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Swift River The Crossing - Printable Version

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The Crossing - Makita - Mar 05, 2011

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OOC: Dang it. Post over. Oh well. :D

Makita watched for a moment from the bushes as the fight went down. Snarling ripped through the air and the teeth and claws went wild lashing at their opponents. It was all quite a sight, and the sound was unbearable. Eventually, though, the buff loner decided to leave as well. It was the smart thing to do, as there was no reason in staying and fighting because they tresspassed onto the Swift River's land. The she - wolf waited, watching as Kenit turned and fled, though pride was still in his stance and in his goodbye snarl to the group. The she - wolf watched for a moment as they exchanged looks at wounds, and somewhere in Makita's heart she felt a tugging to be in a pack. After her discussion with Borden, she was going to be a Midnight Plateau wolf. Maybe it was the fact that there was shelter and food provided for her, but it was more the fact that the bond between a pack was close, just like her family's was.

Her head swung around to lick the wound on her rear, but it was out of reach of her tongue. It wasn't too terribly painful, just a nagging throb and an annoying ache. It would be better soon, hopefully. The she - wolf turned to watch the wolves once more, the jealousy growing and then sinking as she remembered her discussion with Borden. She turned silently and began to walk slowly, taking one paw - step at a time. Makita was smart enough to know that the wolves would eventually check to make sure she was gone, and she didn't want to be there when they did. They put up a good fight, though it was unfair and uneven. Makita had been outnumbered, and that's probably a reason why she left. It was, though, mainly because she knew that she was fighting for no particular reason. The wolf had scented her on their land and it was her responsibility to get off, not stand around and wait for some wolf she had just met. Stupid mistakes, Makita growled to herself mentally. Mistakes were for learning, and not making again, though.


The Crossing - Indru - Mar 07, 2011


We could end on this round, guys, if you wanted? 8D Not sure if Maicoh needs to post again? Katsuma's call I guess. :3

A growl of victory escaped from Indru's throat as he tasted blood, knowing that his attack to the male's neck had been a success and that one was sure to hurt even though he missed the artery. The male turned tail and ran, fleeing from the pack lands he would be wise not to cross again and Indru stepped forward away from his pack mates barking after him until he was sure he had gone, keen to make sure they were not hurt again from a surprise attack. He heard Corinna talking behind him and when he was sure the wolf had left he turned around to watch the two River wolves fondly, times like these, after events, were when the pack bonded most closely. The two praised each other as Corinna checked Triell's wound and Indru stepped towards his brother, pressing his nose to his muzzle in congratulatory affection and meeting his eyes briefly with a smile. I'm fine, he responded to Corinna when she asked, a warm smile curving his muzzle again as he looked at her, running his nose down over Triell as he checked for wounds, travelling around him to look at the patch of missing skin caused by Maicoh, anger flooding his mouth like something sour briefly. He was hurt, but it wasn't serious, but Indru was angry that he did not prevent it, I'm sorry Triell, but you did fantastic again. The praise was supported with a lick to Triell's young face and a wag of Indru's proud tail that was raised in the air in their success.

Now that he was confident that his brother was fine Indru approached Corinna, tail waving behind him still, and he nudged her muzzle with his nose also before licking the top of it, moving past her to check her over as well. She had a wound to her shoulder, again like Triell's it wasn't serious, and Indru's nose wrinkled once again to show his displeasure. He pressed his tongue to it soothingly before 'whuffing' in annoyance and then continuing to walk around the lithe female, running his muzzle along her spine to check for wounds under her fur and using his nose to scent for blood. He could find none so returned back to the center of them, looking at them both. You did the pack a great service, both of you, he nodded, grinning at the pair before him, so thank you. Then, with a distinct and clear pleasure, Indru raised his head to howl for the pack's success and strength, his voice only missing the ones of his two companions.


The Crossing - Corinna - Mar 08, 2011

OOC: Katsu, if you want to post Maicoh, go right ahead. =)


Gone Tomorrow

The wound wasn't really serious, it wouldn't cause her any permanent trouble. Indru's investigation of her body showed that she had come out of the scuffle fairly unscathed, with only the single minor wound on her shoulder. It would heal with time; until then she would have to tolerate the pain. Indru had managed to come out of the fight without any wounds, a miracle in and of itself considering how intense it had gotten. It was disgusting that the Swift River wolves had come out of the battle wounded at all; not when they had been the innocent party. It might have been hypocritical, considering she herself had once trespassed on the beloved territory, but she had left when instructed to do so. She had not put up a fight within the territory's borders like these puckish intruders had.

Shooting off one more look in the direction that the intruders had gone, she barked once before turning her attention back to her leader, who had taken up the central position in the middle of the trio. His head was raised and out of his mouth a dominating voice was howling to the sky. Wagging her tail, Cori smiled at Indru before tilting back her own head. Black lips parting, her own soprano voice joined in with the leader's. Her notes harmonized with his for a moment before rising into an octave that he as a male could never reach, adding her voice into this show of their unity over their lands.


The Crossing - Maicoh - Mar 09, 2011


OOC: Hhehe! Figure he might as well get a last post in.. ;D RUnning like a pansy! Eheheh.. Now I'm done.. ;D

The fire in his hide spurred him faster as he ran from the scene, and the packlands of Swift River. HE had sought to protect Makita - and had she just LEFT when it had started, he could have followed without having his hide punctured. The male growled under his breath in frustration as he lowered his head to follow the females scent. Perhaps..she wouldn't be the one for his plans.. Of course.. that meant he'd have to find a new scapegoat - and not one that traveled on others lands. Then again, the same could be said for him, since he was on their lands to begin with.. But he'd never been the smartest of the bunch, not really. Maicoh moved, working his way off the lands of Swift River - knowing that he would have to hunker down somewhere and lick his wounds. At least spring was coming..right? Soon, he hoped.


The Crossing - Triell - Mar 11, 2011

ooc; a good end with them howling their victory? sorry for the wait by

the way.

Like good adults neither worried about themselves. Triell held still for

his second inspection. He could feel the heat radiate off Indru, like it

was it was the anger. The young Tainn figured he had the much better

end of the stick than the lone wolves. He had a great familiy, a great

pack, and knew better then to trespass. "Awe, no biggie Indy. I'm

Jaws opened in an assured smile, black tail wagging faintly

behind him. His chest could been puffed, knowing he had done the

pack a service, listening to a job well done. Alone, no, but as young as

he was he didn't like intruders. Specially dumb ones who knew what

harm they could do? All three could live proud in their vicotry. They

had protected their home, and enforced their borders.

Casually he stood, happy Indru checked on Cori. She was much family as anyone with Tainn blood, in truth he saw more and more why Indy had brought her home. Proudly he held his tail behind him, and carried his head with composure. A merry grin he exchanged looks. They had all done a job well done. When the baritone note of Indru realeased, and Cori's light tune rang in Triell took his place. Throwing his head back he called a tenor note joining in the victorious song.