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Sacred Grove Do Wishes Really Come True? - Printable Version

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Do Wishes Really Come True? - Marsh - Jun 17, 2012

Phew! Sorry for the wait, loves, but he's here finally. /spanks him for tardiness

It had been shaping up to be another typical day, which, for Marsh, involved ramped-up quantities of border patrol, marking and the casual hunt, wherever something convenient crossed his path. Corinna had given birth, and if he had been walking on hot coals before, now his strings were tight fit to snap. Their troublesome neighbours had not been so troublesome of late, which was one point of relief, but he did not trust them one jot to begin again at the worst possible time. Corinna's offspring were as invaluable as the wolf herself, and the very thought of harm coming to them was enough to flare his temper something terrible.

When Cali's voice rose from the air, his immediate thought was one of concern, but a more rational part of his brain took over a moment later and correctly identified the call as far less urgent. It had just been a regular summons, that for their leaders, and there were a few distinct reasons to make such a call. The most likely was that of recruitment. Corinna was out of commission, and with Indru as busy as Marsh (no doubt for identical reasons) the Second turned and trotted towards the source, near the borders, his fur flattening down after his first, more panicked reaction.

He was a considerable distance from her, so when she called again he frowned and snorted to himself at her impatience, but at the very least was content for the fresh set of directions. Angling himself to compensate, he sped up a little; he respected her enough to do that much, for he trusted her not to howl on an unimportant whim.

The scent of an unknown female came to him then, intertwined with the white wolf he knew - and in more ways than just proximity; siblings, he noted, before he had even laid eyes on them. While family ties did not hold much importance to the gruff beast, if she was anything like Cali then Swift River would be all the better for having her.

The pair came into view then, perched beyond the border, and he lifted his tail automatically at the sight of the stranger, though wagged it once to show that his approach was not hostile. Not that they would guess it from his face - hard and smileless, partly from his constant tension and partly because that was simply how he was, he approached with little warmth in his expression save for a single glance to Cali which contained some small softness of familiarity and trust.

His attention fell then to the monochrome sister, a pure stranger despite her relation to the pack's female Second, and his tail rose higher to make his posture clear. Cali had probably omitted such trivialities for the sake of family - it was a weakness of those who preferred speech, he found. No matter. If Cali could vouch for her worth, and Marsh could vouch for her respectfulness, then he would have no trouble supporting her admission into their ranks.

Do Wishes Really Come True? - Cali - Jun 17, 2012

While she was thoroughly enjoying catching up with her sister, she was anxious for her to meet the pack. Then she caught sight of a familiar form headed their way, his posture high with dominance, yet his tail wagged very slightly. He gave her a glance of familiarity and she gave him a small smile in return. He was not an overly expressive wolf, so for him it was a nearly enthusiastic greeting. The only wolf that merited an overt display of enthusiasm from the stoic wolf was Corinna, whom he was utterly devoted to.

As his attention landed on Jessie, Cali moved over to him with her head and tail lowered, ears flattened to her head and licked his muzzle in a more demonstrative display of greeting. Her status was slowly rising, so perhaps she didn't need to act quite as submissive to him as she had, but it served several purposes. She showed her respect of him, of course, but it also spoke of his status as Second and gave a good example of how Jessie should behave. Submissive and respectful. This male held much sway with the leaders and her first impression with him would be important.

Once she had completed her display she turned to Jessie and gave her an encouraging smile. Then she looked back to Marsh. Keeping her words simple, she gave introductions. "Marsh, this is my younger sister, Jessie." The she gave another glance to Jess. "This is Marsh, Second of the Swift River pack." She had kept her words simple for Marsh's sake as well as Jessie's. She could only hope that her sister took her cue when she spoke to Marsh and made her request simple and to the point. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest, as they outcome of this meeting would affect her as well. She was happy where she was and didn't want to leave for anything, but she didn't think that she could be separated from Jessie again. She was the only family that she had left. So, she waited with bated breath for the next few minutes to unfold.

Do Wishes Really Come True? - Jessie - Jun 17, 2012

Silence met the young wolves when none of the two decided to pick up on conversation. It was almost like there was an unsaid agreement between the two saying that Jessie must definitely prepare for what she was about to encounter. It was enough time for her to prepare her brain though. She knew what she would have to do and that meant being submissive. Something she had plenty of practice with. On her way here she would have definitely snapped at other males how would have come and been rude to her, but none had come yet. Something she highly appreciated. The words antisocial and silent echoed in her head over and over. She would have to respectful if she wanted to make this work, and she would definitely make this work. For her and her sister. She didn’t want to ruin her sister just because of the way she had acted.

Soon enough one of her pack mates arrived and immediately Jessie bowed her head. When she heard the name Cali’s advice entered in her head. Be brief. . .he doesn’t like to talk much. She would do exactly that. When her white sister finished talking Jessie’s own mouth opened and spoke briefly, ”I would like to join your pack, sir.” Her request held a respectable note to it when she said this. She kept her head down and ears flat on her head. She did not dare approach the male though. . .she did not wish to make him uncomfortable. Space was priority right now. If that was what he wanted then he would get it. If he wished to approach her then she would let him do so, no one would be able to tell her to do any different. . .well aside from her sister.

Do Wishes Really Come True? - Indru - Jun 20, 2012

Somehow I totally missed this - sorry guys!

Since the birth of his newest children Indru had not strayed far from the den, they were not long born and with Corinna remaining vigilant inside it for their safety Indru found it difficult to stray for too long. Yet, never the less, the borders needed his strength (even more vital in Corinna's absence) and he was not one to avoid his duties willingly, especially one that helped keep everyone safe.

It was on this particular circuit that Cali's howl reached him, and while it clearly beckoned his attention there was no urgency in it to make him think she was in danger, or that a wolf from Poison Path had unwisely strayed too close once again. Without much delay Indru headed towards the summons, using her somewhat impatient second howl to further guide him and noting, as he closed in on her, that Marsh had already arrived. Yet, of more interest at the present time, was the unfamiliar scent that mingled between the two he trusted.

With the strange female in mind when Indru broke from the trees to greet them a hardened stare immediately fell upon the lone wolf; his tail raising to his extremes to show her that he was without a need to lower it anyone here if his dominant scent was not enough of a sign. Quickly, so not to detract his attention from the stranger, Indru turned to greet Marsh first with a nip to the top of his muzzle before doing the same to Cali, his eyes softening as they fell upon each wolf so that they would see he was not displeased with their presence. However, at the moment, his opinion on this new wolf's presence was undecided. Who is this? With a swift turn of his head it was clear the question was aimed at Cali for the proximity and warm feeling between the two females had not gone unnoticed.


Do Wishes Really Come True? - Marsh - Jun 23, 2012

Despite being his female equivalent, Marsh was satisfied by Cali's display of respect - if nothing else, it helped further quell any potential doubts about her sister. The sister in question was not quite so submissive, and her muted display prompted his eyes to narrow, but he held off on judgement just yet. Cali's voice graced the air, and though he would have preferred more base methods of communication, he welcomed her brevity. Still, the words he picked out - sister, alongside the sharing of names - were nothing new to him, and Cali's silence would have been just as productive.

Jessie spoke, then, with a tone Marsh was familiar with, and he was about to move to take her muzzle in his when a more dominant scent filled the area. Marsh turned back to see that his authority had been overridden, and quite obligingly he stepped back to receive Indru's greeting (returning it with a soft whine as the Tainn nipped at him) and allow the leader to take centre stage. Marsh's tail had dropped accordingly, though he held it high enough above Jessie's to affirm his status.

Stoically Marsh turned his gaze back to Cali's sibling, for now his presence was little more than reassurance of pack strength and back-up, in case something went wrong. He did not show the fact that Indru's presence had tightened something in his gut, for it was not something he wished to dwell upon. Indru's subtle rejection had stretched a part of him thin, but nobody needed to know. He would not let it affect his duties.

Of course, Marsh's life was one of constant duties.

Do Wishes Really Come True? - Cali - Jun 23, 2012

Cali was a little apprehensive with Jessie's display, she knew that Marsh would wish more extreme signs of subordination. She had gotten straight to the point though and this seemed to please the stoic male. It seemed as if he was about to approach her sister when a now familiar scent came upon the small group. Indru. They had recently spent a little time getting to know one another and she was doubly pleased to see him here. She now could name him friend, although he was forever her superior and better, and this would save a step in seeking him or Corinna out... had she passed Marshes judgement.

The large imposing male approached Marsh and then her, giving each of them a quick nip of greeting. An almost inaudible whine escaped her at the gentle pain, more of a verbal acceptance of his superiority than a complaint and she waved her tail in a quick short burst of joy at his arrival. Her head dipped down low she approximately matched her tail stature to that of Marsh, only slightly lower. This showed her position clearly to her sister, marking her lower than Indru and near equal to Marsh. She would not claim that right until it was fully earned. Perhaps the day would come when she could call herself 'Second', but it was not here yet and today was about Jessie.

"Indru." The one word of greeting conveyed the boundless respect and affection that she felt for the large male. "This is Jessie Swiftpaw, my younger half-sister. She has come to find me and would be most grateful of a home here at Swift River." With her words, she glanced to her sister with easy love and affection rolling off of her at being reunited with her baby sister. Her fluffy white tail waved gently and she unconsciously shifted her weight towards Jessie in support.

Do Wishes Really Come True? - Jessie - Jun 24, 2012

Her eyes picked up slight irritation in the younger male. Was she not being submissive enough? She would have to try harder then if she were to be able to join. She noticed the old male start to approach her and she soon lowered her head even more, she had to respective. But soon he backed off, the presence of another wolf was clear in the way that the air changed. Marsh and Cali lowered their tails and heads. This had to be their leader if they were being submissive, they were, in fact, the Seconds. Her eyes trailed towards the scent, and as this wolf approached she crouched down and tilted her head away, leaving her eyes in another place away from him, as much further signs of submission.

She did not want to seem threatening to this wolf. He was her way in. . .her way to be with her sister and a way for her to gain a family. It was something she had wanted since Mother and Father had disappeared. She had no family other than Cali, she did consider Brenton her family though, but he knew when she had told him. . .he had known that she would have to go and find her sister. It was important to her, and the slightly older male had accepted that, letting her go. She had tried to say that she would be back but she couldn’t. For if she found her sister, she would indeed be staying near her, protecting her and watching her back, just as she always had.

The fact that now that this male was here, he was the leader, how she was going to get in. She could just tell. She heard him speak, but the way her directed his words, she knew they weren’t for her to answer, it was for one of the two Seconds. Most likely Cali considering her finding out about Marsh’s silent treatment he gave others. Jessie, herself, was in a silent treatment of her own at the moment. She knew that any words she would say could be used against her while joining. She would only speak, if spoken to, like any submissive wolf would do.

Do Wishes Really Come True? - Indru - Jun 25, 2012


The River wolves posture dropped to a more submissive one in sight of him, as any subordinate should to a leader, and not only did it demonstrate their strength as a pack but it too showed his strength as a leader to the female. While their dominance dropped in response to his own it did not fall from either of them entirely and while he hoped such a display would be unnecessary he was pleased that they understood his desire to show such strength to a stranger who, most likely, wished to join their ranks. After all, you were less likely to betray a strong pack with loyal wolves.

While Indru mainly watched the mysterious female as Cali introduced her, the soft twitching of his ears and quick shifting of his gaze from her to his subordinate showed his attention was divided between them. After her words his gaze fell upon the younger female was renewed interest as he took her in. Jessie, he greeted with a welcoming yet more formal tone than he would were only Marsh and Cali present. Your sister has proven herself to be of great value to Swift River so far, could you yourself offer us as much loyalty as Cali has done? For, that was the base of it—River wolves were expected to be loyal wolves and as long as they had that the pack would remain strong.


Do Wishes Really Come True? - Marsh - Jun 27, 2012

Conversation passed between the two parties, though Marsh noted the sister's silence and was pleased by it. Indru was clearly addressing Cali, after all, and that Jessie understood her place - and would only speak when spoken to - was a mark in her favour. His opinion would not carry much weight from this point, but for what it was worth, Marsh was prepared to give the young girl the benefit of the doubt, which was a lot more than most new females got from him. Cali had proven him pleasantly wrong, after all.

Not that Jessie was treading on easy ground; with Corinna's children still so young and vulnerable, Marsh's graces were very easy to lose.

He glanced sidelong at his leader then, and felt confident that Cali's sibling would not be denied. Not that Indru was well known for rejecting females... but that was a running joke broken by Cali's loyalty. Indru's attention went to the sister then, and though he did not bother to pay attention to the words, Marsh's ears perked at the sound, recognising - if nothing else - the questioning nature of it. So this was likely to be it, then. The copper wolf glanced at Cali, wondering if she would want to show her sibling around on her own or with his company. Perhaps Indru would demand it. Whatever the outcome, Marsh waited patiently, observing and offering little but pack solidarity.

Do Wishes Really Come True? - Cali - Jun 28, 2012

Cali took her cue from Marsh, as hard as it was to stay silent and leave the talking up to Jessie right now. She was proud of her sister for listening to her warnings about Marsh and behaving perfectly so far. Indru seemed inclined to allow her a chance and Cali was overjoyed at the prospect She gave Jessie and loving smile and nodded her head encouragingly.

Even though she was beginning to fit in and meld as part of the pack, having her sister there would make it feel that much more like home. Now she waited for her sister's response and then Indru's verdict. Even if she made it in with him, she would eventually have to pass muster with Corinna. She shuddered delicately, remembering her own first awkward meeting with the leadess.