear, you are lucky to be alive!" Despite not having seen one before, Amélie had been told about them by her parents. "You're very brave," she told him innocently, naively believing every word he said. "It must have been terrifying....facing that giant thing all by yourself. Weren't you afraid you were going to die?" After all she had never been in a life or death situation, but could imagine it to be terrifying.

"I'm glad you're safe."


one step too late - Inkheart - Apr 12, 2011

Sorry it's so short. I've been busy with work :(

<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">

His journey back here had essentially been for nothing but he was going to do whatever he could to make it worth something. Whoever this man was in her life, he was going to challenge everything that he was just to win her heart completely. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“Oh, I know… it was horrible!” he exaggerated, happy to let her believe that he was lucky to be alive and that he could fight off horrible creatures like that single handedly. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“There were a few moments where I could see my life flash before my eyes…” all of them with you in theme he wished to say <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“but I had to come back here.”


one step too late - Amélie - Apr 18, 2011


♥ ♥ ♥

The French angel smiled fondly at her friend, sincerely relieved he had made it out alive. "Good. I really am glad," she told him and lifted her muzzle to nose his ear. Suddenly she realized that there was indeed something she had not shared with Inkheart.... something new. "Actually, there is something I forgot to mention." She was particularly thrilled about the forthcoming news, which made it all the more odd she had forgotten to mention it. "I'm pregnant." Despite not knowing how Ink would take this news, she felt as though he had a right to know. He had, after all, come all the way back to Relic Lore for her. She looked up at him then with big curious blue eyes, ready to take in his reaction.


one step too late - Inkheart - May 09, 2011


<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">

Inkheart wished he could tell her that the fact that she was already with somebody killed the very reason for his return but he knew that would only interfere. Now was not the time to butt into things. Not yet, he had things that he wanted to accomplish so that he could show Amelie that he was right for her. Not this half-ass man who was something that he obviously was not but Inkheart was. So, in the end, her telling him that she was pregnant really set the fence high. That was a leap that he was not so inclined to just smile and congratulate so he simple grit his teeth and sucked it up. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">"I'm happy for you," he mentioned though he turned his head downwards before raising up again to confidently state one thing and all would fall silent: <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">"but they should have been my children."


one step too late - Amélie - May 11, 2011


♥ ♥ ♥

An easy smile sat lightly upon Amélie's lips as she expressed her greatest joy to Ink. But it was quickly swept away, shocked at what came out of his own lips. Her eyes were wide as she began to speak, "If it was meant to be it would have happened that way." Her eyes trailed away from his face and on to the cold earth beneath them. He seemed to really regret not staying with her, but there was little that could be done now. A part of her feared Inkheart's desire for her because she did not know what he was capable of. Some men do what ever it takes to get what they want, and Ink seemed like he may just be one of them. "Do you love me?" The question was sudden and even a surprise to her, but she needed to know.


one step too late - Inkheart - May 14, 2011


<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">

From always having his guard up to feeling as though she could break it down, he no longer could hide the fact that he was vulnerable to feelings for her. This was a woman he felt weak for and wanted to please—he would do anything to make her happy or see her smile. Inkheart thought about telling her that the courage issue had kept him away for a few extra weeks and that maybe he would have been here in time to push himself between her and this other guy but held his tongue. Only four words were enough for him to feel offended.

Offended that she would even ask that question and doubt the answer. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“Yes, without a doubt. I love you.” It was as simple as that and he would never hesitate to tell her over and over, every second of every day that he loved her and wanted to start everything together as a pair, not as separate entities.
