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Bramble Falls one [little] miracle - Printable Version

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one [little] miracle - Dejia - Feb 06, 2012

Sensing not to disturb the eating wolves, Dejia politely waited for them to finish. She stayed lying there on the ground partly because she didn't want to move, and have it interpreted as a hostile act, and partly because her injuries were so severe and painful that she couldn't move even if she wanted to. As she waited, she could feel the dark crimson pool spreading at her side, and hoped silently that someone would help her with her wound. She did not want to die over blood loss from tripping. Over a simple rock. That would be most dishonorable. Sighing, she wished that someone, maybe that kind, young wolf, would just help her already. She sighed louder and whined painfully for emphasis, though these sounds were not voluntary. Finally, after lying in her ever-growing pool of blood, she blacked out once more.


one [little] miracle - Anyu - Feb 08, 2012


OOC// Everyone is complaining about not knowing what to post, so I am declaring this turn MINE

you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Anyu turned from the stranger along with Kano and followed him back to their kill. She could definitely use more food, so she instantly headed for the deer's neck and began to tear flesh from that area of the kill. The meet was tough, but good enough. She chewed and swallowed, then took another bite and did the same. After her third bite she finally looked up from the kill to glance at the injured wolf that was some distance away. From this distance it looked like it had passed out again and Anyu almost snorted. Drama queen.

The injury wasn't that bad. She had fallen on a rock. She wouldn't deny that the wound probably hurt, but clearly she didn't want any help since she hadn't taken Kano's offer of willow. Of course, Anyu had no idea what the willow would do for her, but clearly Kano though that it would help the injured wolf. Unless she had hit an artery or something, the wound would not be life threatening.

She flicked her ears in irritation, annoyed by this stranger's presence. “We should let her be,” she said to Kashi and Kano. “Clearly she doesn't want help. since she ignored what you gave her, Kanosak.”

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine


one [little] miracle - Kanosak - Feb 09, 2012


He was almost relieved when Anyu took charge. If he had to leave his meal again to go and convince her it wasn't bad enough to be fainting over he would probably bite her leg so hard it would cause a break. He disliked it at the best of times when he was interupted from a meal, and he wasn't a real healer.

Blood and gore covered his head and chest, standing out starkly against his light golden coat, his belly now full and bloated he stepped back and allowed the others to finish taking their fill. It was still obvious to the golden wolf they needed it much more than he did, and he felt as if it was his responsibilty to make sure no harm came to either of them. It was the first time in a while he had met anyone, besides Wille, who felt so much like family.



one [little] miracle - Kashikoi - Feb 10, 2012

Ooc sorry it took so long

After filling himself on the fresh prey kashikoi layed down and went about cleaning the gore of himself that dyed his brown fur almost black and his white fur crimson. He must of looked terrifying to look at covered as he was. As he licked himself clean his thoughts drifted to the female who had intruded. What was all the fuss about and why were his friends quickly turning hostile. He hoped that the commotion would resolve quickly because as a lone wolf if you got injured you tended to be on your own. As he quietly cleaned himself but he stopped mid-lick as a he experienced another flashback. Dang when are these going to end?! He thought outraged to himself as he found himself in his old pack again. His mother was cleaning him after he was bloody from his first kill. He felt her long tongue pratically covering his small frame with each lick. Quickly shaking his head to bring him back to reality he found kano and anyu snarling slightly leaving him to wonder what happened during his flashback.

one [little] miracle - Anyu - Feb 10, 2012


you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Anyu had moved on. It was time to ignore the stranger, who was still passed out. Still able to fit more into her stomach - wolves were built to basically binge eat since meals might not be regular - she continued to pull off strips of meat and devour them. Scrap had already eaten his fill and Kano had finished already as well. It stood to reason that she would be the last one finished. Scrap would have a smaller stomach than her and Kano was probably better fed than she was at this point in time. Therefore, she could eat more. And there would be plenty left over. Guess who would be hanging out around here for a few days?

Finally she finished. White fur around her face was stained blood red and flecks covered her neck and chest. She would need a bath to get it all off. Thank goodness there was a creek nearby, as well as the falls and the shallow pool in which should could do some swimming, despite the cold. This would have been a better place for her den, possibly, but she was still content with the hidden one that she had dug out in the thicket of secrets.

Full to the point where she felt awkward and weighed down, Anyu wandered a yard or two away from the carcass of the deer and stretched her legs out before laying down on her side in the grass. Now she would be even dirtier, but she was tired after her travels and the hunt. What time of day was it anyways? She wasn't even sure right now she was so drowsy.

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine


one [little] miracle - Kanosak - Feb 10, 2012


Kano stretched langidly and yawned. It was getting late. He was loathe to leave his new companions but they were all fed and content, and it was a fair walk back to his hollow tree den in the wildwood. The stranger was still laying there, ignoring his offer of help and there was little more he could do at this stage. It wasn't like he kept a cache of healing plants and in winter she was lucky he managed to track down even willow.

He settled on his hanches, delaying the inevitable. He would need to let his food settle a little before he started the journey home.



one [little] miracle - Kashikoi - Feb 14, 2012

Ooc: waited as long as i could so now im posting

Kashi looked around at them all, he wished he could help the one wolf and wished he could stay with the two others. But he knew he had to leave before he grew attached to them. He felt if he was to stay with them he would only be a dead weight for them and it would be selfish to only think of himself. He looked down sadly and started to walk away with what felt like a stomach full of stones. "i better be leaving i guess, ill never forget you guys or your help, bye." he said this as he started to walk away with his head and tail drooped. Maybe they would all meet again, he knew it was a far fetched hope but it was the only one that he had.