Ruins of Wildwood
Fallen Tree Cove Wide awake - Printable Version

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RE: Wide awake - Neha - Oct 14, 2015

I think we should get this wrapped up?


Curiosity eventually won out, and Neha decided that she liked this mysterious object. The way it smelled and felt fascinated her. And it did not seem to be in the least bit threatening. In fact, it should be afraid of her. Delighted with the new gift their visitor had seemed to leave for them, she was determined to have it all to herself. Her brother Aleister though, seemed to have the same idea. Before she could latch her tiny pinprick teeth onto it, he beat her to it. Dragging it away within his jaws, she tumbled around to face him, watching with an indignant look on her face. How dare he! "Rrrgh..." She vocalized, toddling after him as fast as her awkward little paws could carry her. Before he got too far away, she managed to clamp her teeth around some of the dark feathers. Now that she had a grip on the wing, she wasn't letting go!

Deeply ingrained predatory instincts surfaced for the first time now. With her grip on the wing, the instinct to shake the inanimate object was natural. With a thrash or two of her head, she attempted to toss the object around, regardless if either Cernan or Aleister were on the other end of it. She wanted her brother to let go, so she could go off and "kill" this strange thing off in the corner by herself. Those feathers were so soft too! They would make the perfect bedding material for a Princess like her. That is, if in the process of trying to win the prize, the Vuesain children didn't litter the entire den floor with duck feathers first.
