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Heartleaf Creek rain rain go away - Printable Version

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rain rain go away - Triell - Feb 04, 2012

The black male strolled along the creek at a tedious pace. He had chosen to stay in Swift River,but he was second guessing himself. He missed Volkan, Kinis, and Ruiko. The first days hadn't been hard, they were starting to add up. Each day seemed longer than the next. He was very hopeful to see one of them around somewhere. He was not lucky enoug hto run into them. And he did not know where Ruiko had claimed, and the thought unsettled him. How would he see them? He'd looked in some spots in his spare time. Relic Lore was quiet vast, and the winter made it tougher to travel further. He wasn't sure to do if he did find them. He knew though he may be Ruiko's brother he would not want to trespass past his brother's borders. Surely he would have packmates who would not know who Triell was. He could visibly excogitate a fight of sorts breaking out. He did not want to start any trouble. What really scared him was could he say goodbye again.

Thoughts nagging at his mind, his bright colored eyes loomed to the gurgling water. Here at the creek it was easy to recall his encounter with another black yearling male, claiming to be Volkan's brother. What he had said, and those emotions became vivid his questions many. He stepped closer to the icey banks, and resided to his haunches just staring into the murky water. He did not know where to begin.

rain rain go away - Ice - Feb 04, 2012

you do not know who is your friend

or who is your enemy

until the   ICE breaks.
One moment he'd been going west, then north, then east, then south, then west, south, north... Where he went was left to fate and caprice; just like unstable weather he suddenly changed course, padding away again, but never too far. For now, his life centered itself around the Sacred Grove, and the Swift River den site. It wasn't as if the place needed guarding, or that he particularly enjoyed it, but it felt good to fill the vacancy of that place with himself. Sometimes, another wolf would pass by, and Ice would awkwardly try to make something of the meeting, but it wasn't easy. In the end, he'd followed his wandering feet somewhere else - away, in whichever direction he fancied for the moment. Eventually, he neared one of the waters running through the Sacred Grove, and with distaste flashing across his face, he prepared to turn again and move away.

But there was someone there...

Intrigued, Ice moved closer, relaxed and, for once, mostly at peace within himself. On the icy shore sat a black wolf he thought he knew by scent - one of the Swift River yearlings. The name wasn't on his lips, and Ice frowned a little as he approached the lone black wolf. He sat, looking desolate, staring at the waters as if wanting to fall in.. or perhaps it was busy hypnotizing him and stealing his soul? Shuddering, Ice pressed on, large paws leaving dents in the soft snow. Without thinking, his body posture changed ever so slightly; his head came further up, the same could be said about his tail, and over all his step became more confident. The black wolf had the makings of a large wolf but he wasn't really there yet, and by virtue of size and age, Ice slipped into the dominant role. He might be a blundering idiot with words, but there was a wolf inside of him. White breath snaked out between his half-open jaws as he came up beside the dark male, drawing in his scent but pointedly not looking at the damned water. Instead, he studied the far bank for a moment before tilting his head to the side, looking down at him - the name still eluded him, but he knew one hundred percent that it was a pack mate.

"Why so down, kid?" he asked as one might ask of the weather. The other male might be on the large side and more or less full grown by now, but it was still a youth. Being nearly four years old, Ice decided that he was well within his rights to call anyone half his age kid. Besides, it was a kind of..fondness to his voice when he uttered the word. Ice had never been as cold as his name suggested.
.ice aesir

hope you don't mind my company! :)

rain rain go away - Triell - Feb 05, 2012

happy to rp with ya, and meet ice :)
What he really wanted to do was fall into the snow on is back, close his eyes and rest with the cold numbing his body. Considering the length of his coat, and his mass it would take awhile. Hell, he had all day. The the young Tainn didn't move a muscle. He kept staring at the water, not really seeing anything. How long he sat he didn't know, his senses dull to the outgoings of the world. He did not know an onlooker was gazing at him not even when he lingered closer. Probably not the brighest thing, in the open sitting so close to the creek obvlious to his surroundings. He was troubled by his thoughts, and couldn't shake them. He ended up half jumping when a grey mottled fellow settled beside him. "Oi!" he said trying not to fall into the creek. He pushed off his toes settling back to his haunches. His slightly raised black mane soon falling back in place along his back. Bright eyes blinking he took a good look at his companion. He did not know his name either, but knew he was of Swift River. They had likely passed each other, but both had avoided any intial greeting. Triell felt a little guilty about that. It seemed to creep into his dark features for a second.

However, he suddenly remembered he had been asked a question. Mouth drawn open an audible sound came out, but nothing in the form of words. He shut it unsure what he wanted to say. He was a little shocked from this surprise visit. Quickly he cleared his throat, and shuffled his front paws in the snow. "I'm just missing some friends," he managed in a much better speaking tone, a quiet sigh following while his eyes looked across the creek. Where were they? There was more to his sad aura, but he wasn't sure where to begin. Would talking to someone he didn't know well help?

His snout titled back to the older male, and he took in the matching silver eyes, and many colors of his coat. He admired how different Ice's coat was as his was mostly black except for the white patch on his chest. Hardly counted as pied, it was more plain. A sheepish smile he added, "I don't think we've offically met. I'm Triell, Indru's little brother," he said letting his tail wag a couple times. Or try as it ended up hitting more on the snow bank, and stopping. He grinned further, he wasn't really little any more, but the word had come out. Younger would have been better. Oh well.

rain rain go away - Ice - Feb 06, 2012

you do not know who is your friend

or who is your enemy

until the   ICE breaks.
It seemed that his black companion had been entirely.. well, lost in thoughts. When Ice suddenly came up beside him, and really he hadn't even tried to sneak, the yearling never jumped into the water. Ice's mouth dropped open and he nearly lunged for the scruff of the black male, but Triell managed to catch himself and Ice was left standing, legs splayed for balance and his mouth open. Quickly, he shut it, teeth clicking together. Well, they'd avoided major disaster.. Or, well, the kid had. Ice hadn't done anything but nearly scare him into the river. Unhappily he glared at the waters trickling by. They were cursed, most likely. With a half-rumble half-sigh he looked back to his companion, watching his face with open interest. While there wasn't anything hostile at all about his posture, he still pointedly avoided to stare at those fascinating yellow lantern-like eyes for any longer period of time. It just wouldn't do to have random fights with his new family. Instead, he found himself staring at the wolf's chest. Nestled in the deep black was a patch as white as newly fallen snow under moonlight, something Ice found very...fascinating. From a purely aethestical point of view, the black wolf was full of contrasts. Knowing that he was getting sidetracked and yet unable to stop, his gaze drifted from the dark to the bright eyes, back to the dark, to the white patch...

.. and then he spoke, shuffling his paws in the snow. Ice's ears twitched and he let his eyes come up again, briefly resting on Triell's face before moving aside again. Missing some friends. It sounded very sad indeed, and Ice felt a twinge of unhappiness in his heart. "I'm sorry," he said, settling down beside the other male, his thick fur isolating his skin from the cool snow. "I never had friends." Despite what he said, he didn't sound that unhappy about it. It was true, though. Ice had been born somewhere else in a very small pack, but he'd left it and strayed as a solitary wolf until he came upon the Riddle Heights. Then, he'd come down at the start of winter and now he was here. In a sense, his birth-pack was less of family then Swift River was now. He hadn't chosen where to be born, but he had chosen to follow Indru. "But if I had some, I guess I'd miss them too. If they were gone, that is. Are they gone?" His head tilted to the side. Ice was, perhaps, the worst conversationalist ever, but he was sincere anyway. A bit stupid at times, but sincere and well-meaning. He guessed that Triells' friends were missing, why would he miss them otherwise? But to what degree where they missing? Out of Relic Lore, dead, permanently angry? If they just weren't here, why didn't he go find them?

Introductions came around, though, and Ice gave a quick bob of his head. Triell, Indru' For a moment, Ice's gaze froze. Well, yes - they were both very large, and Triell's eyes were similar to Indru's, just more...startlingly bright. Different color, same type of fur. Yes, plausible. "I'm Ice," he just said. Indru's pet he nearly wanted to add, but it wasn't really true. He was just the local social retard, even though his tail was twitching in the snow in some spastic imitation of happiness. "Good to finally have your name." Though I can't promise I'll remember it. Idly, he wondered if the conversation would stick on them now, or revert back to friends. They were a peculiar thing to Ice, he'd never really thought about it until now - and if Triell's friends were missing.. well, they should go find them! Though, he didn't dare suggest that just now. He didn't have a clue who Triell really was. Perhaps he was a really boring companion on adventures.
.ice aesir

rain rain go away - Triell - Feb 07, 2012

He noticed his close call had brought Ice to his feet to try and assist him. Triell imagined they both might have went in the cold creek instead, and was glad they were both warm, dry, and on the banks. He still would think of the male in a good light. It meant something when someone tried to help another. Though he was aware Indru, and Corinna would unlikely have accepted a malicious wolf in their depths, he liked froming his own opinion about things. He'd never met a wolf who joined the river pack he did't like. That was Triell. He could get along with just about anybody. If not, it wasn't because he had a stick up his hind end.

With notice to Ice's wandering gaze he didn't praticularly mind. This was their first encounter, but he was a little puzzled why he kept shifting his silver eyes around. It dawned on him he was avoiding eye contact. The thought brushed a smirk on his face. "You know, your above me, and I don't plan on challenging you..." For now. Was his after though. It didn't seem like a good idea to say it aloud. Maybe he wouldn't. It was likely Marsh he'd have to face. He actually wanted to hopefully make friends with this guy. Triell hated it when someone was uncomfortable around him. When he was a pup nobody cared, and now almost everyone was a little shifty around him. He didn't think size or age should matter, but it apparently did. He tried not to let irriation roll under his skin. It wasn't anybody's fault just life he guessed.

Luckily it wasn't too hard. A quiet sorry, Triell bobbed his head not saying much. Quickly his thick jaw went slack, and his dark eyebrows rose when Ice expressed he had never had friends. Though there was no sadness to him, it just didn't sound very wonderful. He had lots of friends/family. He preffered company over solitude. He reclamped his lips, trying to keep himself in check. He didn't want to offend him, but his brows were now creased in his puzzlement. He didn't interupt, he was watching as the creamy and gray muzzle moved. "Them? Kinda. But they aren't dead, if that's what you mean," he said, his face smoothing into a more sober expression. A filtered sigh blowing through his teeth he straightened himself out, letting his yellow-orange eyes flicker to the trickling water. "They left with my other brother, Ruko, to start a new pack. I..I actually kinda wanted to go with them, but I just...couldn't." He tried to replay what he said, had it made sense? Feeling the tension in his shoulders he lifted one giving it a quick pop. "I want to see them, I don't know where to start though. I know they're in Relic Lore but I haven't found where yet," was his depressed statement. He felt a little odd sharing this with him, at the same time he felt better just to have someone lend a listening ear.

"Ice," he stated though it was a simple thing to prounounce he did so to place it in his head not to get lost. It fit the male, not because he was cold, but his coloring reminded Triell of the dormant winter. "Likewise," he said, a half smile curving his lips. When an influx of strangers had come to Swift River he had avoided making contact with any of them. He kinda liked Ice, and if he wasn't skittering in his presence maybe they would be friends.

"So, how are you liking the grove?"

rain rain go away - Ice - Feb 09, 2012

you do not know who is your friend

or who is your enemy

until the   ICE breaks.
Somehow - quite inevitable, no doubt - Triell puzzled out what he was doing. It made him feel strange, nearly being scolded for being overly polite. For a moment, Ice's ears clamped down on his head and he stared aside. A rush of heat swept through him, making him feel strangely warm and heavy. Scowling, his ears returned to their position, but he still looked aside. "I was just admiring you," he said in a voice that was part defensive, part childish. Only after the words had left his mouth did he realize how utterly stupid they sounded. Scowling even harder, his head snapped up and his pale eyes settled on Triell's bright one. For a moment he held the contact, no pressure given from his side, but then, a rush of adrenaline widened his pupils and his mouth slipped half-open. Briefly, he gave Triell a piece of that intenser stare, but then he laughed, a hearty sound, and relaxed. "Just kidding, kid," he said and winked, feeling decidedly odd. Triell seemed to have some sort of positive effect on him, he felt.. more at ease then he had before, more like himself and not that three months old pup that sometimes took over his mind. There was nothing of the rushed speeches and weird rambles, but instead there was more of the adult wolf. Geeze, I'm getting old... He wasn't certain if he liked it, or not.

He took his eyes entirely off the black youngster, and stared away in the distance, out across the creek. The trees stood tall and silent, and his tail swept in an arc. Powdery snow rose like dust. Sighing, a plume of white escaping his mouth, he watched the other side as he listened, ears twisting every once in a while. It felt better to look this way, then at Triell. That was just...stupid, especially after his earlier comment.

One of Ice's 'brows rose up in an expression of surprise. "Couldn't"? That was...fancy. He wanted to ask why, but instead make a wolf's equivalent of a shrug. Perhaps he liked Indru more then this Ruko. But then, shouldn't it be more of a good riddance deal..? Ice's face settled in a frown. Perhaps it was a gray zone, not black and white. "I'm planning on ranging south for a bit in a while," he said, still watching the dirty bank on the other side. Animals had drunk there, churning the snow into a muddy mess. "I can't get across the entire southern region, but I can sniff around on my way down and up, see if they've settled there." It was the best he could do, for now - once that was over and done with, and if Triell hadn't already found his lost Ruko, perhaps they could go on a harebrained quest to find them. It could be fun. He liked the black yearling, despite the fact that he brought out the more sensible - and, as it always were, the more thoughtful - side of him. Ice usually enjoyed being stupid, not thinking, and, as a result of that, a rambling fool. It was a rather painless existence. This.. was new, but he'd touched these parts of himself before, and perhaps he could learn to like it. He just doubted he could stay in this mindset when near Indru or Cori...

"So, how are you liking the grove?"

"I prefer the trees and not the creeks," he said without thinking. Blinking, he turned to Triell and gave him a bit of a bashful grin. His greatest dilemma when asking Indru to join was the pack's name - Swift River. He hated unfrozen water in every shape and form - lakes, creeks, rivers, rapids... Hurr hurr, no thanks. ".. I mean, uh, I'm not particularly fond of water." He frowned. Perhaps that was why his parents had named him Ice? Because he hated liquid water? "But the creeks are, eh, fairly harmless. And, the wolves I've met are nice, but Cori'skindascary." He had no reason at all to think that, he realized; stopping, frowning, staring. Rambling again. Corinna hadn't ever been angry with him, just stared at him quizzically (and likely thought him a fool) when they met and she led him home from the Wildwood. It just..was something with her. As if she could be terribly, terribly angry when..angry. Sighing, he let his head hang a little. Really, all he wanted to do now was to hide it in the snow between his paws, but the water was too close and he wasn't enough of a gymnast to bend at such awkward angles.
.ice aesir

rain rain go away - Triell - Feb 11, 2012

A single brow quirked, and he eyed Ice warily believing he had offended the older male. Damn,not exactly what he wanted to do. He was aware Ice could be in Swift River permanently, and if he couldn't be easy around Triell the yearling (almost two year old) would go mad. His encounter with Suvah had proved how uncomfortable he was making someone feel out of place. What Ice didn't help, it only made his mind swirl wondering what he meant by that. Suddenly the silver stare became hard, and Triell's head flinched backward, his muscles coiling beneath his dark coat. Out of instinct he about wanted to narrow his own gaze, a waring growl so close to humming in his throat. Luckily, he only flinched, and than Ice laughed catching him off guard. Heat rose in his cheeks, and an uncertain smile played on his lips. He was sure Ice was merely pulling his leg, but he couldn't recover as rapidly as he wanted. "Oh, I thought I was making you nervous or something. Apparently not," he said, cracking an opened mouth smile.

He let his eyes skip to the creek glad for the shrug instead of wonderment about it. He couldn't explain it himself. Indru was his oldest brother, and the closet thing to a father he had. They had been rather inseparable, much like Ruiko and Kinis. It wasn't he didn't like Ruiko, but even he realized what it what it would do to Indru. It was not the only thing. Leaving Cori and the pups to find Indru still had him guilty. He was trying to make up for his disappearance. He no longer felt an outsider to his family, which had started the thought in his head. No, now it was Volkan pulling his heart. Yet, the words of her brother he couldn't shake, and he clenched his jaws wishing he could find her. Surely she would sort it out...

He snapped back to attention, looking at Ice once second, and the sky the next. He was offering to see if they were south? That was kind of him, and another surprise. "Thanks man, I'd imagine they might have hints of Swift River still. Err, maybe." He said, shifting his nose in Ice's direction. There wasn't much confidence they would, but he could hope. "Ruiko's the leader, then there's my litter mate Kinis, and my...friend Volkan," he said, deciding it couldn't hurt to share their names. He had to resist describing them.

He openly laughed at Ice's expression, and his dislike for water. He meant no harm, but couldn't help it. Another wolf who didn't care to swim, and lived in Swift River. It was priceless. His laughter died, and he drew still. He thought Cori was kind a scary? His black nose wrinkled, and he tried to suppress a chuckle but it it rang out as well. He tried to stop, and started sucking in a large breath of air. He hiccuped once, and than wiped his long limb over his slight watering eyes. "Sorry, okay, let me get this straight. You don't care for water, and Corinna sorta is scary?" He gently shook his head, his grin starting to hurt his cheeks. He couldn't disagree exactly. When Cori was pissed, and particularly protective of her pups Triell wouldn't know who would dare cross her. Ice couldn't have seen her bad side, had he? Expression at last sobering, he let out a wary breath. "Cori's a mom and has been through a lot. Yes, she is very fierce," he said, awe and respect in his voice. To assure Ice he wasn't trying to be cruel, he playfully shoulder bumped him adding,"Really she's cool. When I first met her when I was a pup, I pretty much deemed her by new best friend. And water I wish I could relate there, but swimming's the best."

rain rain go away - Ice - Feb 18, 2012

you do not know who is your friend

or who is your enemy

until the   ICE breaks.
Damn, and he ducked his head just a little, trying to bring up his foreleg to hide behind as Triell flinched. The mirth that had begun to creep through his body faded into something that was just as awkward and embarrassed as guilty, ashamed. Why on earth had he done that? Of course a wolf would react if you stared at it, stupid, stupid, stupid Ice. Berating himself he peered at the male again when he spoke, but made no move to reply, all he did was give him a very quick grin, too far gone for it to be studied and found crumbling at the seams. He wasn't certain at all of how to behave or how to react, and for a moment it nearly freaked him out as his thoughts became all haywire and ran rampant. To say something now would be stupid, for he had no coherent words flowing through his head, and so he clamped his jaws forcibly shut to keep it from spilling out. Instead, he tried to find something to hold on to in the vortex of his brain, looking for the steadiness he'd had mere moments before - an island in a raging sea, a rock in the storm... Where had it gone? Away, away; as his eyes watched the water without seeing, he tried to probe some sort of order into his own head. Often he found himself locked in these moments when he had no clue what to do, and nothing to say either, when he didn't know what to think or what to do to stop himself from analyzing his misbehavior. He guessed it was the price to pay when you had a rusty mind and had lived alone for too long. Somewhere deep down you knew how to act, and did it when required, but the mind did not actively know. It questioned, shouted why and really, with as little social interaction as Ice had had, it was no wonder that he was socially incompetent.

He was glad that Triell didn't deem him a queer fool for his offer, and once he realized that his eyes were on the water, he snapped them up and back to the male. Briefly, he rested his gaze on that black face, and bobbed his head. Ruiko, Kinis, Volkan. While two were brothers, one was a friend, and though he hadn't caught the slight pause before the word, he did understand the way he laid weight on the name. Somehow, it seemed like she was the most important one of the three. He guessed he'd remember the name Ruiko because he'd heard it thrice or something, Kinis he'd likely forget in a minute, but Volkan he shoved into his memory, ramming it in between other tidbits of facts. Even if his adventure south turned nothing up, he could always run around and ask others if they'd met this Volkan or had any news of her whereabouts. He wasn't certain why, but for some reason he knew it'd please him immensely to find her and reunite her and Triell. Despite how much of a fool Ice was when it came to socialization, he still clung on to the notion that he liked this black male, and to do something nice for someone.. well, it would be nice.

But then he laughed.

Ice was quite far from a pachyderm, and at the sound of Triell's laughter he flinched visibly. He wasn't unused to people finding his rambles amusing, Indru had radiated it when they'd met the first time, but somehow the open laughter.. he wasn't prepared. His mind ran straight back into its dizzying pattern of thoughts, analyzing, picking his words apart, where did it go wrong, what did I say, what did I do. Steadying, the large male perched kind of nearly leaning away, trying to chase the wariness away. He's a friend, he's a friend, he's a friend, he tried to tell himself, but he wasn't socialized enough to read the nuances of laughter even if he himself could use them - after all, he'd laughed, in a good way, at Triell. But when someone else did it.. how does on tell one type of laughter from another? Worried, anxious, Ice sat and watched the black male shake with his mirth, eventually wiping his eyes on a slim black leg. Even though he wasn't laughing anymore, he was grinning, and as he spoke Ice searched his face. He could find no hint of malice there, so.. perhaps.. perhaps it was all good.

Then Triell gave him a shoulder bump, but Ice had already been sitting with a compromised balance. The sudden push made him yelp and nearly fall, but he managed to get halfway onto his feet and steadying. For a moment he held still in that ridiculous pose, watching the creek. Then, he gave his head a shake and sank down again. "Water is bad," he muttered, tilting his head as he watched Triell. Corinna had never been mean to him or anything, but it was just.. the sharpness of her green eyes. "I think she thinks I'm stupid or something," he said miserably, sighing and thinking back on their first meeting. Well, if she thought that, she wasn't entirely wrong, and sometimes he was certainly .. different. And, well, if swimming was so awesome... His eyes narrowed a fraction. If it had been anything but winter, he wouldn't have hesitated to shove Triell into the shallow creek, but as it was, he refrained. He shrugged the impulse off, eyes returning to normal, and sought for words he could not find. Awkward silence was all that came from him, and with pleading eyes he waited for Triell to save him.
.ice aesir

sorry for the wait. :/ the past week did not agree with me, and I never really found enough of the peace I wanted to be able to sit down and make a good reply to this. :c

rain rain go away - Triell - Feb 23, 2012

sorry for the wait, and the shortness. i was trying to wrap my head around Triell's reaction to all of this. this just seemed fitting.
Blast it. Why couldn't he have stopped laughing. Soon as his eyes traced upon the silver lines of Ice he could see he wasn't taking it to well. What was worse Ice was stunned at the touch, and he could tell. He jerked back in his own defense. "Whoa, sorry mate," He said while his black ears twisted in remorse, and a frown worked it's way on it's leathery lips. "I didn't mean any harm, I just wouldn't think you could handle crossing the creeks, and river all the time if you don't like water so much," he muttered in softer tones hoping Ice would recognize his attempt to make amends for any harm he'd caused. He shifted backward, rolling his weight onto his haunches to give Ice his space. He wasn't quite sure what had happened, and hoped he'd sit back down instead of standing. It didn't look comfortable how he'd ended up after his jump. "Water's bad." The young Tainn shrugged his shoulders. "Sometimes," he responded, deciding to be more agreeable. He made a mental note to try not to make the silver wolf uncomfortable, and that he may not take to teasing so well. Trielll would try to be more sympathetic for his feelings. He, himself, didn't much care for thunderstorms, and lightning and no one, no matter what would convince him other wise. He tried to suppress the memory of burnt wood, and smoke in his nostrils. He would never forget.

The yearling perked up as he explained about Corinna. So, that's what was really probably bothering Ice. Triell never thought Cori questioned his own intelligence, but he had let her down in her time of need. What could he say? He was reluctant to remedy the situation. One he wasn't sure if he could, and two, he was afraid to make it worse. If he knew Ice better maybe he would have been able to know just what he needed to hear. Ice, well, he'd never met another wolf like him. Which Triell didn't think was bad, but it just didn't give him much to go on. His black mask became thoughtful, his own breaths quiet, and steady. Think, think, think.. Corinna really couldn't think he was stupid. She wouldn't tolerate stupidity. "Hmm, you know I bet she's like me. She doesn't really know you, so she's just not sure. I doubt she thinks you're stupid. I don't think you are." he said a soft smile backing up his words, and all over expression. Ice just seemed a little awkward fitting into the river pack. They all were family, and he was the new guy. "I mean, you don't really know us either. You probably don't know what makes us tick? I guess if that makes sense? He said, drawing his words out slowly. He couldn't quite wrap his head around his own explanation either. His brows were creased wrecking havoc on his forehead. He couldn't tell if Ice understood, or if Triell was just rambling and adding to the confusion of it all.

Jumping to his feet, he shook out his coat with a rough motion. "Hey, you know what. You hungry or something? Would you dare fish, or let me catch ya one?" He asked, his usual broad smile lighting up his face. Quickly his black banner began sweeping the air behind him, and he glanced to the stream. The water was much calmer here, and he did want to make it up to Ice. Perhaps they could get to know each other better over a meal. If he had his mouth full half the time, he'd be more inclined to watch what he said, and did.

rain rain go away - Ice - Feb 26, 2012

no worries!

you do not know who is your friend

or who is your enemy

until the   ICE breaks.
It seemed that everything that could go wrong, was determined to go wrong. Unhappily, Ice stared at his own muddy paws, the creek trickling by uncomfortable close. It had a life of its own, trickling by steadily even as the seasons changed, doing whatever creeks did... With a somewhat guilty expression he sighed, peering uncertainly at Triell's handsome face. "It's okay," he managed to get out, his normally deep and happy voice unusually quiet. Being thoughtful was a state of mind Ice was fairly unaccustomed to, and of course, it affected more then his choice of words - his entire countenance and voice lost its happy, impulsive and childish attitude. In its place was a middle-aged wolf, serene, somehow conveying a wisdom he most certainly didn't possess. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling of a rift, a disturbance sitting just between them, foiling their attempts to communicate. Like an old radio on a stormy night, the tuning just didn't work - they weren't speaking the same language, and yet they did. Frustrated with his own incapability - he was convinced it was himself, since Triell seemed easy-going and decent enough - he ground his teeth together. The noise was grinding, disturbing, and a flash of pain caused his muscles to relax. Ow. He'd shifted his jaws enough to grind against his gums, and it hadn't exactly been a pleasant experience.

Triell's meek agreeing of his statement of water being bad was met with equal parts amusement, suspicion, and disappointment. Somehow, he'd hoped to be argued with concerning his standing on it, but, that wasn't about to happen. It seemed the misunderstanding of the nudge had made the yearling take a step or two back. It didn't exactly help with his frustration that the other wolf was pushing aside parts of himself to not set Ice off into another bout of yelps and wariness - somehow, the notion of altering your own behavior so much for his sake didn't please him. Then again, he wasn't sure why he thought Triell was doing it at all. It was just a feeling he'd got, that earlier on the black male hadn't been quite so.. compliant, with Ice's views. Frowning, he flashed the male another look, but then settled his gaze on the creek again. He didn't know what to say, what he could say without making the situation worse. He wanted to somehow patch it up, but how could he? He didn't even know what he did wrong half the time, but he knew that it was his fault. Chewing absentmindedly on his lips, his ears flickered when a voice once more penetrated their heavy, awkward silence.

Briefly, he jerked his head around to watch Triell's expression as he spoke. Finding no malice there, not even a hint of sarcasm, he relaxed a little more again. Triell was okay, really. It was Ice that wasn't. His thoughts did a backflip of sorts, landing on Corinna again, and he made something akin to a grimace. The black male tried to reassure him he was fine, but he wouldn't rest entirely easy until he'd heard it from Corinna herself. Though, marching up to her and demanding to know what she thought would be quite...unwise. He was likely to make a mess of it, so he'd just have to go with the flow until things began to fall into place. He hoped they would. They'd always done it before. Tilting his head a little, his pale eyes fastened themselves more firmly on Triell's face, though still in a relaxed fashion. "Thanks," he said, wondering briefly he should call Triell mate or something. The loose, slang-ish word felt awkward even in silence on his well-schooled tongue, and he wrenched it aside. He wasn't one who mastered such speech, brought up by stiff-necked idiots on the other side of the mountain.

Unfair. Forgive me.

"It does," he said instead after a short pause. It was true. He had no idea who his pack were, really. He knew them by scent and by sight, but - he didn't know their minds. What did they think? What did they dream of?

As Triell launched himself to his feet, Ice started, tipping sideways but with a more surprised air than before. Whereas the last time he'd flinched he'd been in a fit of self-pity and wariness, it now was simply with curiosity and a question in his eyes. Fish? Keeping away from water as much as possible, Ice had never been properly introduced to the maritime diet. All the same, he scrambled to his feet with a hircine grace on the rocky bank of the Creek. "I, uh..." Ice glanced at the creek. It looked harmless enough, not particularly deep. But, still... Momentarily he flattened his ears to his head. "I don't know how to fish," he said lamely, moving slightly across the stones, pale eyes fixated on the winter water. Was I don't know how to fish an excuse, or simply a statement? Even Ice himself wasn't sure.
.ice aesir