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one [little] miracle — Bramble Falls 
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Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Sure, she had meant to return to her den after that last encounter in the woods, but the farther south she went the more interesting things seemed to be. Upon wandering further she had found a creek, and over the course of a day she had followed it. Now she found herself looking at a grand waterfall, the first she had seen here. There had been waterfalls in her old home; if she remembered correctly both Icecap river and Jade river had beautiful waterfalls, though her territory had none within its borders.

The water rumbled as it cascaded down from above, splashing against the rocks at the base and collecting into a lovely pool. Eventually the water flowed out into the creek she had followed. Anyu approached the edge of the pool and crouched down to lap at the water. It tasted as cool and as clear at the creek had as she had followed it and it refreshed her a little. The growling in her stomach reminded her that she would need to eat soon, but for now she was content to wander around; she would hunt later, after she began her journey back to her den in the Thicket of Secrets. Though, she had also considered founding a new den somewhere else.

As she stood up again she looked up at the falls once more. The sound was calming to her, for some reason. She wondered if there were fish in the pool when it was warmer; she hadn't seen any, but they would have made a good enough meal if there had been some present. She turned her head back to the pool and stared at the water, searching the depths for signs of life. She was hungry, after all. Her body still, she almost appeared to be in some kind of a trance.

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
It was a sound foreign to his ears that dragged him up the rivers bank. His natural curiosity piqued at the opportunity for a new discovery, just as it had done since he was a pup. For once instead of following his nose he utilised his ears and carefully picked his way through the undergrowth. As if bending to his wilful desire to see exactly what was causing the sloshing racket, the trees retreated from his line of sight revealing water cascading and crashing against the surface of a deceivingly calm pool.

A fine mist was thrown up by the falling water and Kanosak violently shook his golden fur, the sound covered by the crashing of the water into the pool, hoping the further fluffed it was, the less water would permeate to his skin. He found it impossible to sleep in the increasing cold when his fur was left damp.

He had been so caught up with the sight of the falls that he hadn't noticed the wolf sitting calmly and staring into the pool at her feet. He froze in place, unsure of how to approach the stranger. She seemed so focused that she hadn't yet noticed him and he contemplated retreating into the trees and slinking away unnoticed, but she didn't smell of a pack, and his experiences so far had been favourable.

As he went to move towards her he knocked a small stone with his paw and it fell into the water with a loud 'plonk'. He flinched and froze, his head down non-threateningly and avoiding openly staring. He chanced a quick glance with an apologetic grin, <b>"Uh, Hi..."</b>
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Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

She had remained in the trance, staring at the water, for so long that she had begun to imagine movement. She would see something in the periphery of her vision, but when she tried to look it would disappear. It seemed that there were no fish in the pool. If there were, they were hiding.

She was startled out of her trance when something hit the water (she wasn't sure what). Realizing how unaware she had been of her surroundings, she flipped around to see what had caused the noise. Even as she was turning, she heard someone speak, and the next thing she knew she was looking at wolf of a similar physique, possibly near her age. Because he was so near she immediately caught his scent despite the mist from the waterfall and knew that he was male.

For a moment she was angry, though it was mostly at herself. How could she have let her guard down to the point where a stranger was able to get so close to her so easily? Anger flashed in her eyes, but then she saw that he had oriented his body in a non-threatening way and she relaxed a little. Still, she couldn't help but be a little irritated after he had sneaked up on her.

In that moment when he had startled her she had seemed to gain some of the energy that she had once had, before her life had fallen apart. Now that she knew she was not facing an immediate threat it was as though that energy were gone. Her posture softened and her head lowered. Her eyes still showed some irritation, but mostly they looked sad and tired, as usual. Even though she had been feeling somewhat better over the last week or so, she was still filled with sadness as though there was a shadow over her heart.

“Why'd you sneak up on me like that?” she asked, trying to sound strong and demanding. She did want to know, of course, but she hardly sounded like a threat and it was clear by her posture that she wasn't in an aggressive mood.

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
After two days of seemingly endless wondering through the heavily wooded wild woods he found a stream leading through the woods determined and pressed by his hunger he followed the stream as it grew to a river and then a majestic waterfall. He then tilted his nose to the air in hopes of smelling the scents of life given prey but was shocked when instead he smelled two wolves. He lowered himself low to the ground in hopes of passing through unharmed. Frustrated as he was he knew that if it came to a fight he would surely lose.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kano visibly relaxed once the wolf in front of him realised he was there and didn't seem interested in a fight. <b>"Sorry about that, I-uh, got distracted by this..."</b> he said motioning to the waterfall. <b>"I've never seen one before... The noise... well my curiosity tends to get the better of me sometimes... most of the time..."</b> he finished with a smile. <b>"My name is Kanosak by the way... what's yours?"</b> he asked with a friendly tone.

As he finished introducing himself, the wind shifted direction and he caught the scent of yet another wolf. Suddenly on alert, his ears swivelled to try and pin-point the location of the new wolf, his tail held rigid and hackles up. There was something distinctly male about the scent but it still had a trace of pup about it. He attempted to relax a little, not wanting to scare the other wolf away, but he also wanted to make it clear that he wouldn't take a challenge lightly.
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Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Still gazing at the stranger with caution, slightly irritated by his intrusive approach, she heard him out as he explained himself. While she still felt that he had sneaked up on her and she was a little angry, she wasn't about to start a fight. Even though she felt that his excuse was weak, she did not say so and she accepted his response as adequate and nodded in acceptance.

When he introduced himself she hesitated to respond at first. Most of the strangers here had not offered her a name so quickly and she wasn't sure if she was ready to give him hers. She thought about it for a moment, and then slowly offered a single word as her response. “Anyu.”

As she took a breath after she spoke, Anyu caught the scent of another stranger on the wind. It seemed that Kanosak had also noticed it, for his posture and attitude changed in response to the possibility of another wolf on the scene. She could already tell that the new stranger was a male, and, because she was a little irritated after being sneaked up on moments ago, she took on her own dominant stance. Her head raised and her tail signaling the presence of a possible threat, she pricked her ears forward and called out to whoever was hiding. “Show yourself,” she demanded in a dominant tone, strong for her depressed state. She did not want anyone else sneaking up on her.

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashikoi was in the process of staying low to the ground to try and sneak past the two larger wolves. He felt sure that he would be able to sneak past them without any harm but no sooner than the thought left his head the very wind betrayed him and shifted. No he was so close, he thought to himself but his thought was interupted when he heard one of the wolves speak and say "Show yourself". Knowing that his scheme had failed he raised himself out of the tall weeds revealing himself and seeing the two wolves in the process, one male and one female.

By natural instinct he made himself as small as he could which came easy to him because of his lack of mass. keeping his tail tucked under, and his ears flat against his head he slowly approached the two wolves while the water continued to <span class='word'>bleb</span>. What are they going to punish me by? He dreaded the thought of having his muzzle or ears bitten. He cleared his throat which suddenly felt dry "I didn't meen to intrude I was just looking for food not a challenge." he prayed to the woods that the wolves would be merciful to him.
(This post was last modified: Jan 25, 2012, 09:15 PM by Kashikoi.)
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kano relaxed internally when he saw the size of the intruder but maintained his dominant stance. He was little more than a pup, still growing into his legs and ears. At this closer range it was obvious the yearling no longer smelled of pack and Kano shifted uncomfortably. Usually wolves would wait another year to gain the skills they needed to survive and though it wasn't unheard of for yearlings to leave the pack, they often had a much harder time surviving on their own and it went against his whole nature to see one so young struggling to survive on his own. The brown wolfs slim frame was testament to the difficulties that faced a young wolf alone but he was sure the smaller wolf would make up for it with speed.

Kano was fighting an internal battle. His strong sense of pack was telling him it was all wrong. Only one wolf had left his birth pack before her second year and she had been dead within weeks. Her story was told to the young wolves to explain the dangers that faced someone unprepared and he wondered what sort of pack would let a wolf so young slip away. He had noticed the submissive stance the youngster was holding and decided he had probably terrified him enough, his hackles settling and tail dropping slightly. At the mention of food Kano thought back to the last time he had shared a decent kill. It had been almost a week ago and he was once again beginning to feel the pangs of hunger that weren't unheard of for a lone wolf. The white wolf was still quiet standoffish and he sighed internally. <b>"And I imagine from the look of you, you haven't had a decent meal in a long time. I am Kanosak, what is your name?"</b>

If he wasn't going to attack he may as well get preliminaries out of the way, maybe at the mention of food the she-wolf would warm a little to the thought of a potential hunting party. She could clearly do with a decent meal as well, and he thought it might just lift her spirits a little. If the youngster hadn't arrived he might have tried to engage her in play although he wasn't sure how much success he would have had, she looked like she could use some fun.

<i>OOC: quick explanation, started this as a lone wolf. Kano's old pack were very traditional and he grew up pretty sheltered in the sense that it was rare for anyone to leave the pack at all, and everything revolved around the pups and what was best for them. So the thought of such a young wolf out alone when the only stories he had heard were of his aunt leaving the pack and being killed by a bear shakes him up a bit. </i>
(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2012, 12:36 AM by Kanosak.)
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Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Anyu's eyes softened a little when the young wolf showed himself. He was just a small thing, and clearly malnourished - even more than she was. She lowered her head and her tail took on a relaxed, neutral position. She pricked her ears forward and looked down at the youngster. He couldn't have been more than a year or so old. At almost five years, that made her four years older than him. He was young enough to be her son. With that in mind, her motherly instincts didn't take long to kick in.

“Look at you,” she said, her voice soft. “You look like you haven't eaten in ages." She moved a little closer to the youngster, but not too close. She didn't want to frighten him; she just wanted him to know that she wasn't going to hurt him.

She heard Kanosak speak and lifted her head to look at him. He seemed like a good sort of wolf, and she had an idea that she thought he might go along with. “I'm hungry,” she told him in a matter-of-fact way. “We've got three wolves here. That's enough for a hunt.” She wasn't sure if the little one was up for it, but she turned back to him anyways. “What d'you say, Scrap,” she said, calling him Scrap in an endearing sort of way. “Should we find you something to eat?”

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Upon hearing the request for his name he would quietly answer "kashikoi is my name..." he watched as the older wolves abandoned their dominant stances which perplexed him. He was expecting to have to use his precious energy he need for hunting to out run the two. He certainly wasnt expecting them to be kind. But wat surprised him more was how the female started to comment about how starved he looked it made him long for the taste of warm meat again. Before he could continue his thoughts the female asked if he wanted to help in a hunt an actual hunt not with him watching! He eagerly replied "i would love to help with the hunt" his tail started to wag as he said this showing he was excited.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.