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Pinky Promise. — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
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Vespertio Vuesain

Just as the agouti wolf had thought his curious Ismena was swift to accept the offered leaf clamped between his teeth, repeating the proper name of the formally known green aerial enemy according to Lunette before both their lines of sight followed that of Vesper's to catch a glimpse at the vibrant canopy above. Where the ambitious mousey colored girl was now intent on securing said tree for herself with the help of her papa of course by offering a nudge of encouragement or impatience (he couldn't quite tell, but it was amusing all the same) and a command to take, her litter mate had chosen to remain rooted under the shelter of their father's frame. Voicing her worries and hopes that her adventurous sister would see reason and join her where it was safe from the falling leaves.

Another amused chuckle rumbled the male's chest, head craning downward to catch a glimpse at the shivering child tucked between his forelimbs eying the entrance to their birthing den that marked another secure hideout from the falling vegetation should his frame prove inadequate. Oh what polar opposites his youngest girls were. "Come on out from under there, @Lunette . It's alright." His voice soft and crooning in an attempt to ease away the fears visible behind those saucer pan sized eyes before shifting his attention to his other daughter. Chuckling at her attempts to shove him toward the nearest tree with all her mighty puppy strength, an idea soon striking the agouti man.

"Timberrr!" He called in a booming voice as he mocked the notion @Ismena had actually been strong enough to topple over her sire. Careful not to crush the cowering child beneath him, a beige side flopped onto the ground with a chuckle escaping his lips while letting his head rest easy on the ground, gaze cast toward his daughters to gauge their reaction. Normally whenever he dared to lay in their presence it never failed that one if not both of them decided he needed a good wrestling match. Perhaps he could entice them to do so now, allowing them; or at least Lunette, to forget about the scary things around them. Play time was very good at that.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Adopt who has 21 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismena Vuesain
When in doubt, make Lunette do it.

Vespertio had fallen. On a normal day Ismena would simply initiate play with her father, after all that's what was expected of her if he found himself on the ground, right? However today the young pup's mindset had been altered. Today, she was a gatherer. "Da'" She cooed calmly, slowly pacing toward the slain alpha. "Da', I take." grabbing the male by the scruff of his neck, the lake princess began rough attempts at dragging him to her beloved pile. If he wanted to lay on the ground like some sort of wimp, well, so be it. But he'd have to do so in the heap like everything else.

"Daaa'!" She screeched, quite unimpressed with his willingness to budge after several attempts at moving him. "Da' fat!" the fae howled before giving it one last go. No use, naturally.  "Lu'unt! Take fat da'!" Face scrunched up in displeasure, the small girl plopped herself next to his limp body in defeat. Surely her sister would figure it out, and then they would worry about the tree she so desperately yearned for. "Hurry Lu-unt! Take! N' no chomp!" she sighed. The last thing the pair needed was a fat smushed dad. How would they even explain that to mother?

Your heart's too big for your body.

Ismena Vuesain

(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2016, 08:17 AM by Ismena.)
Played by Fenrir who has 137 posts.
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Lunette Vuesain
Terror was quite an understatement to describe what was coursing through the young silvery pup’s mind as her father toppled over, a victim claimed by the vicious and relentless leaves! Lunette le tout a terrified squeal as the ground seemed to shake in reaction to her fat father falling over, she was almost positive that he had left a dent in the dirt as she scrambled away quickly before glancing back and seeing that her sister had given up hope on nudging the pile of blubber.

Small baby blue eyes glanced between the safety of the den and her father and sister lying together, as Ismena spoke it incited the pup into action, she wasn’t going to leave her father at the mercy of those deadly leaves and she moved quickly. Scampering toward Vespertio and clamping her teeth down firmly into his tail as she began to tug and heave, though doing little more than displacing some loose dirt under her paws before giving a muffled squeak of “Is’a hep!” between a mouth full of fur. If the two of them worked together then surely they’d be able to move their daddy right? Or would they have to tell mama how the scary leaves had recently attacked and claimed him?
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

Well this plan was a bust. Where the slain father had thunk his daughter to act upon her hunter instincts and aim for a good round of wrestling it was actually the gather inside her that arose. With a cooed statement that Ismena was keen on taking him as a prized treasure it wasn't long until the fallen alpha was feeling the points of her tiny needle like teeth digging into the scruff of his neck warranting a wince and "Ow." to erupt from his charcoal lips, his weight too much for the young cub to budge. Clearly the tawny girl was dissatisfied by the notion as her screeching voice soon pummeled Vesper's poor eardrums before insulting him with an announcement that he was now fat. "Hey! I'm not fat, I'm just fluffy!" He spoke in defense of his larger bulk, feinting a look of hurt followed by a soft muttered whine before chuckling quietly. Who knew little girls could be so mean.

Yet the patriarch and father's attempts were futile as soon enough the ringleader daughter soon managed to coax the frightened @Lunette into the gathering of fat dad fray. Tiny paws scampered over from their hiding spot and sure enough the same needle like teeth he felt gripping and tugging at his scruff attached themselves to his tail and gave a mighty heave to no avail, but not without removing a small clump of tail fur. With a heavy huff Vesper knew his idea was a dud and decided it best to give in to his daughters' desire. Rolling onto his stomach creamy limbs hoisted his bulky frame onto all fours and easily padded a couple steps toward the awaiting pile @Ismena had destined him to lay for all eternity now. Once hovering above the collection of rocks and leaves the agouti father toppled back over onto his side with a cloud of dust flying up, golden eyes cast toward the oldest of the two. "Happy now?" He questioned, a crooked smile etched onto his charcoal lips.

Played by Adopt who has 21 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismena Vuesain
I'm so sorry guys! I've had bronchitis for a couple of weeks now so I've been avoiding everything in attempts to feel better U_U. Should we try wrapping this up in the next round or two? :o

Ismena scoffed at the detest her father held toward her spot-on remark concerning his weight. "F-uffy... F...Fl...Fat." she stammered, looking at the man with a shrug. Hey, she tried, right?

It pleased the eldest of the pair tremendously to watch her father abide accordingly to her little plan, even if he had to put himself in the pile. But hey, it wasn't his fault Lunette needed strength training! A grin found it's way onto her tiny lips, and the fae couldn't help but hold back a shriek of laughter as she examined his plump body resting on all the other treasures she'd placed there. "Da-haha'!" she cackled, tail wagging at an alarming place. Though wasn't there still something missing?

"Lu-unt!" The young fae commanded, turning to meet her sisters eyes. "Lu-unt, go also!" Ismena gestured toward the pile, knowing now that it would never be complete so long as her younger kin remained free on the outside. She belonged there with father, and soon after their mother would accompany them in the pile.. And then, well.. Who knows. Maybe the rest of their pack would just have to accompany them. Only time would tell. "H-urry Lu-nt!!" the pup frowned, growing impatient with how lackluster her pile truly was.

Your heart's too big for your body.

Ismena Vuesain

Played by Fenrir who has 137 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lunette Vuesain
The young pup gave a squeak of surprise as her father suddenly sprang back to life, his tail slipping out of her mouth, a few grey bits of fur fluttering through the air and spiraling toward the ground, as he moved Lunette turned as she heard her name, finding herself staring into her sister's eyes, the eyes of sheer insanity as she kept motioning toward the pile. Couldn’t Ismena see that they needed to get into the safety of the den? What of the entire mass of leaves overhead fell down and crushed them all!?

“Nu!” She replied, pointing her small muzzle toward the den entrance, where safety laid, the family could hide away from the terrifying horrors of the outside world and simply stay safe. She kept looking between her father and sister before suddenly something possessed the girl and her maw opened, air being expelled out in a tired yawn that freaked Lunette out, having had no control over it, panic started to rise, she could almost hear her heart racing as she glanced down at her chest squeaking “W-wat at?!”

The pup kept glancing around, trying to find the source of that….{i}THING[/i but there was no answers forthcoming and the scared girl did the only logical thing she could, she scampered toward the safety of father and tried to squeeze under the comforting fur of his belly.
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
I say this can be the last round once they're inside the den and fast asleep?

There was no use, his attempting at correcting his daughter about his size fruitless. The once fluffy king was no reduced to the mere title of a fat father. Oh the agony, but at least he had managed to make his second youngest daughter elated by tossing himself into her pile of treasures, the sound of her cackling proof enough that he had done just that. A smile broke out across his maw watching little @Ismena display her joyousness, his own tail starting to wag behind his rump in contagiousness until an ear pivoted forward to catch the young tawny girl's demand that now it was Lunette's turn to be sacrificed into the treasure pile.

Molten gold orbs shifted their gaze from the now serious Isme to the clearly disapproving look of his silver princess. A soft chuckle left Vesper's lips watching the siblings bicker until suddenly @Lunette 's maw was parting and a yawn escaped her little lungs. Glancing skyward for a moment the agouti father took note of the sun's position and guesstimated it was around that time the pups would be winding down for a nap. Feeling something suddenly press against the side of his stomach, Vesper lowered his gaze to see the frightened girl trying her hardest to squeeze under his fur. Chuckling once more he lowered his head to nudge the top of his muzzle against the side of her cheek, speaking in a reassuring tone. "It's alright, Lunette. That was just a yawn and means you're getting sleepy. It is about time we head into the den for a good old nap after all the excitement today. What do you say?" With that the tawny father rose from the pile of rocks and leafs to wrangle up his children, ushering them toward the entrance of the den. "Come along Ismena, you need to nap too."

Played by Adopt who has 21 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismena Vuesain
Omg I suck at fadingggg~
I'll get to the thread you made asap Ash, it sounds adorable! :D

Ismena couldn't help but squint as her father suddenly rose back up from the pile. Honestly, how dare he. Though realistically it was probably Lunette's fault. After all, he'd only gotten the idea of a nap after the young pup carelessly let out a yawn. "Mmmm" the fae hummed, uncertain with whether or not she was ready for a nap just yet. Sure she was tired after such an eventful morning, however wasn't there better things she could be wasting her time on? More exciting things? "Mm.. Mkay.." the pup murmured, knowing that arguing probably wouldn't get her anywhere anyways. "Ya. Okay, nap!" She repeated once more as if to reassure herself that it was really okay.

Trotting back into their little home, Ismena made sure to pick out the most comfy spot before her sister could get the chance. After all, only puppies who didn't eat their tiny friends deserved to be comfortable. "I gon' fin' more spot wiggles soon.." the pup exclaimed before yawning. "N' Lu'unt no come." she sighed dramatically before finally closing her eyes, and only moments later did she enter dream land~

/Horrible fade

(This post was last modified: Sep 14, 2016, 08:19 AM by Ismena.)