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Wide awake — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain

A most peculiar thing had occurred. In just the last few days the child had become aware of another dimension. It had revealed itself ever so slowly as his eyes began to open, bit by bit over the last few days. This process happened gradually enough not to frighten the boy, but swift enough that he knew something was different. A couple times his partially opened eyes had been opened to more darkness, and sometimes to light. The light was far more interesting of course. It was like the dark, but with more variety. This dimension had soft forms of different shades that moved and changed before him. The shifting of his siblings; once only felt on his skin, was felt through his eyes. Even the great big thing that made soothing noises and fixed his stomach when it felt empty had a shade. The only reason he actually knew how much bigger than him it was was through this new sense.

Strangely, Cernan had awoken this morning to find the warmth of their guardian missing. Finding that he could not feel or smell the being, the little tot's eyes worked themselves open as a last resort. Maybe this new dimension could lead him to wherever the comfort had gone. Moving his pale blue optics about the scene, he found only the dark grey-brown of their three-sided realm. Beside the boy, the two others were motionless on the floor. They seemed to do that a lot, but they always wanted to move around and make noise when he wanted to lie down. At least they were still here; his eyes and his skin told him that. An elevation of his wobbly oversized head revealed a new shade, a color his eyes had not before taken in. It was light, but not the usual light. Bright orange had bathed the world as the sun crept higher and higher in the sky. Unsure if this new color was good, like his mother's touch, or bad, like his sibling's teeth, the child simply stared at it. The color made no move toward him, and no move away. Slowly his feeble mind began to conclude that it was indeed acting like the strange fourth wall always did, and that was good.

Still, there was the problem of the good being's absence. Tentatively, the fat little fuzzball wiggled to his feet. Still, the light did not advance or draw away. It never did; not unless another big being pushed it out of the way. Thinking that this is where his mother had to have disappeared to, Cernan fumbled forward at a snail's pace. Never before had he gotten so close to this area. The further he moved, the stranger things got. The smells changed; the air started to move more than it had before. Even the new blobs of color began shifting. Fear of the unknown kept his progress slow and careful. Several times the thought of running came to his mind. Still, nothing had hurt him yet, even if it was getting a little cold out here for his liking.

At the den entrance, the little prince encountered a threshold of sorts. From that point on, everything became moving color. The air moved about freely, as if of its own accord and his ears took in new and strange noises. High pitched ones from above. Confusion, awe and fear kept the youth from advancing any further. He couldn't see the comforting thing from here; couldn't smell it or hear it either. ”Unnn,” he uttered quietly, looking down at the ground with frustration and concern. Where could she be? He had to find her, she had to come back. A single movement of his worried head alerted Cernan to a green thing that was seemingly very close. Sticking his nose out from the dark realm's protection, he strained as far forward as his stubby legs and poor balance allowed; tentatively touching the alien growth with his nose. ”Urrrrnnnn?” He questioned; his elevated puppy-whine growing even higher with curiosity.

Wolf © Kurt Thomas Hunt Photography
Background © Chesapeake Bay Program
Manipulation © Jenandra
(This post was last modified: Jun 06, 2015, 02:59 AM by Cernan.)
[Image: cernan-greypixel01.gif]
[Image: pDty34E.png]
Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
Anthem had kept himself busy. Doing border patrols and hunting so that Namid wouldn't get hungry. He didn't think that she would though seeing as he could smell that he wasn't the only one leaving food for her. He wondered how much they were giving her was actually becoming food for the pups. She seemed to still be quite hungry but it had been slowing down a little. The duck that he had caught hung from his jaws as he walked towards the den site. The scent of the others was stronger here as they had come to check on their Queen most noticeable was the scent of Vespertio. A smile crossed the beta's face as he caught sight of the den's entrance.

Freezing he watched his eyes widening at the sight of a little body slowly making its way into the light. Blue eyes darted around in confusion and surprise. Where was Namid? It seemed that she was gone for the moment he decided as he watched the pup look around. He seemed to be looking for something as he looked at the dirt under him and then proceeded to make a sound that had Anthem smiling. The pups gaze and interest was then caught by a plant that was near by. Another sound came from the pup's throat and moving forward Anthem put his catch gently to the ground before letting out a soft woof of greeting.

His tail swayed behind him slowly and his ears went back against his skull as he moved a little closer before laying down his head stretched out on the ground. A soft whine came from his throat. He didn't want to scare the little one and he knew that his size could intimidate even adults. So he had tried to make himself smaller. A smile was on his face as he watched the pup with warm blue eye. So this was one of his friends children. He felt himself swell with happiness for them. Now if only he could remember their names.
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain

For as long as she could remember in her short young life, all she had ever known was warmth, darkness and security. Such was what her world consisted of, her schedule little more than a nourishing drink from her mother, a short bout of awkward climbing over her brothers, and then, sleep. Now though, the budding Vuesain Princess found her world changed. The moment she opened her tiny eyelids, exposing the dark blue puppy eyes beneath, she was overwhelmed all at once with a whole new reality. Her vision was blurry...she could only make out splotches of colors and shapes. And boy oh boy, was it bright all of a sudden! Disturbed, her pebble sized nose wriggled, a tiny paw waving at the air in hopes of finding the familiar form of her mother. Only to be met with emptiness. Her sole caretaker was not there, her scent lingering in the den. What more, one of the other ever present forms was missing too! The moment Cernan had up and left her side, the pale white girl was left only with Aleister to huddle against. And this did not sit well with her at all, not one bit!

That did it. Now that her chubby brother had toddled away, that was more than enough to disturb her from her peaceful sleep. A trilling whine of protest escaped from her tiny mouth, curious to know where he had gone off too. "Rrrrmmm!" In expressing her displeasure, it was quite clear that even at such a young age, Neha had quite the set of lungs already. She peeled her blue eyes open, met with a new world of blurry shapes, and a most peculiar sort of bright light coming from the entrance of the den. Tiny ears flickering in curiosity at this new wonder, she forgot about the lack of comfort from her mother and brother. She just had to find out what this was all about! Scuttling and climbing over the still resting form of Aleister, her shaky legs pulled her forward to the best of her ability. Standing, yet alone walking, was quite a challenge. With time though, she would get the hang of it. Until then, she would have to settle for the occasional trip over her own paws. To her delight, as she shuffled forwards, the familiar scent of Cernan grew stronger, and with her eyes, she was able to make out the blurry image of her larger brothers body. But that was not what had Neha edging closer to the entrance with such interest. It was the assortment of colors, the brightness of the light, and the plethora of new scents emanating from the outside world. The closer she got, the more interested she became.

Awkwardly bumping gently against the side of Cernan, Neha's first little adventure was cut short. A much, much larger figure had suddenly appeared at the mouth of the den, effectively blocking most of the light. Her face, which was incredibly expressive for a puppy, with her round blue eyes, and delicately shaped, charcoal lined muzzle, peered up to the visitor, brows furrowing in frustration at having her light blocked. Then she realized. Had her mother finally come back? Her thin little tail began to wag with hope, her body wiggling along with it. That is, until this new wolf made a sound. She stopped short, surprised by the gentle woof. This was not her mothers voice at all! In fact, he didn't even smell like Namid one bit. Disappointed, she whined, only to realize a second later, that this might not be a bad thing. The Vuesain pups had a brand new visitor, and Neha would happily investigate. With her boldness and curiosity, the element of fear was one the girl had no concept of. So she inched her way forward towards him, tail going a mile a minute once again. Fearlessly, she gently placed her tiny pale paws over the tippy top of his nose, cooing softly. "Hrrnn?" Her own dark nose went to work, faintly aware of a third scent, that being of the duck he had brought with him. Now only if she could figure out where that strange odor was coming from.
(This post was last modified: Oct 14, 2015, 04:04 AM by Neha.)
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

A soft breeze rippled his little furs and chilled him uncomfortably. An eye opened to see an empty spot beside him. Cernan, his dear brother, had gotten up and left. A slick and groggy feeling displeasure wiped on his fresh young face. Now it was cold, and  Aleister only had his sister to huddle with. He closed his eyes once again and let the puppy sleep take place... dirt shirted and then the body to his left was gone! A high pitched growl whimpered from his lips as he cracked his eyes open again. He watched as his larger brother tumbled up the steep incline out of the warm pit. Out. Wait, they could go out? Neha scrambled up behind her larger brother, leaving the prince all alone. He felt what was commonly known as anger, but could only think of it as, "bad". He got up in a wobbly heap, and stamped outside the den. Ale let a coarse bark out, warning sister of his puppy wrath. Cernan was far ahead of the smaller siblings, looking down at the green strings. Aleister widened his stride, taking wobbly steps forward to get his sister. The boy's sharp teeth snapped at Neha's ears, clenching down and pulling in soft tugs. A small grumble rising from his chest as he tried to pull his sister back to the den. "Grreeeiiiim!!" He trilled with a wide smile, the sharp teeth loosing traction on his sibling's soft fur. They had reached their other den mate and Neha didn't seem to be playing anymore- she seemed upset. Aleister nudged her in confusion, why was she being so quiet? He was answered with a warm breath at his paws. A large grey head lay about a foot away- and everybody seemed to be just fine with it. Ale stumbled back in surprise, letting another chuff escape him. Who was this man at their doorstep?

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain

His nose prodded at the long strand of grass, testing it for any sort of recognizable characteristics. It was a strange color, a strange smell – though the soft brownish stuff he and his family slept and played on did seem similar in texture and scent. His puppy brain got so far as to wondering if the stringy item was edible and what its texture was, prompting him to instinctively open his mouth. No sooner had his tiny, pin like teeth reached toward the greenery than the displeased cry of his sister rang in his underdeveloped, floppy ears. His soft brown head turned back, weak blue eyes searching the dim light for the pale grey shape he knew had made that sound. Concern for his siblings was beyond the boy at such an early age, but he was aware that their distress was a “bad” thing. It either meant that they were making noises that woke him up, or that there was something he ought to be unhappy about too – like when they were hungry or cold. Or perhaps like now, when their food and comfort was missing.

Neha's blurry shape made its way toward him, wobbling and stumbling a little here and there. Internally it was comforting to have one of the familiar and constant beings beside him in this strange extension of reality. Interestingly, the other sibling came forward with a cry of his own, meeting their sister halfway with what he knew to be play. Now that he was awake and feeling more-so by the minute, he would have felt compelled to join in if not for the worrying lack of their guardian. He watched silently as the two pups approached, stumbling onto his haunches when the grey one bumped him. He watched her with some puzzlement, but it was immediately forgotten. The approach of a big grey form pulled his wobbly head back toward the new world. While his eyes told him it looked like their mother, his nose and ears were quick to dispel the thought. No, this was not her. This was a new being, and it brought with it another strange object.

This assault of the unknown had the boy taking a step back. His sister seemed to have the same first impression, but upon discovering that it was false, chose instead to go toward the new things. Aleister's chuff met his fuzzy ears as the darker child retreated as well. Cernan would have been concerned for his sister if his emotions were so complex. Instead he knew only concern for himself – survival and comfort. Spurred on by his brother's timid behavior, the youngster took another step back with a nervous, “Merrrrrnnn.” Now feeling safer beside the other brown form, He looked on as no harm came to the silver child. Her coat was barely distinguishable against the stranger's now. Feeling that this new being was much like the blade of grass – that is, that it held no capacity for bad things – the chubbiest pup placed a tentative paw forward; his head low and neck stretching out. He was on his toes and ready to run away at the first sign of danger, that is if his uncooperative feet could handle it. Choosing not to vocalize further, the prince simply sniffed, taking in the new scent and watching the big thing with wide, nervous eyes.

Wolf © Kurt Thomas Hunt Photography
Background © Chesapeake Bay Program
Manipulation © Jenandra
[Image: cernan-greypixel01.gif]
[Image: pDty34E.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
As he watched he noticed the pup that he had first spotted movement from the den's mouth caught his attention. Another form exited and Anthem watched with wide eyes as the small pup who looked like Namid went near the other darker pup. He watched the two of them pulling forth names from his memory, Neha, Cernan and then there was Aleister. He grinned like a kid as the little girl noticed him and began to get excited before seeming to think about something and then getting excited once more. He didn't move as she approached to place her paws delicately against his nose. A happy crooning whine exited his throat in response to her, as his tail thumped behind him.

Aleister not wanting to be left out made an appearance and proceeded to try and drag Neha away from Anthem's head. The beta just grinned as he watched. So these were the joys of the pack he thought as he watched the three of them. Even if he hadn't intended to stay he found himself taking on the role of a sitter, not that he cared in the least. They could probably do anything to him and he wouldn't even care, but he wasn't sure if they would get closer to him or not as he noticed the concerned look of Cernan's face. Maybe a peace offering was in order. 

Slowly so that he didn't startle them he reached for the duck and plucked a wing feather from it. Picking it up he placed it before and then nosed it at them. Maybe they would be interested in this new object and possibly playing with it. Whining softly in encouragement he waited to see what they would do.
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain

Neha decided that she liked this wolf! Sure he may not be Mom or Dad. And he may have been big and a bit scary, but he seemed nice. And he smelled good too! What was Cernan so nervous about anyways? She stole a look back at him, woofing softly as if to encourage him closer to try and overcome his uncertainty. Dropping back down onto her wobbly little legs, Neha watched the strangers every move intently. Oh look! Now he had moved to fetch something nearby just outside the den! That strange smell got stronger, and the next thing she knew he was nudging some sort of object towards them. 

Not out of fear, but out of newfound curiosity, she edged back a few steps to study it. It was oddly shaped and white in coloration. Nothing at all like the looks of a wolfs fur. Inching her button black nose closer to it, she took a deep sniff. When the rather soft, ticklish feather touched her sensitive nose, she yipped in surprise, hopping back. This sudden motion of hers stirred up the dirt beneath the feather, the tiny woosh of air causing it to flutter a few inches off the ground, before resettling again. Fascinated by this, yet unsure if the thing was alive, she reached a curious paw forward.
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
Apologies, crappy post is crappy. I'm not entirely sure how old they are here because I just inherited Aleister. Let me know if I need to change anything.

It was hard to hold the attention of ones so young as themselves. When the large wolf moved his head the boy went so far as to scoot back a step, locking his legs when he realised his siblings had stayed put, threatening the stranger instead with a savage yip of a bark, his ears sitting high on his head as he advanced on unsteady limbs. When the head came back again he retreated, his front paws moving faster than his rear, leaving the boy seated, his head tilting as he tried to comprehend just how his body had betrayed him.

But it had left something behind. Something his sister sniff and poked at. His head lowered as he watched the thing, cogs visibly turning in his mind as he tried to comprehend just what it was. Deciding it could very well be a threat (and if it wasn’t he wanted it more than his brother or sister) he tumbled forward awkwardly, needle sharp teeth closing around the thing before he tried to make a hasty escape. Out here with all this room, they would never catch him! He was sure of it.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain

His unfocused eyes lifted at the soft sound of his silver sister's call. Cernan only stared at her with confusion and a bit of bewilderment. They knew nothing about this thing. Why on earth was she so okay with it? It was so very close to their home and it brought with it strange scents! That was no good in his book. When it moved the pint-sized prince's legs locked solid; cementing him in place as his tiny eyes struggled to decipher what was going on. At least she wasn't standing on the strange being now. That was a bit better. Suddenly a delicate white object was revealed; twitching in the air kind of like the green things did, but moreso. Immediately he wondered if this little thing was like them. it moved like they could, and yet there was no sense to be made in its strange motions. This was only further disconcerting to his infant mind.

Again his grey blob of a sister went boldy forward. Cernan still couldn't move even as Aleister advanced as well. No way he was going so close to the living-not-living thing. The big grey one was scary enough. The youth's pale blue eyes followed them all; still stretched wide with apprehension. Suddenly the abrupt movement of the little brown one snapped his gaze up. He'd taken the thing and he was running off with it! What was he supposed to do about that? Cernan didn't want to go so far into this strange place; or any closer to the stranger for that matter. Now even more overwhelmed, the pup moved back toward the den while staring awkwardly at the unknown presence.  

“Mmmmm,” he uttered warily. Where was the guardian right now? This was getting out of hand!

Wolf © Kurt Thomas Hunt Photography
Background © Chesapeake Bay Program
Manipulation © Jenandra
(This post was last modified: Sep 20, 2015, 11:49 PM by Cernan.)
[Image: cernan-greypixel01.gif]
[Image: pDty34E.png]