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Swift River The Crossing - Printable Version

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The Crossing - Makita - Feb 23, 2011

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Okay, I am sick of this. thought Makita as the young male went directly past her to sink his teeth into Kenit's shoulder. The sight of blood make Makita flinch, as she didn't like seeing the wolf she had just met be injured, but she was sick of the snarling and growling and horrible teeth and claws. She didn't want to be the one to stir up a fight - even though she already was - , as the stocky wolf she'd just met wasn't going to leave and she wasn't going to risk her life for him. She had learned her lesson on that a long time ago.

The huge male, obviously their leader and alpha, snarled and threw himself at Kenit, sinking his giant fangs into his fur. No! Kenit, come on or you're going to get yourself killed! she thought to herself, turning herself around and backing away. She was seconds away from fleeing, when the female attacked. She threw herself at Makita, snapping her jaws in her face and hitting Makita. The she - wolf growled, as she would not be treated like a child any more. She had hunted and fighted since she was five months old, and if this she - wolf wanted to fight, so be it. Makita did something she she - wolf obviously wasn't expecting. She reached out, snarling and showing off her huge, pearl white fangs, and then she leapt at the she - wolf. If she was to hit her, her fangs would certainly leave a mark on her. Of course, this also meant she was asking for trouble, but Makita had fought since she was five months old and another wolf shouldn't be too big of a problem. After she striked, she would leave, as Kenit was not worth her life - and neither were these Swift River scum bags.


The Crossing - Indru - Feb 24, 2011


Between the two of them the Tainn's gave Maicoh something to remember them by, Triell's grip slowing the male so that Indru's attack was unavoidable when he lunged forward to open a wound along the wolf's neck and shoulder. He tasted blood, though was not aware of how deep a wound it was, and pulled away quickly to try and avoid any retaliation, aware of Triell standing ready beside him hopefully without injury. Quickly he darted his eyes towards Corinna, snarling when he saw the young female lunge back towards her with her teeth, but he was unable to do anything quick enough to help her avoid them if they hit. Indru bristled further, fiery eyes narrowing at her, but before he could try to get her away from Corinna she turned tail and fled from the scene and Indru snarled and barked a warning after her. His attention had been gone for mere moments but he watched the male from the corner of his eyes, hoping to avoid any abrupt attacks he might try and take advantage off in his distraction, and trusting that Triell would warn him.

When he was sure she had left, disappearing into the shadows, his swung back round to this wolf she had called Kenit, threat coating his body like a second skin. He was greatly outnumbered now and Indru was certain even a fool so arrogant as he would see it but he had no intentions to let him idly stroll out of their land now. He had a warning and he ignored it, the only way he would be leaving was if he turned and ran with his tail between his legs, their snarls chasing him through the forest. Indru placed a paw a step closer, ears forward and teeth bared, before rising his shoulders and tucking his head down and lunging, aiming for the male's jugular.

For the record, not expecting the jugular attack to hit as its such a potentially fatal blow, but it makes sense for him to try. :P

The Crossing - Maicoh - Feb 24, 2011


OOC: Completely understandable! :)

Anger, a flash of pain, the metallic scent of blood - Everything seemed to almost go in stop-motion for the male as Indru pulled away from his shoulder. His attention was divided, glancing away from the real threat - and Maicoh took that chance. He swung about - going for the younger of the two, seeking to sink sharp incisors into hip, ribs, anything he could reach with the young Triell still attached firmly to his neck fur. The pain from his shoulder wound was a constant throbbing pain, but he refused to acknowledge it just now.. He had to dislodge this wolf sized tick before he could deal properlly with the alpha of the small group.

Perhaps it was silly of him to attack the youngling first, but should he have moved to stand toe to toe with the larger male of the Swift River wolves without doing so... he would certainly fall. He chanced that Triell's hind quarters were in range - as his jaw was closed in his neck...unless he released his hold - the lad was easily within striking distance. If he could sink fang into the hide of the smaller youngling, he would do his best to cause as much damage as possible in that singular bite. Including wrenching his head back and forth like a dog worrying a bone, or flinging about a stuffed toy. Should he manage to do so - his head and face would be buried in the youths skin and fur - protecting it temporarily from harm. Should he miss with his attack...however..

The attack on his jugular was not unwarranted, nor was it unexpected. One of two things might happen...The first, he had the smaller lad in his jaws and pivoted, releasing the young Tainn to fly, stumble or fall before his elder and with luck, give Maicoh a chance to escape. Three to one odds simply wouldn't do....they wouldn't do at all. The second, he still had a yearling attached to his fur and instead would duck his head and roll his shoulders into the charge of the alpha male. Thus preventing the attack on one of the most vulnerable parts on his person. His goal...was to get the other wolf above him so that he could lift himself up, and in the process...toss the other male.

OOC: Okay.. so.. Let me know if I should change this... I didn't want to make assumptions on either front as far as what's going on attacks/counter attacks and such. Basically, if Switch allows Maicoh to bite Triell.. then Maicoh would use him as a meat shield...essentially and try to swing around with enough force to send him stumbling towards Indru.. maybe trip him! >:3 If he *DOESNT* bite Triell because Triell dodged..or let go, then Maicoh would try to get UNDER Indru's charge and Indru himself.. and try to offbalance/throw him by straightening. I ...think that's about what I imagined. Please let me know if I misinterpreted anything you guys posted as well or if there are problems/confusion with this post. ^_^



The Crossing - Corinna - Feb 24, 2011


Gone Tomorrow

The noise level was almost unbearable at this point; five wolves were growling and snarling, in general just making a racket. It would be enough to scare off even the most innocent of those passing by. With any luck, it would do the job of preventing others from joining the fray, and these two would leave and spread the word that the Swift River wolves were strong and in no way willing to let their land be treated as free. Especially not be wolves so lacking in intelligence as these two apparently were. Rather than leaving, they were attempting to put up a fight. Even the she-wolf, who had successfully been rolled off her feet thought it was in her best interest to try and attack Cori. But the Swift River subordinate was more than ready for the attack, having landed prepared for such a counterattack. She turned her shoulder into the attack, at the same time turning her head teeth flashing in the light. She felt only some pain as the loner's teeth made contact with her shoulder, but it was only momentarily, as Cori leaped away, light on her feet. The lone wolf was unable to grab any tight grip, her attack useless.

Lunging after her, Corinna's teeth were parted, and as the loner turned tail and fled, the subordinate was almost sure that she made contact on the flank of her opponent. But if she did, she didn't hold on for any length of time, and was satisfied to watch the female run back into the trees, away from the territory she had intruded upon. Whirling, the gray female headed towards the fray with the three males, adding her snarls to those of Indru and Triell. She circled behind Maicoh, hackles bristling. Fangs bared, the subordinate lunged, hoping that her attack on the lone wolf's flank would be successful as he was reoccupied with her pack mates.


The Crossing - Triell - Feb 26, 2011

ooc;i had triell already let go and move out but i'll work with it. :) give a fair chance so hope this works.

Triell had already been in motion when the brute went to attack. His teeth grazed at the skin at the black withers. The momentum keeping him from getting the hold he wanted. Since he was veering away the bite did however, rip a bit of hair, and tore a small patch of skin. The black lad realeased a sharp bark laced with annoyance. Just catching the smear of gray at the brute's flank. Hopefully Cori ripped into him to. Triell, was afraid the brute might try to grab him again, maybe even as a hostage. This time he veered further back not to be another target. Still within distance should it be absolutely needed.

Remembering the girl, orange eyes scanned for the brindle coat. He realized the yearling had gone. At least she finally knew the serious of her little escapade, and would no time be doing such stupid thing again. Mistakes were for learning, not commiting again. Would't be long till this brute went to. He was far from intelligent, but hopefully his pride would not cost him his life.

The Crossing - Makita - Mar 01, 2011

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OOC: I actually had Makita stay and fight, but I'll work with it. :) Short post, I'm uninspired.

Makita heard the snarl of the female, one from deep within her throat, and she tossed her hind legs in the air as she began to run. She attempted to dodge, but she female's jaws sunk into her flank for a moment. The she - wolf snarled, she hated being treated like she was young - like she couldn't do anything right. They were wrong. It was Makita's fault she was here, and she knew that well, but she wasn't going to let the female leave her like this. Except, Makita did it differently than everyone else would have.

As the she - wolf let go of her flank, she darted off into the forest. The bare bushes crackled as she rushed through them, and then took cover behind them. Her golden eyes glared out of the bushes and to the fighting wolves. She was no match for them now, but maybe if she could get the pup alone.. Makita's head fell guiltily as the thought ran through her mind. Maybe this was what loneliness was doing to her. She narrowed her eyes, watching the buff Kenit snarl and roar at the two, but mainly the older. They seemed to be the most aggressive torwards each other. She watched, her silent snarls wanting to jump out and attack the wolves herself.

Come on.. she thought quietly, staring at Kenit. She tossed her head back to her wound. It wasn't huge or deep, but it did sting a bit as the air got to it. It would certainly be infected if it didn't recieve care soon.


The Crossing - Indru - Mar 02, 2011


Got a bit confused this round so if I did anything wrong just say, I don't mind. ^_^

The intruder continued to bite and snarl back at them instead of dropping down into submission and running, it was a stupid move (especially when he was so outnumbered) as this altercation would not go unnoticed by the rest of the wolves that called this pack home for long. The female had been wise enough to flee the immediate fight as Indru could no longer see her and was not going to waste time scenting the air to check. Indru saw the male lunge at his brother and hit his target, he winced as if he felt the blow himself, and anger bubbled in his throat as a vicious snarl broke through the noise of the fight, the wolf now offered more than just a threat to Triell. It was a minor wound but it did not matter to Indru, he took blood from his pack mate — his brother — for a wrong doing on his part and now Indru was determined to end it.

A deep bark broke from his muzzle echoing Triell's and while the wolf was pulling away from his brother's skin he lunged forward again, teeth aiming to rake down his neck that would have been turned toward his brother's back legs and hopefully the male would be distracted by the success of his hit. From the corner of his orange eyes he saw Corinna circle behind the male and lunge forward herself and between the two of them he hoped at least one attack would let him see how dire his situation looked. He was corned, he was outnumbered and they were not backing down.


The Crossing - Maicoh - Mar 03, 2011


OOC: Maicoh is not the smartest wolf in the bunch..XD

At least one of these wolves would be leaving with a reminder that he was no pushover, the feeling of victory when his teeth sank through flesh was short lived. The two larger wolves had moved in, the female from behind..the large male in a frontal charge. His reason for fighting was gone, however, with the safe disappearance of the young female he had originally stopped in this land. Had his brother been here, he would have called a halt to the fighting by now - He generally had the more.. calculating of the two minds. Maicoh moved backwards to avoid the males attack, only to find himself hindered by the female. Both of their jaws found purchase on his hide and he wriggled to get free.

Of course, he doubted they would let him escape with just those simple wounds - the bites to his neck and haunches.. But perhaps he might be able to escape with his life.. The male did his best to free himself, and should he manage to get loose, he intended to turn tail and run - following Makita's escape path into the forest. Of course, he refused to yelp as he ran.. Such things were beneath him - but the original attacks had wrenched a whine from the brutes maw. Now..if he could just get *FREE*...



The Crossing - Corinna - Mar 04, 2011

OOC: Mk, Cori is going to let Maicoh go, so I assumed he managed to escape. I can change this though if need be. Switch, not really sure where Triell's injury is, so I was vague on that point, I'll let you clarify where it is in your post if you want. =)


Gone Tomorrow

Her attack was successful, and Cori held on for dear life, her teeth sinking further and further down. The she-wolf's mouth was filled with the fur from his flank, and her ears rang with the satisfaction of his whimper. But she held her grip for only a moment before she pulled back, leaping backwards to avoid any retaliation. She was lucky in that aspect as there was none forthecoming. The Swift River wolves had successfully managed to defend their territory - the female had already left and the brute would be close on her heels. Snarling after him, the subordinate's fur was still standing straight out, making her look bigger and hopefully more intimidating. Her brow was crinkled as she watched where the two had disappeared, looking for signs of their bodies.

Satisfied that they were gone, the female grunted and turned her attention first to Triell. The lone wolf had managed to find purchase in Triell's young body, and Cori felt annoyance lash up within her again. What had they done? Approaching him, she once again entered his space as she had when they had first met. However, this time her muzzle was looking for the wound. Finding the ripped patch of skin, she met Triell's eyes and whimpered at him, wanting to reassure him that all would be well. Salmon colored tongue left her mouth and made contact with the youth's wound. Licking it for a few moments, she nuzzled the side of her head against Triell, wanting to offer him comfort. "You did well, Triell," she told him, satisfied that she had done what she could for the wound. Stepping back, she smiled at him, and let her tail wag for only a few seconds before stilling. Turning her attention to Indru, she approached the big male, though she was cautious. Her own flesh wound forgotten, she took a step closer. She wasn't sure if the lone wolf had managed to injure her alpha, but she did not want it to go without being comforted if he had. "Are you okay, Indru?"


The Crossing - Triell - Mar 04, 2011

ooc; it's behind his left shoulder blade, on his ribs. (i'm pretty sure his left)size of a fifty-cent piece, sqare shaped though, and his skin his still attached, hanging loose.
I'm assuming Macioh is taking his leave too. ;) But can change.

The whines of the trespasser were music to his ears. Triell did not like relish in the pain of others, but this wolf's ignorance had called for it. He could have easily avoided being attacked, and this was the price he payed for his ignorance. It seemed little to the fact most wolf fatalities were from intruders stepping their bounds. This wolf,he would escape with limb and life. And hopefully a lesson above anything else that Swift River wolves didn't like anyone wandering without cause on their land. He did not pursue the beast, but launched his own rough barks in declaration. Happy to see them go, his guard did not drop till he was sure like Cori and Indru ,they were gone. The black banner waved behind him. The three made a sweet team, and he gave a proud grin at their work. Protecting their home.

When Cori approached, his face shifted into a smooth picture, his tail managing to sweep the empty air behind him. Past popping his bubble, she was checking over the faint bite of the loner. The young lad did not flinch at her touch, and no whine left him. The open of it singed with the burnings of pain, and her tongue cooled it briefly. The kind comment, made his tail beat further, and his grin to return to his inken snout. He let a small, short laugh come forth. "You were really good, too." He answered, giving her a gentle nudge with brow. Like Cori, he walked the length to his brother, orange eyes tracing along the greater form of Indy. Then halted a foot from the pair letting Cori inquire if he was okay. Triell saw the crimson at Cori's shoulder, brow creased with own concern. "Are you both okay?"