Ruins of Wildwood
Sacred Grove Do Wishes Really Come True? - Printable Version

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Do Wishes Really Come True? - Jessie - Jun 28, 2012


She was not being addressed quite yet, but she was comfortable enough, to an extent, to where she wasn’t running away from the bulky leader, her tail tucked underneath her underbelly. She was smaller than all of the wolves here, they all towered over her greatly. She was not scared though, she refused to be scared by these other wolves that would, hopefully, soon, be her pack mates. Cali’s leader’s words did not shock her and for that she did not miss a beat. Looking up at the leader slightly she said in a respectable voice, “Yes, sir. I will be here, whenever you need me to be and will protect everyone to the highest of my abilities.”

Jessie kept her answer short and simple with much to offer within it. She didn’t want to seem stuck up to the older male. She would be loyal to them. . .but she would not suck up to them. She never had ever had to do such a thing. She would be loyal to the pack that she might have the honor of joining her sister’s pack. The whole reason she had come to Relic Lore was to be with her sister and that was her plan for the future. What made her overly happy though. . .was being able to probably join a pack in the process.


Do Wishes Really Come True? - Indru - Jun 30, 2012

Could probably finish this up after another round or so! Unless someone wants to roleplay it fading to black and them all running off into the sunset. :P I'm fine with either.

While Cali's recommendation had already began to help Indru's decision on the female it was important to hear her agree to pledge her loyalty from her own mouth, especially with something as important as this. The female did not let her sister down though, and Indru nodded at her words, giving himself a moment to scan the younger female over. So far she had yet to show herself as respectful but not timid, and it was a good trait to have, for while Indru would not accept disrespect to himself or those within his pack a wolf too timid would not be of the most help either.

After a beat Indru stepped forward, his posture shifting from the more relaxed dominance to a more intense one, the true test to whether she would accept his lead. Jessie, he began, his tone still with a trace of formality as he closed the gap between them. Swift River values loyalty above all else and if you can give us this, you'll find a family within our borders, it was a fair exchange, and something he knew most wolves sought instinctively, the social creatures they were. Cali had recently experienced the acceptance of a lone wolf into their ranks first hand and Indru could only hope now that as her loyalty showed she too was beginning to feel part of the pack, and wolves around as long as Marsh, the leader found it hard to distinguish them from his blood.

After a beat he took the last step which entered her personal space and leaned down in an attempt to grasp the female's muzzle between his jaws, the grip wouldn't be hard or painful but it would be strong and unyielding and if accepted, mark her entrance into the pack.


Do Wishes Really Come True? - Marsh - Jun 30, 2012

Cali's eagerness for her sister's acceptance was painfully obvious, and Marsh found himself hoping that the girl satisfied Indru's demands. To have her sister in the pack would only strengthen Cali's loyalty and dedication; though Marsh himself no longer had connections to his own blood, he understood the strength of it.

Jessie spoke, her tone and manner acceptable, and it was clear in Indru's own response - both verbal and body - that he agreed. The leader closed the gap and reached forward in that final act that would make or break it for the young wolf, but Marsh did not think she would recoil from his grasp. Swift River would be one stronger today.

He ignored the fact that he was watching a ritual of acceptance, that a similar thing had played out between him and this very wolf and had gone so differently. Stubbornly, he ignored it.

Do Wishes Really Come True? - Cali - Jun 30, 2012

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Cali could hardly contain her excitement, but she did her best to maintain a proper stance as Indru approached Jessie and offered her the same muzzle grip that he had offered her not so very long ago. If Jessie submitted and completely accepted his dominance and leadership they would be together once more. She really couldn't think of a better outcome right now and so far, Jess had done everything just right.

A happy excitement coursed through her body as the moments seemed to drag out in anticipation. Her rambunctious, sweet baby sister had grown up and found her, hundreds of miles from her birth pack. Now, she was about to join her adopted pack with her and Cali would feel even more gratitude towards Indru and the Swift River pack for bringing her back together with Jessie. Indru could have turned her away, with young vulnerable pups barely born, but he trusted Cali and Jessie gave all the right signs and so he was giving the young fae a precious opportunity.


Do Wishes Really Come True? - Jessie - Jul 01, 2012


After Indru replied to her, she stayed silent and dipped her head to him as he approached her. She refused to be intimidated by him. . .but she would be respectful. He was royalty and Jessie’s couldn’t deny that fact. Her sister and Marsh stayed completely silent though, which she understood. They were not longer in charge due to their alpha coming here, and she couldn’t do anything about that. She was being a submissive as she could be at the moment. . .she had heard of how to actually do so, but the time had never come for her need to submit. . .until now.

Soon enough she felt a firm nip on her muzzle. It didn’t hurt and it wasn’t painful but it was strong and accepting. She had been accepted into the pack that her sister was in and to say she was excited was a complete understatement. She couldn’t be any happier. She gave a soft whine to the alpha in thanks and licked his chin quickly. She was now his subordinate and she would serve him and the pack well, to the best of her ability. She was thankful that the spirits granted her with this wonderful opportunity.


Do Wishes Really Come True? - Indru - Jul 01, 2012

Quick post to conclude - I don't think it's necessary to respond unless you want to, so one of you feel free to archive it. :)

Quickly, just like that, Swift River expanded and one more joined their ranks. Jessie so far showed all signs of respect his leadership, and by proxy Corinna's, yet earning their trust would not be an instant thing like Cali herself had learned. It took time and action to show your loyalty, but with the added endorsement her sister was able to give Jessie would perhaps have a slightly easier time of it.

Once she had licked his chin in acknowledgement Indru washed his tongue over the top of her nose in response, to finalise the acceptance, before he withdrew from her looking at each of the gathered wolves in turn. Time to see your new home, Jessie, he began with a soft smile, he presumed Cali would take the liberty this time of showing Jessie an in depth exploration of the territory the River wolves claimed but Indru would be the one to see her finally over the borders. Then, without further hesitation he turned and crossed back into the pack lands presuming the rest would follow his lead.
